Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians

February 29, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — A southern Sudanese party said today that armed Murles have abducted women and children from Equatoria and Upper Nile urging for their immediate release.

The South Sudanese Liberation (SSLF) accused the Murles of kidnapping South Sudanese children, women and men from Greater Equatoria and Greater Upper region. More ever, some these civilians were kidnapped from Nuerland, Ethiopian territory, a press release said.

The SSLF, which is opposing the southern Sudan ruling party SPLM, called upon political forces and civil society groups and international community to condemn this abduction. Further it urged the Murle intellectuals to contribute for the release of these abductees.

However, the SSLF charged the SPLM of encouraging tribalism and violence in the southern Sudan. It also said that the SPLM has dishonoured the Comprehensive Peace Agreement signed with the Sudanese government in 2005.

The opposition party warned that Greater Equatoria would be “the second biggest (battle field) in Sudan” as it accused the southern Sudan ruling party for serving the interests of one ethnic group.

The southern Sudan government has staged a disarmament campaign in southern Sudan to disarm all the citizens in the region. In Jonglei State last December, the armed Murle tribesmen killed one SPLA soldier during an attack against a bus on the road of Mareng-Bor..

Salva Kiir, First Vice President of the Government of National Unity of Sudan and President of the Government of Southern Sudan pledged action to control a wave of abductions that have led to the disappearance of more than 450 children in the last two years.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Mr James i was dreaming that murle were honest tribe ha ha james if you appear to be online,please and please before this afternoon try to give full advice to your brothers in murle villages for such action which would result to recent mobilisation of Equatorian. what is the matter with murle and dinkas with Equatorian would you like red border nor there is mis understanding with those people.i recommand that murle and dinkas must be open in their eyes because such encouraging of tribalism and violence in the southern Sudan would be another point of internal Genocide where same areas should be destroy to ground level.i thought that goss has overcome the issues of abducting people in SS meanwhile murle are still james what is your problems of taking people to your villages its because all murle were born barren nor they are planning to increase their population.if Goss has fail to overcome the realse of those Equatorian i beleive that its the end of living united with murle beside dinkas.i beleive thats Equatorian were attacked by LRA yet same internal tribes are acting aganist same clans,well and good that is a good point,Aloysius Emor Ojetuk,Clement Wani Konga,WE and the idea of thomas would you keep sleeping i by myself i would attempt to enter murle villages and make my exercise.what kind of people are those i can see that a dog can understand once,even a pig can show a sign of understanding so what kind of people are murle.thats is totally stupid and crazy born people around the glob,without upper nile we as equatorian has a self and strong determination to bring those people back home,to make it honest its good to realsed those people before,because when its late hopefull everything will be late and sorry become after danger

    stupid behaviours in SS

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Mr. Logic:
    Now the time to line you with those crazy boys like Trueson and Biar has come, I didn’t come to understand you as shallow minded stooge till today.

    For,I don’t think a human being born free from brain deformity could even bother to read and react to what doom and proxy tribal organization like SSlf, that existed in Ghost skin without tangible or physical human beings on the ground have written.
    First of all, which woman has been abducted, when, where, and by who ? Secondly whom do so called SSLF represent, where is its headquarter, who finance them, and in most part, south sudan party under which principles ? what are their objectives?

    Logic, I thought you are like those equatorians who undersatand nature of crimes in the existance of positive brain that view crimes as an individualistic act, not an action carried out through community unanimous votes.

    Again, your hatred towards Dinka and now Murle, may be tomorrow Nuer, is blind attempt and you need to stay away from such conducts. In other circimstances, if you think you can go and roam in Murle villages as you said, of which I doubt million times, you are free to go today, I heard there are lorries leaving this morning, or just go by foot.

