Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Beshir is cooking something to jeopardize peace

By Deng-Athoi Galwak

January 5, 2008 — Northern armies are still in South Sudan soil. So what? Beshir think that he is playing a jeopardy game. Nevertheless he is coward as much as necessary to realize that he is playing with fire and blood. With his recent military showdown in Khartoum, he feel to intimidate SPLA about his newly bought weapons but I can stench SPLA dauntless forces to capture these pious weapons if he is careless to aggravate war [SPLA captured similar tanks before and they will do it again].

The missal of deadline by Khartoum to remove their forces in South Sudan soil indicates chronic defiant of NCP which upshot breached of latest agreement. Khartoum behaviors and actions have already been marked with ‘chilling effect’ in Juba and across the world. The fever is on; and all the Southerners are eyeing at Salva Kiir if he has answers as to why NCP didn’t abide by rules. Even so, the international community is stunned to learn that Khartoum didn’t leave south.

Coincidently, (not mere coincidence) the Arabs militia backed by the Khartoum has waged hushed genocide in many parts of Greater Bhar el ghazal regions. Hitherto, Khartoum is not condemning their actions. Kiir’s administration was applauded by the international community for solving their differences with Khartoum and came back to GoNU (gov’t of National Unity) which subsequently ended the boycott. At least, there was unsullied and renewed optimism that Sudan is entering the New Year with New Year resolution marked by mutual understanding and cooperation. However, New Year is already a ‘death sentence’ on both sides.

It is utterly lucid to see with naked eye that Sudan as a whole is coming from historical civil war in to a “failed state”. The current turmoil is patently obvious that Beshir is cooking something to ‘jeopardize peace’. Few months ago, Jonglei state was incapacitated by Murle militia. Exactly on Christmas Eve, civilians in Abyiei-Meram border were attacked by nomads Arabs Mesiriya. Few hours before New Year civilians/IDPS in Aweil were attacked by Baggara. All these incidents are wholly supported by Khartoum. One must be under darkest illusion to call it a measly coincident why these episodes occurred simultaneously: And interestingly enough Beshir repudiate to remove his forces in Southern soil. Many analysts believe it is a matter of time before either side pull the trigger to renew fresh civil war. Thanks to Government of South Sudan for following the rule of game otherwise Khartoum actions are in due course tempting to provoke preempt war.

With the deadline already missed by Khartoum, SPLA is left to contemplate with some sort of viable option or in worse case scenario ‘last resort’ before they snap like preying hawk. Civilians attack by Baggara in North Bhar El Ghazal is sufficient to start the engine. However, God forbid, it is not yet the best option at hand but it is absolutely best option in mind!

Peace is Gold—therefore, when CPA was signed, the joy was heard way-far in heaven by Archangels and I am sure Jesus was a signatory to this Peace. New Sudan was reborn according to late Dr. John Garang statement! I’m entirely convinced that there is one person who doesn’t love peace – his name is Satan in Beshir skin. What in the world is wrong with this warmonger human being?

Finally, I once said, International Community doesn’t exist in practical but in theory. In recent or even the past decades, a lot of things went wrong under bare eye of International community. Rwanda, Somalia, Lebanon, East Timor, and Liberia are classic examples; however, before you know it, Sudan will be contemporary example of dysfunctional system of International community.

In conclusion, if United Nations/International community was founded on the “principle to preserve world peace” then it is a precise time for international community to preserve this peace in Sudan. South Sudan government under the then late leader Dr. John Garang and current leader Kiir Mayardit has sacrificed enough on behalf of Southerners to demonstrate the world how to live on mother-earth in peace! Beshir is jeopardizing this golden peace and it is time to eject him from this peaceful game.

The author is based in the USA. He can be reached at [email protected]


  • DengLeek

    Sudan’s Beshir is cooking something to jeopardize peace
    It is never a good thing to sound like a prophet of doom but against this man, I think Bashir’s days are numbered. He better think of his honeymoon in death. hahaha. He is a moron to say the least. All blames to God (if at all he exists). Such fans of war and the suffering of innocent people should not have been brought into existence in the first place. just wish i had the powers, I would sweep clean that country and put everyone where they belong and if anyone moves out of their allocated territories, do them what god did to the world of Sodom and Gomorrah. I am sick of his influence in that country. May he live not any longer!!!

  • Samani

    Sudan’s Beshir is cooking something to jeopardize peace
    Mr. Galwak, there was no recent showdown. The Sudanese governments, as many others around the world have military parades. Should you be intimidated? You should! That’s the purpose of these kinds of events. These are home-made btw, not bought from china. It still remains the Army of Sudan and will be respected by its neighbours,(the SPLA is still just a rebel group). You claim the SPLA captured these weapons in the past and used it, maybe. But most of the SPLA’s power, money, training and weapons are from neighbouring countries and ofcourse the USA. Now i wish and hope things will remain peaceful but the its not the North that keeps threatening War, just read the News, articles and replies. Scare mongers and people who benefit from instability are the ones calling war.

