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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president orders boycott of Danish goods and officials

February 24, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudanese president Omar Hassan Al-Bashir ordered today that no Danish diplomat be received in the country as well as expelling Danish humanitarian organizations and boycotting Danish goods.

Hundreds_of_Sudanese-2.jpgThe Sudanese president made this decision after a meeting of the executive council in the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) to protest re-publication of cartoons considered insulting to prophet Muhammad.

A leading figure in the ruling party, Hassan Osman Rizg, said that Sudan wants to coordinate with Arab and Muslim countries for similar measures “to respond forcefully to the attacks against Islam and Muslims”.

The drawing was one of 12 cartoons that sparked protests in Muslim countries when they were first published in 2006. Danish newspapers said they reprinted it this month in support of free speech after three men were arrested in an alleged plot to kill the cartoonist.

Rizg also said that the government agencies will issue regulations to enforce the decisions taken by the NCP as early as Wednesday when a “million man march” is planned to protest the cartoons.

However Karin Soerensen, the Danish Charge d’Affaires in Khartoum told Associated Press that he had not been notified of the decision taken by the NCP.

Sudan’s president has in the past used the issue of the cartoons as an excuse to reject Scandinavian peacekeepers in Darfur. Also the former UN Undersecretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs Jan Egeland of Norway was barred from entering Darfur for the same reason.

Sudan’s foreign Ministry spokesman at the time, Jamal Ibrahim said that “because of the special circumstances of the birthday of the Prophet Mohammad, the local authorities said it was not advisable to welcome him [Egeland] at this time”

But Egeland dismissed Sudan’s justification and said that the government doesn’t want him “to see how bad it has become in Southern Darfur”



  • Chance Baniko
    Chance Baniko

    Sudan president orders boycott of Danish goods and officials
    Bashiir please…Do you know your job description?

    Do you know that media houses in the west operate independent of the government?

    President Beshiir even if a prophet is insulted,Don’t you know that prophets are always insulted,laught at,mocked,their messages not believed by everyone?

    Those who drew Muhammed’s cartoon are doing the same things done in the past.
    Now why inciting the public to protest?
    Mr. president HYPOCRISY will take you no where.If I were you I will not spare those foolish advisors surrounding you.
    When a man insults a prophet,it is not the BUSINESS of the government to act foolish,it is GOD’s BUSINESS Mr. president.That is why I ask you if you know your job description?

  • Akol Liai Mager
    Akol Liai Mager

    Sudan president orders boycott of Danish goods and officials
    ‘A million man’ march called by Al Bashir to go into streets of Khartoum this Wednesday should use the following Slogans for the sake of Truths:
    1. Down down with Bashir!
    2. Safe lives in Darfur!
    3. Al Bashir home is Hague!
    4. Down down with NIF/NCP!
    5. No more Arabisation from today!
    6. Let Old Sudan go into history with Yugoslavia!
    7. Long live New Sudan free of killings!
    8. Long Live Abdul Wahad Mahomed El Nur!

    Without above Slogans, that Million Man march will go to hell on Wednesday or later.

  • Jan

    Sudan president orders boycott of Danish goods and officials
    Dear Sudanese people,

    In Denmark we have freedom of speech and total freedom for the press, meaning that no government can tell the press what to write. The government can not interferer with the press because of that basic freedom.

    The Danish society is a secular state where religion is not above the freedom of speech or the right of the press to report current affairs.

    We condider it a right to be critical towards all religions, politicians, governments, institutions and other, without governments interfering.

    As we do not live in a religious dictatorship, it is the secular laws (not religious) that are applicable in Denmark.

    About the Sudanese Predident calling for a official boycot of Danish products and NGO’s is more damaging to Sudan than to Denmark, let me explain why:

    A boycut of Danish products will amount to 22 millions USD, the net benefit on that export is 5 millions USD.

    An official Sudanese boycot will be answers by the Danish government, by removing all financial aid to Sudan, which amounts to 26 millions USD.

    Now calculate, that means that Sudan will loose net 21 millions USD or put in another way, Denmark will save 21 millions USD.

    Now if Sudan also bans our NGO’s you can add millions of USD to the losses of Sudan.

    Is a boycot really in the interest of the Sudan people?

  • Jan

    WTO – World Trade Organisation
    It has just been informed in Europe that Sudan can not become a member of the WTO (World Trade Organisation) due to the unilateral boycot of Denmark.

    The President of Sudan and the people of Sudan must understand, that actions of boycut i a serious matter in the International Comunity.

    Is it in the interest of Sudan to isolate itself in the world Trade.

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