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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Southern Sudan’s Juba celebrates peace third anniversary

By Isaac Vuni

January 9, 2008 (JUBA)° — The minister for cabinet affairs Dr. Luka Monoja, has today appeal to 26 states of Sudan particularly the ten southern states to construct a permanent roof over the tomb of the CPA heroes of Sudan late Dr. John Garang de Mabior whose mausoleum is laying under direct sun heat.

If you really love late Dr. John Garang de Mabior as your hero who champions the signing of the CPA three years ago, you better show him respect by constructing a shade over his tomb now lying under direct sun heat” remarks Dr.Monoja.

Speaking on behalf of the government of Southern Sudan at the celebration marking the third anniversary of signing of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) in Juba, minister Monoja challenge Southern Sudanese to put aside their political differences and instead work towards reconstruction and development of Southern Sudan.

He also called upon people in Juba and other parts of south Sudan including both the GoSS and states ministers of agriculture to be serious with local food production and to reduce by fifty percent dependency on outside or foreign food comes next year CPA celebration.

Dr. Monoja further calls on local South Sudanese musicians and poets to participate in annual competition for commemorating CPA starting next year and pledge to pay a sum of five thousand Sudanese pounds to any youth who composed the best poem on CPA next year.


The governor of Central Equatoria state, Major General Clement Wani Kong said security situation in and around Juba is still of great concern and that last night three people including a child were killed by unknown gun men who also injured another three persons during last night attacked at Gondokoro area across the River Nile Bridge and the Commissioner of Juba County has been send this morning to investigate and collect more details on the assailants.

Speaking in disappointed tone, Governor Kong wondered from where the assailants have come from to infiltrate his state by killing innocent people such as children. Since Goss took upon itself the challenge of reconciling LRA rebels with the government of Uganda for a political solution, there has been no much threat of LRA to the people in Central Equatoria state, besides, the fruit of lasting peace in both northern Uganda and neighboring countries is expected to bear fruit soon, he stated.

Governor Kong also appeal to all people in and around Juba to respect and embrace peace ushered by CPA as the best avenue for addressing allsorts of differences. He said because of the CPA, the state of Central Equatoria was able to transport 21,000 internally displaced persons from Khartoum and hope to do moiré before then national census kicks off in April this year so that they are counted in their own areas.

Meanwhile the SPLM Secretary for Central Equatoria state, Manase Lomule called on all people living in Juba and the surrounding to observe general cleanliness and stop dumping garbage along the roads especially in custom and Konyokony markets areas.

Mr. Lomule also called on traffic police authorities in Central Equatoria state to ensure that under age children are prevented from riding a bike otherwise many lives these children have been lost while others have their limbs amputation and some have abounded schooling in order to venture into motorbike border- border business in Juba.

Lomule also noted with concern that most of the adult drivers are equally involved in reckless driving especially along Juba Teaching Hospital road among others.

Regarding peace and reconciliation, the SPLM secretary urge all people of South Sudan to excises the spirit of forgiveness and tolerance stating that every one of them positively contributed in the fight against injustice and oppression in Southern Sudan therefore deserved to be respected at all levels. Hence we must start together for democratic transformation process in southern Sudan.

Mr. Lomule reminded the congregation that the CPA has created in all Sudanese the spirit of Victims to victors, and losers to winners. Adding that in today southern Sudan capital of Juba there is constant power supply, clean drinking water supply including road maintenance with tarmac compared to 25 years ago.

The chairman of National Congress party in Central Equatoria state, Mr. Abino Wani Said appeal to all Southern Sudan political parties to support the CPA as the best avenue for realizing lasting peace in Sudan.

He said the south-south dialogue should be encouraged in order to build confidence among southerners.


Earlier NCP Major General Elia Lado Soro announced publicly his defection to SPLM and he was officially received by SPLM Chairman of state Governor Clement Wani together with SPLM Secretary of state Manase Lomule who congratulated Major General Soro for the wise decision he has taken.

When asked why he has decided to join SPLM, Major General Soro said because he is now convinced of SPLM policy and vision besides SPLM MPs in Central Equatoria state Legislative Assembly are demonstrating unity of south Sudanese people in deeds and their cadres compared to NCP, prompted him to join SPLM which he describes as being with his people and its his rightful place, declared Major General Soro.

The new CPA born of the year 2008, Major General Soro, appeals to those South Sudanese members of NCP who are still doubting Thomas’s to quickly join SPLM as a vibrant party that will lead South Sudan to nationhood in year 2011 referendum.

The representative of the youth of Central Equatoria state, Mr. George Oginio appeal to GoSS and state government of CES to ensure security in Juba and the surrounding to enable effective reconstruction and development and guarantee of investors security in South Sudan.

The youth representative also appeal to GoSS authorities to stop grapping land from Bari people and ask them to engage Bari chiefs for dialogue so that land are avail for industrial and residential building purposes as CPA stipulates that land belong to the people than Goss applying force.

This year official celebration of CPA is held in Khartoum organized by SPLM northern sector while the one of southern sector will be celebration in Wau on January 14.

In Juba, the capital of Southern Sudan CPA celebration was poorly organized and there were many masse up by organizing committee, to the disappointment of masses women and youth representatives spoke in classical Arabic, while other political parties representatives are unprepared to deliver speech and Reverend Canon Clement Janda oversteps protocol order by addressing the gathering instead of saying concluding prayer after the last speech of the guest of honour Dr. Luka Monoja are notable shame that need to be corrected in the future.


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