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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan welcomes the arrival of Palestinian refugees

February 28, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Minister of Foreign Affairs reiterated today Sudan’s support for right of the Palestinian people to establish its independent state. Also he welcomed the arrival of Palestinian refugees in the country.

Azzam Al-Ahmed
Azzam Al-Ahmed
Deng Alor on Thursday discussed with Azzam Al-Ahmed, the special envoy of the Palestinian President, developments of the Palestinian issue since the Annapolis Conference held in US, Arab initiatives to unify the Palestinian factions, inter-Palestinian Dialogue and the recent Sudanese and Yemeni initiatives.

Alor affirmed that the Palestinian issue is a humanitarian question and through this dimension it entered every house in the world, adding that the government and all Sudanese parties support it.

The minister, who will lead Sudan’s delegation, said that Sudan would coordinate with the Palestinian delegation in the Arab Foreign Ministers meeting in Cairo next week, particularly on the issue of Sudan hosting of Palestinian refugees in Iraq.

The meeting is expected to discuss Arab financial contribution to the relocation of Palestinian refugees to Sudan. A tripartite agreement will be signed between Sudan, Palestinian Authority and the UNHCR.

While the Sudanese presidential advisor Mustafa Osman Ismail told the press that Sudan was ready to receive and host two thousand Palestinian refugees in the area of Soba in Khartoum State.

He said all services including water, electricity and transportation have been provided in the area. He stressed that the Palestinian refugees would be treated on equal footing as the Sudanese subjects in all service domains.

The visiting Palestinian official, Azzam Al Ahmad, denied that the Palestinian refugees were reluctant to come to the Sudan saying on the contrary they were in constant contact with the Palestinian embassy in Khartoum to see when they would be transported to the area.



  • James James
    James James

    Sudan welcomes the arrival of Palestinian refugees
    Mr. Deng Alor must work hard to stop those Hamas suicide bombers to come to our land of Sudan, otherwise, we will welcome Isreali and American military bases to be established in South Sudan in order to protect us from those worse terrorist.

    Secondly, Sudan should be shame to build houses and provide electricity to plastinian refugees while, the milions of people in South Sudan don’t even know whether there is another light in the world apart from natural fire. what will this show to the people of south Sudan whom their God given resources are channel away from them and wrongly poured to Hamas bombers.

    That is the reason why we term Khartoum government as great enemy of black Africans in South Sudan.

    Alor must not allow his mind to be manipulated by Bashir and his thieves.

    I hope you stop that Alor.

    God bless.

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    Sudan welcomes the arrival of Palestinian refugees
    Dear James James,

    Don’t be worried about the arrival of the plastinian refugees. Let them come to Sudan to join their fellows arabs there in Khartoum. I think they will not do any harm to us particularly Southerners because I am hundred per cent sure that we are going to be separated from Khartourm in the year 2011. When we are separated, then we will give sanction to all arabs including their friends plastinians not to touch our soils with their feets. Because of their skin colour, we will identify them, and who will share a public transport with them. Who will allow them to come to South Sudan? Bashir thought that we are still foolish people but we have discovered all secrets of Omar Bashir.
    Bring your sucide bombers to Khartoum but not South Sudan. There is saying in Dinka( angun ci dhiau akol ace ban cam)”an hyena which cries during the day does get an animal to eat”. So Omar has cried during the day and he will not get a single Southerner to kill.
    Omar will not be successful which ever he plans against Southerners.

    By Madhang Loth

  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    Sudan welcomes the arrival of Palestinian refugees
    This goes to show how the arab-wannabies of Khartoum is infesting Sudan with the real Arabs. Many people may recall how South Sudanese as well as people from other marginalized areas were confined to the deserts of Jebel aulia and jaborana without any electricity and running water; the Basic things is NIF/NCP is so kin to offer them to Palestinians. This is why Sudan would be better off spitted than remained united.

    For those who are trying to blame Deng Alor…he’s nothing to do with this. The resettlement of the Palestinians refugees from Iraq to Sudan was announced almost a year ago before Deng was even selected as FM. You may blame him for other things, but not for this one.

  • YihHon Alewei
    YihHon Alewei

    Sudan welcomes the arrival of Palestinian refugees
    What a Shame For the Rogue Regime!

    Why don’t these people analyse things! Do these people who have accepted this resentlement of Plastinian into Sudan lose their senses! Why don’t they be ashame of themselves! Is it right for a country that is having its people fleeing its territory to host refugees! Is it the foreign affairs minister decison or the president! Where is the position of the Peoples’ Party (SPLM)!

    Is it right for the refugees to be resentled in the city where there is elecitricity, clean water and welfare benefits! There is something behind this resentlement, and SPLM and other related parties should stand opposition to this left move!

    The statement released by Mustafa Isamail, saying that the Plastinians refugees will have all the equal opportunities with Sudanese citizens. That statement give a clear indication of what behind the resentlement of this “evil people”.

    Plastinians are not good people to be resentle in the Sudan. Sudan is having its own problem and plastinian people are problem themselves! There is no point of doubling the problem! No doubt that this inexperience government in Khartuom forgot its own people and try to save lives of other people rather than its citizens! It shows hatred, lack of humanity knowledge, social welfare and many more! Why plastinian leave plastine and come to Sudan! The better thing they should do is to stop terrorist act against Israelis.

    I am not completely happy with the move allowed by Deng Alor as a foreign affairs minister and representative from the South. This resentlement is very dangerous to the CPA and the marginalised people of the Sudan!

    This resentlement will intrupt the elections, the CPA as mentioned above and many more!

    SPLM should open its eyes wider and look beyond the secrecy of it opponents!

    I am not that and I will not be!

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