Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?

By Tut Gatwech

February 5, 2008 — I would like to express my observations or comments on the need to relocate the Jonglei state capital from Bor town to any other suitable site in the interior of the state.

The present state capital, Bor, which also serves as the Bor County headquarters does not qualify to remain a state capital for some simple reasons:

First, the site is located in the extreme west of the state, which is one of the biggest states in the South in terms of land mass. This makes it impossible for other Counties in the state to connect to the state headquarters or benefit from the little services provided for at the HQs. For instance, Counties like Pochalla, Akobo and Pibor to mention, but a few, and some of which are hundreds of kilometers away from Bor do not access the site.

Secondly, the landscape or the availability of land incase the population expands rapidly during the next twenty years or so is not promising. The area is just confined along the river Nile and surrounded by swamp areas.

Thirdly, the natives of Bor town are not friendly to other communities in the state. It is difficult to differentiate the behavior or attitude of a majority of Bor native government officials, police persons, or ordinary citizens towards others. They always try to identify with their native citizens alone.

The Bor County administration also denies approval of land application letters to non-Bor natives who try to acquire land in Bor town. The local administrator approves land applications in very confidential manners defying the authority of the State Ministry for Physical Infrastructure.

The recent clashes in Bor town between the Dinka Bor and Murle also serves as an additional eye opener. The Dinka Bor natives were allowed by the County administration, and probably with the support of the native Police dressed in civilian uniforms, to hunt for Murle Community members inside the town. Even the Murle who were officials in the state government were also targeted in the town. Worst of all, Murle patients who were previously tranferred by UN agencies from Pibor to Bor referral hospital were attacked by the Bor natives on their beds inside the hospital and were slaughtered while the Dinka Bor-dominated police force in town were just watching.

I believe it would be for a good intention to relocate the capital to another site in the interior of the state for the purpose of expediting the development in the state and easy access to the state capital by more than ten Counties.

The idea to relocate the capital is not new. Such ideas came up previously from official administrators of many Counties in the state. However, the process was supposed to be democratically dealt with in the State Legislative Assembly, which the former state governor, Philip Thon Leek, rigged by handpicking a few members of the Assembly to voice out their rejection to the idea.

But the general feeling in the state is that this matter will not be put to rest until it is addressed transparently in a representative manner. And I personally agree that Bor town (or village in its true standard) is not suitable to remain as the Jonglei state capital.

The author can be reached at [email protected]


  • Manyang

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Relocation of Jonglei State’s capital from Bor will not make any different

    Mr Tut Gatwech, I appreciate you for the article you posted on this web site. It is good for people to give their views on any issue so that they can also hear other people views.

    Mr Tut, the most important thing for the people of Jonglei state at the moment is reconciliation and healing of wounds which had been inflicted during the last 20 years. I am proud of the people of Jonglei State. They are peace loving people and they will prioritize their unity above tribal ego.

    Mr Tut, you have to tell us the real reasons why you think relocation of state’s from Bor is so important. Your Motives are clear from your article if I am right. You do not want the state’s capital to be in Bor area because of the reasons known to you.

    You said, the the local people in Bor are unfriendly towards other communities in the state. This is an abasolute ly. What I know so far is that, all people in Jonglei State are peace loving people but they are always misled by wrong element with rotten ideas. I think you know what happened in Jonglei state from 1991 until 1998. Jonglei State was a theatre in which Dr Riek’s short sighted war was carried out. I think you know what attrocities were committed against the local people of Bor and the people in the state in general. These crimes were committed by Riek’s evil forces. For your information, the local people in Bor did not seek to revenge against their innocent neighbours. They knew the crime committed against them was the idea of the few evil men.

    You also said, Bor is far from other communities in the state that is why it needs to be relocated to the center. This is not true Mr. Tut. What can you say about Juba capital of Southern Sudan which is at the Uganda border. can we also relocate it to the center you claim so that people can have access to it. Mr Tut let tell the truth to our people. Bor is the historical capital of Jonglei state. Why do we need to change it now.

