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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei

February 18, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — In the latest series of escalation, a senior Sudan People Liberation Movement (SPLM) official issued a strong worded warning to those he describes as “war mongers” from the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in Abyei.

Luka Biong Deng, Minister for Presidential Affairs in the Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) said in press reports shown on the daily Al-Sharq Al-Awsat that the SPLA will respond swiftly to any attack “targeting any natives of Abyei regardless of their ethnicity”.

The Arab Misseriya tribe in the oil rich region on their end announced that they have appointed Mohamed Omar Al-Ansari as the governor of Abyei. The new governor gave the SPLM an ultimatum until next Saturday to abandon the administration to a group called “Abyei Liberation Front”, or else they will face a military offensive.

Al-Ansari said he is flying to Khartoum to consult with “security officials” and to address the Abyei natives in the capital and brief them on the latest developments.

There was an outbreak between Sudan People Liberation Army (SPLA) and the nomadic Misseriya tribe, who go to Abyei for cattle-herding, in November and December of last year which claimed dozens of lives.

Both sides accuse each other of initiating the violence. Recently members of the Misseriya tribe closed the route leading to Abyei.

The SPLM chairman Salva Kiir instructed SPLA units in December not to attack the Misseriya tribe or any other tribes in the area.

Deng accused the NCP of backing certain parties to fuel the conflict in Abyei despite the work done inside the presidency to resolve the issue.

“We tell those people that the phase of war is over and the Abyei issue is in the hands of the presidency” he said.

But Al-Ansari said that each of the five members of the “Abyei Liberation Front” appointed to administer the region is leading a battalion of 1500-3000 armed fighters surrounding the governorate of the region from a distance of 20 kilometers.

The Misseriya leader said he has “the same legitimacy as President Omar Al-Bashir and his Vice President Salva Kiir”. He also urged the women and children to be evacuated from Abyei if the SPLM refuses to hand over the administration to them.

The SPLM and the National Congress Party (NCP) have yet to resolve the issue of the oil rich region with both sides claiming ownership of the area.

Kiir told the semi-governmental Al-Ahram daily last week that the NCP is the party blocking the implementation of the Abyei protocol which is part of the Naivasha agreement that ended two decades of the civil war between the North and the South.

Under the protocol a commission known as the Abyei Boundaries Commission (ABC) was to “define and demarcate the area of the nine Ngok Dinka Chiefdoms transferred to Kordofan in 1905, referred to herein as Abyei Area”.

“The ABC report should be binding to all parties but the NCP rejected it and is looking for an alternative. This is not acceptable to us and we will stick the report” Kiir said.

However the president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir said that the NCP is committed to the Abyei Protocol only with the border of 1905. He further said the government is not concerned with the ABC report and that the latter is of no value to them.

The Abyei region has been described as Sudan’s Kashmir by the ENOUGH project saying that it may develop into a “national war with regional implications and historically devastating repercussions”.

The SPLM signed a peace deal in January 2005 with the government of the National Congress Party in January 2005 ending two decades of civil war in Southern Sudan. The peace deal made the SPLM, the ruling party in the south and the NCP the ruling party in the north.

In 2011, southerners will be asked to vote in a referendum on whether they want to be independent or remain part of Sudan.



  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Their days are numbered. They should stop spreading the war to innocent civilians in Abyei. South Sudanese are determine to fight to the last atom of their bodies. They have shown the forces of evil what it means to go to war although other forces of evil were brought in from Middle East to help their political goons.

    There is no solution to this problem unless they leave South Sudanese to go away with their land. SPLA has no rooms for negotiations with forces of evil who are self-centred and highly uncivilised. These are the groups who don’t even read Quran. They should go to hell instead of intefering with the peace that has been achieved by all of us.

    Dhieu Dok…..Commander of Anyanya III

  • Juach D Juach
    Juach D Juach

    Who are the “Abyei Liberation Front”?
    And from whom are they liberating Abyei from? This is bulshit and no one in South Sudan and SPLM/A gonna entertain this typical NCP blackmailing of the natives of Abyei!
    Ok, if Abyei belongs to Baggara, can they tell the world what the term Abyei stand for in their vernacular or Arabic?
    Am stating this because Abyei for the Muonyjang.It has one meaning from the far North to the far South (Abyei-Tali),and from the far West to East (Aweil-Ajak Ageer).

    Alluta Continua!

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Mr Kiir please be positive to NCP in Abeyi,did you record those points leading a battalion of 1500-3000 armed fighters surrounding 20 kilometers.he is legitimacy as President beshir,and also urged the women and children to be evacuated.beshir is committed to Protocol border of 1905.and not concerned with the ABC report.

    Abyei Liberation Front is another main and major engine for NCP yet Kiir has forgotten his weapons from Kenya,de more you sleep de more you get, we need **** for real Logic

  • Wunashuei

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    I’m totally disappointed when I hear those whom cliam to be Abyei liberation front (ALF) issuing the words of threat to the legitimate authority on the ground to hand over the administration to them. this is not a threat to Abyei alone but to the nation as whole. I would like to let Mr Kiir and Bashir knows that these gruop is not only for Abyei but they are a tast dose to the government of national unity, thus intended to violate the CPA in which the people of Sudan had sacrifices their lives for its achievments in both side. I urge the GoNU and the UNMIS to critically look into that issue and come up with urgent and fruitful solution for the people of Abyei and the of Sudan at large.

