Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Minnawi commands security forces in Darfur including RSF: Daglo

Abdel Rahim Daglo

Abdel Rahim Dalgo speaks at reconciliation meeting in Nyala on June 13, 2022

June 14, 2022 – (NYALA) – Abdel Rahmim Daglo, Second Commander of the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) said on Monday that the security forces in the western Sudan region are under the command of Darfur Governor Minni Minnawi.

Daglo was speaking at a reconciliation conference in Nayla to end a dispute between the Rizeigat Arab and the Falata (Fulani) tribes on Monday. The event was attended by Minnawi, North, East and South Darfur governors and tribal leaders.

In his remarks at the RSF-sponsored meeting, Daglo referred to the recurrent accusations that RSF militiamen fight beside their tribe members using the government’s heavy machine guns against the other tribes including the Falata.

He admitted their failure to protect civilians in the region and pledged to support the local authorities to reduce violence in the region.

The RSF second commander pointed out that the region’s governor and state governors have the power to direct the security forces and oversight their activities to protect civilians. Also, he said that the government forces closely work with the signatory armed groups and have a strong relationship.

Having said that denied that RSF leaders direct the RSF forces to participate in the intercommunal fightings that take in the region.

“I and my brother, Hemetti, are innocent of the blood of every Sudanese,” he stressed looking at the Darfur governor on his right side.

This is not the first time that the RSF commanders admit that they lack control over their fighters who can easily use their weapons in the tribal clashes without being held accountable for their indiscipline.

To free themselves from guilt or blame for the unlawful activities of their paramilitary forces, Dalgo asserted that “the SRF elements are under the oversight of the Darfur region governors, starting from today”.

“The day he was sworn in as Darfur governor, I told him in front of the President (Abdel Fattah al-Burhan) to store his army’s weapons in armament depots and to carry out his duties, including oversight of the army, the police, the intelligence service and the Rapid Support Forces (in the region,” emphasized Daglo.

He further went on to say that Minnawi did not come to rule the region in the name of his group the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM), stressing, “Minnawi is the actual ruler, and he came to rule with the existing regular forces, and whoever sees otherwise is mistaken.”

Minnawi who was present at the meeting did not react to what Daglo said.

On May 3, 2022, Minnawi stated that he cannot be blamed for the security failure in Darfur pointing out that he has no power on the ground.

He further called on the Sovereign Council to expedite the passage of the Darfur governance law and hand over the entire security sector to the regional government so that he can end the intercommunal violence.

The slow implementation of the security arrangements delayed the gradual integration of the former rebels.

It is also believed that the military leaders continue to urge the peace signatory groups, including the SLM-MM to end their presence in Libya and bring back their fighters home.

Daglo underscored that the RSF include over 5000 fighters and officers from the Falata tribe and denounced claims that the paramilitary forces are exclusively composed of the Rizaigat tribal branches.