    Mr. Tut my advice to you is that, let us all work hard to build peaceful community in Jonglei State. Let us stop advocating on issues that would further divide communities in Jonglei State.

    By: Manyang Deng can be reached at [email protected]

  • Manyang

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Stop fuelling tribal hatred on this issues. By Manyang Deng

    My comrades, stop fueling tribal hatred on this very article posted by Mr Tut Gatwech. Tut was expressing his views on the affairs of the state and he must be respected for expressing his personal view. We are all longing for true democracy in our country and freedom of expression is one of pillars of that democracy. if we are for democracy, let us not attack each on tribal line when some body express his or her view on any issue.

    We have to express ourselves as professional. Let us rise above our tribal differences. We have to challenge each other based on the opinion given and let not go far as to attack each other tribes. My message to you all is that, people in Jonglei State are peace loving people but they are always spoiled by people with tribal mind set. Let us consider each other ideas as personal opinions which have no connection to any community. Let us work to unite our people and make Jonglei is a state of opportunities.

    By Manyang Deng.
    can be reached at

  • Chol Nyok
    Chol Nyok

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Dear Gatwech,

    You are very right and I seconded your idea. You are thinker and these are people with piece of mind needed for reconstruction of South Sudan.

    However, to avoid critism you would have stated the current advantages of Bor Town and then stated the disadvantages instead of being one way traffic. Bor Town is good capital cities currently because of it acessibility, I mean the main road from Juba and River Nile provide ideal modes of transport. In addition to that Bor Town is one among the oldest towns in Sudan therefore, administration can use old buildings instead of starting from zero and the like. I think if you would have stated such no one could critise you.

    I agreed with three points you spelt out like the location of Bor Town, land shortage and distance from other counties. But I do not see the alternative now except Kadiang between Pibor and Bor Town and people will begin from zero because Kiir;s administration has no budget allocated for construction. You have a good idea Mr. Gatwech but time and situation will not let your idea be perceived as perfect, you need to take that point.

  • James James
    James James

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Mr. Gatwech:

    Please let people bark, quack, mew or even others hiss day and night, but the truth is going to be a truth without other alternatives, first of all Bor has been a symbol of tribalism since the day of its establishement. As you know, Sudan don’t have a headquarter name after its tribe, there is no town called Murle, Mandari, Lokoro, Nuer, Bari, shullik, Anyuak, or Karamojong, or kikuyu at all, but we are shame to have town called Bor which people want to disguise it as Jongolei headquarter, this is not going to work.

    As matter of fact, the relocation of Jongolei headquarter is something very imminent, because everything will come to its place through facts supported by its questions and answers derived from the following :-

    1- Headquarter should be safe, Is Bor safe for every body ? the answer is NO.

    2- The locals surrounding the headquart must be peacful, are Bor people peaceful, the ans. is NO, in fact they has just slaughtered patients in hospice at hospital few months ago.

    3- All other tribes in the area must accept the location of the headquarter, do Nuer, Anyuak and Murle accept headquarter to be in Bor ? the ans. is Big no, actually even now some tribes have already fled the town.

    4- The headquarter must provide freedom to every citizen of the state as well as foreigners, so is there freedom for everybody ? the asnwer still bitterly no, Bor harass people every where includes hospitals and even government offices.

    5- Then, if other tribes refuse to work in Bor as headquarter, do Bor have power to bring Murle and Nuer plus Anyuak back by force ? the result is not at all.

    6- Could Bor remain as headquarter under one state without other groups ? the answer is no.

    7- Headquarter should be safe from other natural calamities like earthquake and others Is Bor safe from those disasters ? the answer is no because Bor is very swampy, infested by a lot of mosquitoes, snakes and even devils like their hateful god, Bor themselves called it ” Jok Rach” which always cause problems among people who live in Bor.

    With all these NOs, why should we bother ourselves, Bor as a town has been disqualified by its own name while back since creation of the universe, Bor has been symbolized and charaterized by its name alone without us, unfortunately as large busket of hatred, cheating, nepotism, greed, and tribalism very badly, actually just to name few.

