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Sudan Tribune

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Legal group accuses African Union envoy of bias and lack of neutrality

Mohamed El-Hacen Ould Lebatt AU mediator speaks to the press in Khartoum on 5 july 2019 AFP

Mohamed Hacen Ould Lebatt AU mediator speaks to the press in Khartoum on 5 July 2019 AFP

May 9, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – The Darfur lawyers Association called on the African Union to replace its current envoy with the tripartite mechanism, Mohamed El Hacen Ould Lebatt, accusing him of bias and lack of neutrality.

The tripartite mechanism tasked with the facilitation of the intra-Sudanese dialogue plan to hold a preliminary meeting on May 10-12, comprising various political forces and civil society groups, ahead of the process, which aims to restore the 2019 Constitutional Declaration after amending it.

On Sunday, the Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) announced their commitment to the process, after expressing reservations about the dialogue, stressing they want the goal of political negotiations: (establishment of a fully civilian government without the participation of the military) to be clear to all.

In a statement on Sunday, the legal body said to have reservations about the initiative of the tripartite mechanism, in which it was invited to participate, particularly that the constitutional declaration is not suitable as a basis for negotiation, and the mechanism’s approach lacks visions and strategic plans.

“Also, the Association observed that the African Union Envoy, Ould Lebatt, was relinquishing his duty as an independent and impartial mediator,” added the statement.

The civil society group said they will address the mechanism with their vision on how to resolve the conflict with the military and will address the African Union to replace its envoy, “who has abandoned the role of a neutral mediator and is not trusted in what he says and does.”

The Mauritanian envoy became controversial in Sudan after his participation with an Ethiopian diplomat in mediating an agreement to resolve the conflict between the FFC and the Transitional Military Council in 2019 following the popular uprising that toppled al-Bashir.

In a TV talk show broadcast recently on a Sudanese TV channel, a leader of the Sudanese Communist Party, Youssif Siddiq, denied the authenticity of statements attributed to him by Ould Labatt during the 2019 process, which led to the signing of the transitional constitutional declaration.

Reached by the Sudan Tribune to explain their position on the AU envoy, a leading member of the legal group accused the A1frican Union envoy of “implementing the agenda of the military”.

The lawyer who declined to be named further added they have facts that they will mention in their letter to the African Union regarding the request to withdraw Ould Labatt from the mechanism.

He pointed out that the diplomat had previously made a misplaced accusation against the representatives of the Resistance Committees, saying they had an agenda and political affiliation.

“This is not a behaviour of an impartial mediator,” he said.

The military rulers in Sudan accuse some sections of the Resistance Committees of adopting the positions of the Sudanese Communist Party, which rejects any dialogue with the coup leaders.

The Darfurian lawyer went on to say that after joining the UN mediation, the African Union official held again the same consultative meetings that Volcker had previously organized instead of endorsing its findings.

“Ould Labatt did that in order to cancel the outcome of Volcker’s previous works,” he said before stressing that this is “a manner to circumvent Volcker’s efforts”.

The Darfur lawyers group did not indicate when they would send their request to the regional intra-state organisation.

Several sources close to the tripartite mechanism told the Sudan Tribune on Monday that the preliminary meeting is announced for this week might be postponed due to the lack of preparations.