    Biar and Trueson Plus 1992:

    Before I finalize my writing, I want to warn those negative crooks like Trueson and Biar plus others whom most of the time retort to attack me without appearance reasons, to hold their silly behaviours.I also want to question them if they really understand the nature of debate, please Biar and Trueson, if my comments irritate you, just quite the board or leave my comments alone. I am not going to appreaciat your misleading arguments again, as matter of fact, I don’t want to debate with fools & visionless theives like you. I tried many times to advice you to stop insulting each other’s tribes, but you as curse and devils of the century, could not stop. I also don’t want you to boost as liberators, I know most of you as former gun smugglers to Kenya and Uganda, good number of you in Kakuma, Uganda as well as all those camps across Sudan kenya-uganda border were war awols. most you used to beg doctor to fake them medical transfers to Kenya or Uganda in order to escape war,.Now some of you want to lie that, they were fighters balabalabala, that won’t help, I know who fought and who didn’t fight, don’t try to decieve the world or those who came from Khartoum.

    Also,Some of you, tried to throw themselves into furnace by trying to pretend as men on the internet, mind you, when I was somewhere in Sudan in 1990s, some you used to carry meat and cooking pots for me, a lot of you beg me to kill for them animals for foot since most of you don’t know how to shoot. therefore, don’t just pretend, I am kind of man that, when time of manhood comes, most of you can not be behind me to tell you just few, suppose I know some you, I would have come, corke my G.3 and plunge myself into bush and I am sure some of you will never, never follow me, don’t just play here in the website. don’t let your verble words lose you in near future, let try to talk as responsible people who try to bring our people together in terms of peace reconciliation and prosperity. we don’t want to take ourselves back to the village barbaric attitudes. Take that piece of advice seriously, because I don’t want to go back to 1990s craziness.

    I hope you know whom Mr. James James is now and I am serious to say this.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians

    Which tribe in Equatoria do you belong to, because we know there are some tribes in Equatoria that can try to talk about what we can do physically, and those which we only have them for our secretarial jobs in South Sudan.So which one do you categorize yourself with ? Hahahaha, Please let me talk to at least Dinka and Nuer, I don’t know you.

    I hope you will find yourself your associate.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Mr. Logic:

    You need to be very careful when you want to use the name of Equatorians as all, and it might be find when you answer for me the following questions for everybody to believe that Dinka and Murle are the one who causes problems in Equatoria.

    Mr. Logic, Are Taposa who killed 53 Didinga last year Murle or Dinka ?

    Those who killed 7 people around Torit last 5 months Dinka or Murle ?

    Those who killed SPLA oldiers by poisins all those years Murle or Dinka ?

    If you don’t answer those questions, please better to shut your mouth too tied.

    Again, let me talk to Dinka and Nuer because we share gale blader together, I am sure you don’t know what I mean. So please find your associate.

    OJS 1992:

    You are crazy animal with ruin ears, when did I insult Dinka as whole ?

    To ask you a question, do you believe SSLF as south sudan party that have objective for the people of south Sudan ?

    If not, then you have to say no to all their negative claims because all they said are all what we have already run over them few years ago, nothing new.

    I think the leader of SSLF is just trying to catch attention of Bashir to pay him his house rent, that is what the thing is all about. So leave them alone.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Mr. Logic:

    I spared you on behave of other Equatorians, otherwise, I was going to ripe your intestines off from your cassava fragile ribes. Remember, we are dealing with political debate, the mistake you make might be seen as Equatorian view of the situation, and I don’t want to see Equatorians taking what I say as Murle point of view either, therefore, in such circumstances, a wisemen normally resort to cut his speech short. So I don’t want to say a lot.

    However, if you ask about Murle future, Murle don’t have another future then contribution they offered to the nation, since day one of SPLA struggle, please go and search for the history connected to the beginning of SPLA, and there are three important questions to ask, questions like, when was SPLA begin ? which towns SPLA begun its revolution? and which were the first tribes to jumped into bushe since day one of SPLA revolution ? and around there, you will find the future of Murle by yourself.