    Hence, please Gatwech and others don’t trouble yourselves, I know everybody is even tired to see those ugly gaps plus those broken maroon residues of teeth in Bor. If they don’t accept relocation of the headquarter, easily we are going to form or get our own state democratically without a single problem.

    God bless.

  • David D. Mayom
    David D. Mayom

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Dear Mr. Tut Gatwech,

    Your February 5, 2008, in which you suggested the need to relocate Jonglei State capital from Bortown, the shortage of land use for future expansion, and the hostility of Bor natives to other communities is well received. As we are interested in the growth and development of this state as well as the future stability in the state, we would would welcome any observations or comments that is more objective and helpful to the future of this state.

    In response to your observations or comments about the need to relocate the Jonglei State capital from Bortown to any location within the state,the prediction of land shortage in the near future, and the called of Bor natives as being unfriendliness to other communities is dismissed. I regret to let you know that your observations or comments serve no value to the future and stability of this state rather than to cause more harm and unhealthy discussion among the citizens of Jonglei State.

    Your observations or comments seem like solutions to the diagnose problems, however your observations seem to be sabotaged because of lack of enough evidences to back them up.

    First, you claimed that Bortown is far way west from other cities, which make it difficult for citizens from other cities to have access to the state capital. Bortown isn’t that far from Pochalla, Akobo or Pibor just mention few. For instance, if you take a closer look of the map of the United States and find where Washington, D.C. is, you will find that Washington, D.C. is very far from th western states and it still serve very well citizens from those states without any problem. The location is not the major problem we faced if we can work together side by side and iron out our differences that limit us to do the common for the state. We have major challenges such as insecurity in the state that need immediate attention than the minor problems. We can achieve a lot of things even if the Jonglei capital is located in Sudan capital or in Western Sudan.

    Second, landscape is not the major problem that can be concerned as now. The is enough piece of land to all of us if more expansion is needed. If you take closer look of east, south, and north side of the town, you will discover that there is enough piece of land to settlement those who will be interested in the town. But be advised that we are not “bring people to town, but town to people.” In addition, the allegation that the Bortown local administration denied land applications for those who are non.-Dinka is just an allegation of no merit rather than to commit sabotage against Bortown local officials.

    Third, I don’t think Bor natives are that hostile to other communities as people of it. In the history of our moment, there is enough evidences to prove that Bor natives don’t go eye for eye. If indeed Bor natives were real hostile to other communities as people suggested, I don’t think we would have achieved what we have achieved. You mentioned one incident that happened last year, but you failed to discuss in depth what was the root caused of the problem. It is good and nice to all of us if we can present both side, but not just one side.

    We love to welcome any observations or comments,but people need to more objective in their comments. We genuinely appreciate observations or comments of those who tend to take an objective view of the subject matter. It is our intention and continue to be our intention to work very well with those we may disagree and agree for the well-being of our lovely state, Jonglei.

    David Deng Mayom,
    the author can be reached [email protected]

  • Ajakdit

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Good afternoon Tutdit, your perspective on relocation of Jongkulei state capital from Bor Town isn’t bad at all, you have right to suggest your thoughts unless it is not well presented it may be disputed by some other readers like me.

    To get down to your point, the reasons that you produced here are not that vitally important as you said “I disqualified Bor Town for some simple reasons” certainly, your points are so simple to disqualify Bor Town to become our capital. Just to prove you wrong about accessibility of Bor Town with other neighboring Town, Bor Town has three infrastructures:

    1.Water body accessibility (Nile)
    2.Roads accessibility
    3.Air accessibility

    Nile has connected the Town (Bor) with many Towns for instance; Capital city of southern Sudan (Juba) is connected to Bor by all the above means. Torit, Kapoeta, Mangala and rest of Equatorians region Town are all accessible to Bor so forget of that. In an upper Nile region it is connected to Pibor, Pochala and Buma by roads and air infrastructure. Just to mention but a few, therefore, there is nothing substantially wrong with accessibility of Bor Town.

    However more, Tut, you got to mention your “contingency plan” in your proposal to validate your suggestion, incase today your proposal is approved by GOSS what will be your next Capital in your opinion? You did not mention. And that to me shows you were trying to see the reaction from Bor community and you are not ready for the plan.

