Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ethnic marginalization in Eastern Equatoria State

By Severino Lado

This Letter is intended to reach HE. the President of

Dear Mr. President,

February 14, 2008 — It has been the slogam of the SPLM that liberation is
for Justice, Equality and Democratic society with
Freedom of participation and Representation of all.

To the contrary this is not the case in Eastern
Equatoria State where the State Parliament is treated
as ethnic camping site. Whilst other tribes are not
Represented in that so-called Parliament.

To give you abrief history of what I’M trying to put
across; In 1994 during the first SPLM/A national
Convention in Chukudum the Lokoya Community presented
their request for a County, which was presented by
then A/CDR Philip Lomodong Lako, no body pay attention
to that noble demand.

Secondly, during Greater Equatoria Regional
Convention held in Yei, we presented another document
to the then Governor Samuel Abu John and again made
subsequent follow up at Naivashia together with other
Communities also yelling for Counties they got theirs
ours was no where.
After the Comprehansive Peace Agreement signed on the
9th January 2005, followed by formation of GOSS and
States Governments our Community still has no
representative or Member of Parliament in Eatern
Equatoria State Parliament WHY?

All other even small Communities like Buya, Pari, Madi
etc has their representetive in State parliament, What
could be the logic for small Villages within Torit
County like; (Ilyeu,Ambrose Ocholimoi) ( Hiyala,Tulio
Odongi) ( Loronyo,Ovis Asda) ( Imurok,Dominic Otwari)
Ifothu, Arnol Hathulang) having many members in the
parliament while larger part of the County with
sizable Population remain unrepresented? Lowoi which
comprises of 24 Villages, Langairo with its 8villages
and Lofiriha with Five villages these villages
represent what is today call Eastern Lokoya but yet
they are compress in on Payam, which not on the map of
the state the socalled Kudo Payam.

I therefore, appeal to the president Salva Kiir to
reconsider the our grievances and reach some sort of
action on the points given above.

The writer is Formar SPLA proper officer Living in
Southern Sudan. can be reach at R-Mail:
[email protected]


  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Ethnic marginalization in Eastern Equatoria State
    I can see that Equatoria has been ignorned in terms of development but no matter lets keep everything internal for the next agender

  • Aleer Dau Deng
    Aleer Dau Deng

    Ethnic marginalization in Eastern Equatoria State
    Mr Lado i think your area did not become a county for it was un accessable since late 1992 because it was a hide out for anti SPLA especially around Longairo Lowoi mountain the former EDF head quarters was there and for sure it was because of EDf of Martin Kenyi and others that made it had for SPLA to compture and defence Torit during the last attempt in 2003 before CPA could be signed.
    SPLA would have registed the SAF in Khor- Englize if EDF didnot collabrated with SAF Khor-Englize or Lirya would have been recogised has your county. I think itis too late to demand for your absolut right at wrong time.The Pari of Lafon and Buya of Buodi county work had for peace and demanded their right at right time althought that does not matter with out strong support to SPLM/SPLA at the time it was needed.
    Any way that was my own view continue with your demand forget of the principle which say ‘late comers take born’

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