Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Who’s Bona Fide David De Chand?

By Luke Kuth Dak

January 15, 2008 –The Islamic National Front Southern ‘golden boys’ by no means cease to flabbergast me with their preposterous and intrusive behavior against anything and everything South Sudan believes and stands for. These “golden boys” befall like cancer cells which mutate in human gene. For instance, you think that these ” cancerous cells” may have-finally gotten the messages being sent to them by the people, and came back to their senses, but like a cancer, they pop up elsewhere, with the same “old” message of division, confusion and hatred among the people of the South.

Somebody should take the so-called Professor of “betrayal” David de Chand aside and explain to him what Dr. Martin Luther King once said: “Everyone can be great because anybody can serve. You don’t need to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, and a soul generated by love.” He went on to say:” The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think creatively. Education is built on Intelligence and character which define true essence of education.

Interestingly enough, David de Chand claim he obtained a PhD from the Atlanta University, one of the historically Black schools. I have known David squarely. I have protracted conversations with him on a variety of topics pertaining to Sudan. He’s not stupid as one may think. He’s pretty much astonishing likeable person. However, you would absolutely feel very uncomfortable in his companionship, by the way he boast and brags about having a PhD. He feel having a PhD is like the begins and ends of life.

In fact, it’s self-evident that David is a traitor. He’s selling the South to the extremists in the tyrant government of Beshir. After all, this is a man who has never had a stable job, since he left school. To be fair, upon his alleged graduation from Atlanta University, he landed at a part-time teaching job- at the same time- at Georgia Institute of Technology, and at Kennesaw State College respectively. Coincidentally, he was fired from both jobs in just the first quarter (three months). And when he returned to Sudan, he was appointed State Minister in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Those of us who knew him were scratching our heads and wondering what qualities he displaye d t hat prompted Beshir to plunk him in that position. But he didn’t last either. David is his own worst enemy. He seriously undermines whatever credentials he might have the moment he opens his mouth.

Today, David is roaming the streets of the capital Khartoum in brand new Mercedes- Benz and residing in one of the modern villas and travels the World at his own phase. In case if you wondered where that wealth came from, the answer is very simple: NIF.

De Chand gets his money through his mouth simply by mugging on the brave people of Southern Sudan. For example, A couple months ago, at the Islamist terrorists’ national convention, De Chand snubbed every Southern Sudanese family that had lost a loved one during the civil war, when he showered his guru murderer Omar al Beshir whose his hand is full with blood of over two millions Southerners lives excluding our cousins in Western Sudan of Darfur.

David eulogizes Beshir as a hero and a man of peace. In contrast, he darned true heroes and sons of South Sudan, such as Lt.Gen. Salva kiir Mayardit, the First Vice President and his deputy Dr. Riek Machar Teny, who depleted most of their adult life fighting for what they really believed, while the reminiscent of de Chand were enjoying luxurious life in the Western World. At the same convention’s event, de Chand gave an interview to the Islamist terrorist newspaper of al Ray alaam in which he pesky alcohol use in Southern Sudan, and that’s why he refrained himself from participating in political life in the South. Wow! My reaction was that of shock! After all, David, of all people, should be the last one to ever talk about other people’s alcohol use.

The truth of the matter is, this guy can easily get down with a six pack of beer in a blink of an eye. But because he is a moron, he forgot that his drinking buddies are still alive and well. The witnesses are countless. But to name a few: The Rev. Thomas Maluet Hoth, Ustaz Nathaniel Magang Gai and the Rev. Michael Chot Lul- all of whom were graduate students at Atlanta’s interdenominational Theological Center, and who frequented my apartment which I was sharing with Kormach Gak Deng, for Sunday’s conversation. I always made sure there was some beer, so that David can have some. For all fairness, he wasn’t a drunkard. In fact, he was the one who often warn us of the consequences of drinking and driving. Besides, Southern Sudanese are not Muslims to be told not do what they wish to do with their lives. This is a society that believes in human liberties and freedom of choice .

Another David bolt from the blue is GOSS which he victimizes. Three days ago, in his favorite newspaper, al Ray alaam, he accused Goss of being behind the killing of some Northerners merchants in the capital of the South, Juba. Shame on him! The fact of the matter is that: Robberies and murders do occur day in and day out right here in the US, the most powerful country on the face of the Earth. So, what makes David believed that Southern Sudan’s government which only three years old is an inception of this World wide pandemic? In addition, the Arabs he came to their defense, brought some of these troubles to themselves, because they chose not be neutral during and after the war.

Equally they have a lot of blood in their hands. Economically, they looted the South of its wealth, to build and develop their own hometown in the North. On top of that, I don’t believe any responsible government like the one we have in the South, would ever hide behind a bunch of thugs to kill some citizens, whether they be Southerners or Northerners.

In my previous articles I wrote that: In a democratic system of governance, switching from one party for another is indeed, a normal process, So David should just have the guts to join the Islamic National Front, and be over with it, once and for all.

*Luke Kuth Dak is former Juba radio Anchorman/reporter. He can be reach at [email protected].

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