    About Buor not being friendly community Tut, this not and never true from its all aspect, Borians actions in the past and now can even tell how wonderful and patience this community is, if people out there are not ready to sing the loyalty of Bor community. Bor is a community that becomes volatile and uncontrollable when misbehaves towards it repeatedly. Otherwise, there is no comparison between Bor with other Southern communities; they have their “Fair slogan” of telling one another to hang on before an action takes place.

    Lastly but not least, as a concern citizen of “BOR COMMUNITY” this issue of making Bor Town capital will have disadvantages outweighing advantages on our community especially those living around it, which I will not mention here. Therefore, if majority of people are opposing Bor Town being made as capital then that is fine.

    By: Butrus Ajak.

  • David D. Mayom
    David D. Mayom

    Why the Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?
    Dear Countrymates,

    If there is one thing that the idiots and the activists of so-called the kitchen politics or internet politics likes, it is the division of the sudanese people who are willing to reconcile and unite after years of bitterness. Over the years, Sudanese people have been so divided by a lot of issues. But after the passage of CPA, it was a turning point in Southern Sudan history, where people and communities who never been on the same table together for long period begins to heal the wounds of the past. However, as people begins to talk and out work their differences, the idiots and activists of the so-called kitchen politics can’t give up their mission of continuing to find issues that can divide people or cultivate environment that can promote the seed of hatred against certain group of people. What benefits is it they will gain from it? On the other hand, what the activists of so-called kitchen politics forget is that“the remedy may be worse than the disease.”

    Recently, the activists of so-called kitchen politics launched a campaign against Bor natives that people can view as dangerous and unsuccessful campaign because of its harm it will cause among the people. Dinka-Bor natives and other communities have been in bad relationships for number of years and the more people try to get behind those differences that divide them and find common grounds, the more the enemies of peace work tireless to continue bring up issues that can push people far away from one another.

    In the observations or comments in title “Why Jonglei State capital should be relocate from Bor? posted on February 5, 2008, the author raised a lot of controversy issues that can end up in unhealthy discussion in which nobody can benefits from it. I absolutely agree with brother Peter Reat GatKuoth that if change is necessary, discussing it on the web is not the appropriate way to handle those issues raised by the author of “Why Jonglei State capital should be relocated from Bor?” We are civilized society, and if indeed we are civilized society, then we should follow the correct path of addressing those issues. If there is any change that need to be made, we have city officials, county officials, and the state officials we can bring up any matter before them for further discussion. But the launched of the internet campaign against Bor natives will do more harm than good.

    If people really need change, it will not just happen overnight. But it will take a time for it to happen. If the author was really interested in the well-being of the people in Jonglei State, then he must have communicated the need for new change using pep talks, treating Bor natives who he targeted as unfriendliness to other communities, with respect and kindness. But the author failed to provided convincing reasons for the upcoming change, instead he serious attacked Bor natives in disrespecting way that hit the feeling of Bor natives.

    If change is necessary, then change should be presented and be made to coincide with culture and norms of civilized society. But leveling of the Bor natives as being unfriendliness to other communities is a threat to influence them to accept the change, even though change is the best for the Jonglei State as a whole. The author comments was not encouraging Bor natives participation in the establishing the change author claimed is needed.

    There were other authors who just jump into conclusion even without clear understanding of the history of Bortown . It is very important that people do their homework before they just go on the web and write their nonsense.

    Many people look for advantages of the capital city, but under look the disadvantages of the capital. There are a lot of disadvantages of capital to local residents compare to advantages. In most capital cities, overpopulation is major problem which can be breeding grounds for social crime that can be big burden to city government to fight it.

    So, lets put behind kitchen politics and go to work, build trust among ourselves, be fair, speak your feeling in light of other feelings, and tell the truth. The internet war of words will not do us anything good than harm. And the activists of so-called kitchen politics should be warned that“he who says what he likes shall hear what he does not like.”

    David Deng Mayom, the author can be reached at [email protected].

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