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Sudan Tribune

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Oromo refugees and the regional context

65 Oromo refugees killed, over 90 injured in Puntland’s Bosasso city

By Qeerransoo Biyyaa

February 13, 2008 — This article is a continuation of my previous article “The horrendous circumstances of Oromo refugees in East Africa”. This one is more of a translation of a press release by Oromo Liberation Front about the heart-wrenching act of genocide against Oromo refugees in Puntland, Bussasso. The statement was written in Oromo language, Afan Oromo. The translation is to help English readers uderstand the situation and help rescue Oromo refugees from future similar attacks.

Beginning of translation. The heinous crime committed against Oromo refugees in Puntaland’s Bosasso city on February 5, 2008 at 8:00 pm, has been an act that has shocked all humanity. Two grenades were thrown at two ‘tea-houses’ where Oromo refugees were watching videos in Oromo language, leaving 65 people dead , and 90 people injured . The ‘tea-houses’, equivalent of cafes, were the regular meeting and socialising palaces for Oromo refugees. Armed men opened fire, killing the ones who survived the deadly bomb blasts. The killers transported the bodies of the dead away from the site of the blast in two convoys to conceal the tragedy. In addition to the scores killed, residences of 250 Oromo refugees were set on fire with all their property. Some survivors of the attack were denied hospitalisation, beaten and chased away. This shows Oromo refugees were denied human dignity and respect that everyone deserves. Therefore, we condemn the force that has caused these cruel and inhuman acts.

It is a well known fact that for decades many refugees have been leaving Ethiopia to escape political persecutions. The majority of refugees fleeing Ethiopia belong to the Oromo people. Persecutions against the Oromo have reached a record high during the rule of the current TPLF-led Ethiopian government…End of translation.

By deduction, the statement translated above indicates how the conspiracy between the Ethiopian government and neighbouring countries have led to following refugees in exile and carrying out ethnic cleansing. Concerned organisations such as the UN, UNHCR, the African Union, genocide watch and human rights watch groups should be aware that the free mobility the Ethiopian Army has in and out of its neighbouring countries is sure to cause ethnic cleansing such as the one translated above. It is extremely important to put international legal restriction on the free movement of the Ethiopian Army into its neighbouring countries in search of refugees.

The author is based inside Ethiopia he can be reached at [email protected]

1 Comment

  • Ezeyakum

    Oromo refugees and the regional context
    Puntland Authorities Held Suspected Ethiopian Deadly Attack

    9 February 2008


    Puntland semiautonomous police have detained up to six people suspected of behind the attack on Ethiopian citizens in Bosaso town that at least twenty five Ethiopians died authorities said.

    The police force have broken-in an area close to Bosaso port the provincial capital of Puntland which the lethal hand grenades on Ethiopian natives occurred on Wednesday night where they have seized from these suspected men
    Police said that prior to they took into custody these men have resisted against the soldiers wanted to confine them Puntland police commander-in-chief Abdi Aziz Said said.

    He added that they will not draw back to put in the complex panel those were behind one of the most deadly attacks happened in Bosaso town as the city’s residents are discretely hypothesizing with reference of the blast were littered on Ethiopian citizens were staying at a movies watching site on a nighttime.

    Shabelle Media Network (Mogadishu)

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