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Sudan Tribune

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Ex-Sudan rebel movement releases seven people belonging to an Arab tribe

Ex-Sudan rebel movement releases seven people belonging to an Arab tribe
179 words
27 January 2008
01:17 pm GMT
BBC Monitoring Middle East
(c) 2008 The British Broadcasting Corporation. All Rights Reserved. No material may be reproduced except with the express permission of The British Broadcasting Corporation.
Text of report by private Sudanese newspaper Al-Ra’y al-Amm on 27 January

The former rebel Sudan People’s Liberation Movement [SPLM] released seven members of the Missiriya tribe who were detained for over five days in Wau town [southern Sudan].

A source told Al-Ra’y al-Amm that the released tribesmen arrived yesterday in Abyei accompanied by the joint forces on their way to Al-Mujlad. The source further warned against disturbances in the areas of contact between the Misiriyyah and Dinka tribes as a result of what the source called the repeated violations of the SPLM’s army against members of the Misiriyyah tribe.

The joint committee of leading members of the [ruling] National Congress Party and the SPLM is currently visiting the areas of contact between the Misiriyyah and Dinka tribes as part of the efforts to put an end to the skirmishes between the two tribes.

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