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Sudan Tribune

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UN relief chief condemns ongoing violence in Unity State

Civilians displaced by the violence in Leer County of Unity State (MSF photo)

April 25, 2022 (JUBA) – The United Nations relief coordinator for South Sudan, Sara Baysolow Nyanti has strongly condemned the ongoing violence in Leer County of Unity State and conflict tensions across the country.

The surge in fighting in April, she said in a statement, has resulted in widespread devastation, with numerous people reported killed, wounded, women abducted and raped; homes burned, and properties looted.

On April 22 and 23, the top UN official led a high-level mission to Bentiu in Unity State and Malakal in Upper Nile State to assess people’s humanitarian situation on the ground and meet with people impacted by the ongoing violence and natural disasters.

During the visit, members of the high-level delegation reportedly listened as women highlighted their daunting experience of gender-based violence, health issues, and the lack of education. Women narrated how insecurity, rape, lack of livelihood opportunities and education impact on daily lives.

“These atrocities happened at the time when humanitarians are responding to mitigate suffering as a result of rains and standing water from the 2021 floods as well as preparedness activities to mitigate the impact of the oncoming rains and projected flooding,” noted Nyanti.

She said it was “unacceptable” to kill those committed to saving other peoples’ lives.

“The violence claimed lives of innocent civilians. We mourn the loss of a staff member of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) who was killed in Leer earlier this month while trying to flee a violent attack on his community. I convey my deepest condolences to his family and colleagues”, said Nyanti.

Meanwhile, the UN relief coordinator called upon all armed actors to respect international humanitarian law and immediately cease targeting civilians, women, humanitarian personnel and their assets.

“Continuation of violence hampers the delivery of humanitarian services to the most vulnerable, especially women, children, elderly and disabled people, and deteriorates further their already dire situation. It increases the number of those in dire need of humanitarian assistance, and we do not have the funds to reach those already in need,” she further stressed.

According to aid agencies, some 6.8 million of the most vulnerable people in South Sudan will need urgent life-saving assistance and protection in 2022. Currently, only 8 percent of the humanitarian response plan is reportedly funded.