    And to those who called them selves ALF, pliz liberation is not just something you can say simply like that it has taken SPLA 22 years to reach a place like Abyei, so pliz put in your minds that liberation withuot plan will not only pay back with the lost of lives but to the extend the lost of land too, so think again and review your words of threat and the title you have given on to your sleves, we know well that there is no smoke without fire, this must be engineered by pro NCP who are the enemy of peace, working tirelessly day and night to destroy CPA, but we know you all, the time will come when you wil be shown to the public.

  • Mijocque

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    I completely wonder what this Jalabas want from South Sudan.Is the name Abyei an arabic word? or what are they after? If they are not totally idiots they would think of the word Abyei if it’s an arabic or Dinka word.If it’s because the region is oil rich then they are not wise thieves,it’s better for them to beg the owners of the land (SOUTHERN SUDANESE)even though no one can give them a portion but it could be reasonable than standing on the string and thought is pole because a beggar is respected for begging politely.

  • Deng Arop Mading
    Deng Arop Mading

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Haa Ya Misiriyia and the so call governor in the darkness, Al nasri you have no ligitimacy in Abyei area, and ofcourse your 1500 – 3000 created number can not intimidate the people of the Abyei and the south sudan at large, Dear Bashir your days are coming to an end, backing up the misiriyia to torrorized Abyei territory will never spare you in power. NCP have not says in Abyei, and indeed you working behind the scene to bring down the CPA, is now seen by the nationalist and patriotic sudanese who will never entertained you junta leadership. putting misiriyia as your fore screen in complicating Abyei protocal implementation is justify by your black arabs who doesn’t understand what quran. but with their low thinking ability they just want you. Mr Al Nasri or whatever name you are call, think before you take your step ahead in intimidating SPLM leadership in Abyei Area.
    Dear Boing congratulation for pointing out who is really behind the Abyei protocol, not to be implemented as the CPA spell it.
    Bashir, you should know that the speech you made in Wad Madani, will never fade out of our mind. and this time round if Misiriyia don’t accept the fact out of the Abyei protocol, then you will dilute that Abyei protocol drink it and then go for exile in Saudia Arabia, and where will you Go mr Ghost Governor ( Al Nasri)? lick the grave. what about the Misiriyia Community, you are nomad , where will your cattle graze and drink water? my friend misiriyia think twice before you go ahead with your devilish though.

  • madbantu

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Hopefully Goss and SPLA has been using this so called peace time after the CPA was signed to do the the Same thing that The Arabs in Khartoum have been doing. That is that they have been buying weapons and planning strategies for more war. As we can all see the CPA was signed by Khartoum so that they could have a break from war to replenish and to massacre and diplace people in Darfur. these so called Arab Nomads are just another malitia from the north in disguise, they are there to fight and cause war. The North is ready for war and thats their way of sayin it. The North has many tricks up its sleeve. I hope SS has also been stocking weapons and planning strategies because Khartoum is agitating war the signs are everywhere and SS must be prepared to fight. The North wants the south to be helpless and suprised when they attack. I think this is why Kenya seized the weapons en route to SPLA because maybe Kenya could have collaborated with the Arabs to make SS millitarily weak for battle.

  • Kur

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    These nomads must know that the peope of South Sudan are not going to be intimidated this time around.If it comes to the fact that Bashir sends them to start trouble in Abyei, they will be the first to pay the price while Bashir sits comfortably in Khartoum.

    Furthermore,this self-appointed janjaweed as governor of Abyei should know that legitimacy cannot be claimed

    by criminals. Even Bashir knows that he is not a legitimate president of Sudan.He is leading a gang of criminals who will eventually face justice for stealing people’s power and using it to commit war crimes. In relation to this situation,the Masseriya will be responsible for their own fate if they allow themselves to use to fight the war that they will not win and to fight for the land they do not own.


  • Mawien

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Mrs Evil Basheir! you can go with your ugly girl you move around with to be marriage, My family refuse me to marriage your doughter because she got ugly face and they don’t even like you for your attitude you have, they saying that you cann’t get a long with people.
    Yesterday was not today, and today is not tomorrow. Forget Abyei wather you want it or not. What part of CPA you don’t understand? Tell your animals Misseria, All i know from them, to me they just like animals, they move from from place to place.

  • Double Wood
    Double Wood

    Sudan SPLM vows swift response to military attacks in Abyei
    Oops! Who is this Misseriya leader at all?..
    Sir if you think you would want the GoSS to be counted as one of the Governments that practices Genocide, then you have to say you will support the “money influenced” tribal Front “Abyei Liberation front”, if you are not the one of the “Foolish African Chiefs” of the African history, then Come out of Abyei and go as far as the Borber of 1905 and start telling us all your Nonsenses of Cattle Raiders who have never seen how good it is to be in peace, use horse as means of transport, sports and cattle as source of Natural food, stock of money and farm animal.
    One again please come out of Misseriya Community if you think you are tired of living within this peaceful sudan of (2005-)and want to go to hell, otherwise the southerners of this time(2005-) are taking arms to fight any dog who supports war rather than peace for peoples of sudan.
    May your Allah hear my words if am against you for any pay.

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