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Sudan Tribune

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Food insecurity likely to rise by 7% across South Sudan: UN

April 9, 2022 (JUBA) – Food insecurity is likely to rise by seven percent across South Sudan in the coming months, compared to last year,  a United Nations report on food security noted amidst calls for more humanitarian and livelihoods assistance to avert looming hunger and enhance resilience.

According to the latest Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) analysis, climatic shocks, conflict, economic downturn, displacement and disrupted livelihoods are driving the worsening trend in food security with 7.74 million people across the country slated to face crisis or worse levels of acute food insecurity during the lean season between April and July 2022.

It says more than 80 percent of the entire food-insecure population are from Jonglei, Unity, Upper Nile, Lakes, Eastern Equatoria and Warrap states.

The UN said greater humanitarian assistance and livelihoods support is urgently needed immediately to save lives and prevent the collapse of livelihoods in the worst-affected locations across the young nation.

“FAO is concerned by the rising number of food-insecure people driven by the additional burden of heavy flooding that has occurred in the country for the last three consecutive years,” said Meshack Malo, the Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) Representative in South Sudan.

He added, “To tackle acute hunger, we need to produce more food where it is needed most. FAO will continue to provide seeds, tools and fishing kits to people in urgent need of assistance. We also need increased investment to allow us to find innovative ways to help South Sudanese farmers adapt to climate change so they can grow enough food to meet their nutritional requirements”.

In response to flooding, FAO has reportedly been assisting vulnerable farmers to build dykes and water channels, providing trainings on eco-friendly best agricultural practices and post-harvest handling, and is also promoting increased use of flood-resistant food crops such as rice.

The IPC report further shows that about 1.34 million children under five years in Jonglei, Upper Nile, Unity and Western Bahr el Ghazal states are likely to suffer from acute malnutrition due to inadequate feeding practices.

“As access to those in need improves due to the peace process, we have been making significant progress in treating severe malnutrition in children, but floods and other climate-related shocks leave more children vulnerable. More than 90 percent of children under five put into therapeutic feeding programmes fully recover, and yet funding for this life-saving response is increasingly a challenge,” said Jesper Moller, the acting UN Children Fund (UNICEF) Representative in South Sudan.

The report says three consecutive years of increased flooding, loss of livelihoods, destruction of farmland and livestock and subsequent displacement have deepened the dire hunger crisis engulfing South Sudan, pushing millions into abject poverty as food becomes scarce and millions struggle to survive.

Without consistent humanitarian and agricultural assistance to help communities cope and tackle hunger by supporting those who grow their own food – severe humanitarian consequences are inevitable, it stressed.

“We are extremely concerned with the findings that point to a continued deterioration in the food security situation and a sharp rise in the number of people facing hunger,” said Adeyinka Badejo, the acting country director for World Food Programme (WF) South Sudan.

He added, “The 2022 IPC report represents a successful and collaborative multi-stakeholder process led by the Government of South Sudan. Its findings compel us all to take urgent steps to alleviate severe hunger and prevent a further deterioration in the coming months, while simultaneously building resilience to future shocks,” added Badejo.

Meanwhile, FAO, UNICEF and WFP are calling for greater funding to allow for increased humanitarian assistance and continued implementation of the peace deal to address the root causes of insecurity across the country.
