Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan planning to run for presidency of African Union this year

January 21, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese government have submitted an official request to head the African Union (AU) for the year 2008, according to press reports.

The daily Al-Rayaam newspaper with close ties to government officials, said that Sudan wants to run as nominee for the East African bloc.

Sudan has failed in its bid assume presidency of the AU for the years 2006 and 2007 after intense international pressure because of alleged human rights abuses by the Sudanese military in the Darfur region and a threat from Chad to withdraw if the nomination was endorsed by AU members.

It is not clear why Sudan has reversed course on the issue of AU presidency almost week before the summit is due to be held in Addis Abbaba. It was reported that Sudan’s Undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mutrif Siddiq rushed to Ethiopia to submit the nomination.

Sudan has been accused by the UN of blocking the deployment of the UN-AU peacekeeping force in Darfur.

UN Security Council resolution 1769 establishing UN-AU hybrid force provided for a transition from the African Union Mission in Sudan (AMIS) to the force known as UNAMID by December 31st.

Sudan not signed off on the Status of Force (SAF) agreement that governs the work of the new force. It has refused to allow night flights — except for medical evacuation — or large U.N. cargo planes.

Additionally, the government has attempted to require the force to give it advance notice of all movements and to ensure that its military can scramble U.N. radio communications when it is conducting operations.

Sudan has also refused to allow non-African units in Darfur including Swedish, Thai and Nepalese troops.

International experts estimate 200,000 people have died in the conflict, which Washington calls genocide, a term European governments are reluctant to use. The Sudan government says 9,000 people have been killed.



  • Manyang

    Sudan planning to run for presidency of African Union this year
    Criminal shoud be not be the president of the continent BY: Manyang Deng

    Criminal Omar al Bashir aspiration to be the president of the African Union is just another day dreaming of the hyena. If a person like Bashir, can lead the African Union then what will prevent satan’s king Dragon to lead the African’s continent. Bashir is an evil man with the blood of the sudanese peolpe in his hands. Endorsing him to become AU president is like turning the whole of Arican’s continet upside down.

    In my opinions, AU has no credibility whatso ever to represent african continent. The union was formed on shaky principles. It has no vision and direction for African continent. It was founded by corrupted dictators who have no respect for human rights. All african countries and devil’s countries are all members of the African union. Countries which are saving two masters at same time are also members.

    Long live the african continent

    By: Manyang Deng

  • John Amule de Lokolong
    John Amule de Lokolong

    Sudan planning to run for presidency of African Union this year
    well because AU is headed by moors that why they intend to choose Beshir if so let Museveni also be elected because Museveni is smart in mind not crimninal and dictator in behaviours also he deals with real politics not religious politics for personal interest,all we know is that Uganda lack resources that why he was unable to kick out the poverty in Uganda,Mr beshir has no differ with LRA leader as Beshir was the supporter all known as Sadist people should be buried alive according to their sin.

  • Bol Nul Zihew

    Sudan planning to run for presidency of African Union this year
    Hallo Ladies and Gents,

    First of all, I would like to open my comment simply by asking, what are the qualifications of becoming African Union (AU) ‘s Chairman? Just being a president? Is that all?

    Well Mr. Bashir undermines the significance of some of the words that qualify the right governance, however, the words are; JUSTICE, EQUALITY, DEMOCRACY, and you can state more, therefore, how will he address the entire continent if he wins.

    Absolutely, I condemn you Bashir!!!

    Bol Nul Zihew.

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