Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s Jonglei Governor strengthens disarming force for peace

By Philip Thon Aleu

February 7 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – To restore peace, primarily through disarmament, in the most volatile Southern Sudan State of Jonglei, the governor has increased the disarming forces already in task since December 2007.

Addressing the state Legislative Assembly today Thursday February 7, Governor Kuol Manyang Juk said Sudan’s First Vice President and South Sudan government President Salva Kiir Mayardit has responded positively to his plead of speeding up disarmament in Jonglei.

“I’m given one battalion of SPLA strongmen,” said Mr. Manyang stressing that a future increase is possible, “should any need arise.”

The governor was returning from the Compressive Peace Agreement (CPA) third Anniversary celebration held in Terekeka town, 50Km west of South Sudan capital – Juba in Central Equatoria State.

Kuol also held meeting with Terekeka county commissioner, Juma Ali Malou “to affirm peace” deal reached with Bor county counterpart Abraham Jok Aring, last month. The two counties of Bor and Terekeka held a peace conference in January and ‘a follow-up team’ resolved to be formed is already yielding better results.

The governor seems to be very pleased that Central Equatoria and Jonglei states will resume amicable co-existence, what he had dared for.

Manyang said peace is a priority in any plan on the road-map to development. He has repeatedly said this statement on many occasions, and thus an assurance of future peaceful Jonglei.

In December, the governor told the citizens of the state, that “insecurity is high on his mission” to the state (as a new governor then).

South Sudan army are based in Jonglei territory to disarm civilian population. All communities are armed with at least RK47, they attained during the rebellion of the SPLA against Khartoum government that lasted 21 years. The pastoralist’s communities of Jonglei resorted to use of arms in protection of their cattle. Nearly all communities accuse each other of cattle is being raiding. The disarmament exercise, started in Murle areas mid December, is due to extend to all corners of the state as soon as possible, the state government revealed.

The governor told audience at Bor town Freedom Square on December 24, 2007 that, “only Sudan Armed Forces (SAF), Sudan People’s liberation Army (SPLA) and Joint Integrated Units (JIU) have absolute right to hold guns and anyone out of these institutions is doing so at his own risk.”

Since Kuol Manyang took Jonglei high position last December, reports of attacks, as during his processor’s reign, considerably reduced. Community against community and culture against, as said in the Bible, took root in Jonglei and now seen to be history of long ago.

The coming battalion will boost SPLA units, challenged by the notorious, armed cattle raiders in Jonglei.


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