    The missal of deadline by Khartoum to remove their forces in South Sudan soil indicates chronic defiant of NCP which upshot breached of latest agreement. What was this agreement that BOTH sides are held accountable to. The following is the decisions endorsed by the CJMC in implementation of the CPC resolutions:

    Resolution 1 on concurrent SAF and SPLA redeployment from Southern Sudan, Blue Nile, and Southern Kordofan by 9 January 2008: the CJMC approved a three-stage redeployment plan with the following targets: 33.3% redeployment by 15 December 2007, 66.6% redeployment by 31 December 2007, and 100% redeployment by 9 January 2007. The Concerned Sector Area Joint Military Committees (AJMCs) will convert these percentages into redeployment targets according to available data, evolve plans for the redeployment to support the given timelines, and report progress to the CJMC. With regard to the Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) redeployment of troops in Blue Nile and in South Kordofan, the report says that the SPLA continues to retain forces in these two regions. The numbers were 22,601 in Nuba Mountains and 35,330 in Southern Blue Nile. The redeployment was supposed to have been completed by 15 months into the CPA’. I’m sure it would be helpful to myself and many readers if the writer was able to analyse the whole picture.

    Concerning Abyei village in Missireya homeland in South Kordofan, there is nothing mentioned in contemporary history of south Sudan that Abyei was once upon a time was part of the south. Deal with it or prove it. I suggest you try and solve south sudans other major problems.

    I’m sure it’s fashionable these days to call any fighting in Sudan ‘Genocide’, even though fighting between the many different tribes in Sudan (North, South, East and West) has been going on since god knows when. What’s the difference between what’s happening between the Mesiriya/SPLM and the SLM-JEM/NCP, you’re a fool or a racist if you think there is. Im sure it makes good eye catcher & reading for Western media. A way so many people use for their own agenda’s. The NCP/SPLM/SLM/JEM all have their tools of propaganda and ALL are liars, each wanting to be holding to or getting on the ruling seat. We all have to be impartial and look at things in an objective open-mind.

    The West, Media and Mr. Galwak seems to picture Mr. Bashir as the route cause of the problems of the sudan. He is the crazy dictator almost bad as Saddam Hussien. What a joke! It would sure make things easy to attack one man (like Saddam, Ahmadinejad or Mugabi). But you are wrong. Not a supporter myself, but Bashir is probably as popular in the north as Mr. Kiir is in the south. When its time for elections in 2009, i hope there will be someone worth voting for (no matter what race or religion, because non of the above (opposition) have any experience or idea about governing Sudan.
    Now the North seems to be realising its potential and trying to develop itself on all fields. It’s time for you to do the same. Stop crying wolf and blaming others for your own underachievements.

    May I suggest you start by sorting out your own differences first, before dreaming of separation under the SPLM, who’s going to be your escape goat then? No matter what government there is power in Khartoum, there will be fighting/struggle/ and people seeking ‘their share’ all over the Sudan. Recent articles show the discontent among minorities in the South. Some views … ‘They are going to push down the peace by killing Murle in Bor and gunning down equatirian police officers in Yambio. Detaining Cdr Mabuto Mamuur without charges. Your folks will be a source of insecurity in the south…..’Most of your dinka are stealing money in Juba and transferring them to Australia and USA in preparation to go and settle when war starts next time’. Try answering instead of silencing all those people asking why? and why not ?

  • Mohanad

    Sudan’s Beshir is not cooking something to jeopardize peace
    The writer of this article has proven himself to be both a fool and an idiot.
    In what way was their a military show down in khartoum,what you saw or heard of is known as a military parade,and military parades are meant to show power of the countries army if the SPLM are intemidated ,so be it,and the weapons and tanks are produced by sudan.
    The sudanese army will only move out of the south fully when the spla do the same and move out of northern teretories.
    and your a fool no one is agrevating war,you are paranoid,however if the splm try to force the situation,then they will be the ones to loose out.they should realise that for their own sake and survival.
    Do not try and blame the souths problems on the north,the south has an autonomouse goverment direct your grevances at them.

  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    Sudan’s Beshir is cooking something to jeopardize peace
    I beleive that deployment of SPLA any where in Sudan is the improvement of the security,Lets forget about terrorist and sadist government operating in Northern sudan,but we as southern people we are still praying for the CPA to be suceed.we know about our internal isuess in south but the ans is simple,Mr Beshir seem to be as the supporter of those attack on SPLA troop by millitias and he also show little interest to provide all the facilities that where sign during the CPA all this attempts where make to break the CPA so that he can continoue his terrorist and sharia laws,but i say sorry your time is acounted and you are standing on half legs to say bye i heard that same black sudanese are coming to south to spread his politics if i should have been there same of them will be return in coffins to Beshir.there is time to those black chameleones to disappear,My warning is those from south who vote for terrorist will follow the votes immediately to north if they want to survive.My view is not raciest whether religion,colour nor triblism but sudan has been empower in wrong way by personal interest and religious politics as we southerns we lost belove ones same were taken alive due to our resistant of converting to once pocket as servant but same did as a way of escaping.Beshir remember that history has no bin but your politics has a bin.So no matter as you benefit by trading with our resources importing weapons to kill with us from your engine china well and good.its time to move your tongue back because if not same one will push it or remove for good make sure that you play a real game with this CPA and make it perfect to be successful southern has million of well qualified drivers confident and prepared if kiir is not able.so stop doing jokes with Goss promises should be handle hand in hands and come truth

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