    You know, I personally respect Equatorians in the bottom of my heart, but you got to know that, there are certain limitations that we don’t want to touch at this time of the peace, that is how politics works. everything have an era and time of its suitability.

    Mr. Logic, don’t surprise to find Murle emerge to be very deep-rooted community when it comes to the national partriotism.

    To put it in summarization form, I want to stop there without going further.

    I hope you feel the truth now.

    God bless.

  • Madhang Loth
    Madhang Loth

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    I am totally fed up with such bad news of abduction. Mure men have even expanded their operation of abduction of children to Equatoria. This is being silly, how can one small tribe disturb almost two states in south sudan. Government must take tough action inorder to stop such havoc in the region.
    Disarming murlemen is the only solution to end this crises.

  • James James
    James James

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Mr. Logic:

    I ask you several times to stop talking without answering questions. Well, well, let me say just a little, Again, which tribe in Equatoria you belong to?

    Please if you don’t belong to Taposa, Didinga, Lokoro, Madari and Lotuku whom I saw them in good numbers during the war, then Just keep your mouth shut.

    I found out that, you are a parasite who like just to pour a lot of empty words from your cassava eating mouth without accepting the truth. Let me try to ask you another question, Mr. Logic, in 1984 when the SPLA radio went to the air for the first time, I think you heard there were four (4) tribes who sung (sing)that day, can you name those four tribes ? because this is going to be tought in South Sudan history later, was your tribes whom you claim to begin SPLA among these four tribe, did your tribe have regiment, during those crutial days ready to die anytime ?

    Logic, I am trying to educate you so that you can adapt good debating skills rather then giving out baseless fallacies.

    We were in the bushe as fighters, listeners, watchers, and savers for what ever took place during the war, and you can not try to decieve me here today. don’t just try to cause problem, if you didn’t find job, simply go back to Uganda, I think your Ugandan nationality ID of 1980s and 90s still valid. Stop giving us headache.

    For you to cite the fate of Murle, body, you are just talking to yourself, I am sure if you go and ask Salva Kiir for troops to go and finish Murle, this is what I expect him to ask you:- Who are you? if Murle finished and war come back between us and arabs, will you fight without running to Uganda and claim your nationality there ? where were you during struggle ?, then get out of my office because I am not here to exterminate any tribe. Similarly, those of Trueson and Biar can not allow you to go home, free without hot lashes on you little butts.
    SplA have people with wide vision, do you know why SPLA give small tribe of Lokoro a credit rather then your big tribe, because this small tribe fought through out the war, and most of them were in SPLA radio communications across SPLA areas, what did your tribe do ?

    Logic, you become magic, just go and find yourself what to do then talking nonsense.

    Madhang loth.

    I don’t have time for you today, because I know you are really at the middle of your weekend, deadly drunk to death, you don’t even know what you are writing. So please go back to your cup and drip out the remainant, before that whisky knock you out to bed. “abatun boolu, agoryai”

    I hope you got it.

  • martin simon wani
    martin simon wani

    South Sudan front urges liberation of abducted civilians
    Dear brothers, I think we should really be grateful to God who made it possible for us to have access to the internet service which is still seems to be a rare commodity to many of our people. But this priviledge if not wisely use can lead to self destruction. Some times I find it difficult to read some emotional, irrational and irresponible comments of some people who are always subjective, negative and insesitive in their writings, specially those who like to portray themselves as representatives of their tribes or regions. IT is not good for an individual to claim to be writting on bnehalf of a particaular group of people.It is also possible that some of us can allow themselves to be used as a gents of division and instability in Southern Sudan or Sudan in general.If it is really true that a group of Murle tribesmen who vowed just the other day to stop the cattle raiding and abduction of childeren, then it become resposibility of the government to seriousley investigate the matter with the leaders of Murle tribe to establish the motives of the people behind these kinds of primitive practices, other wise if we are not careful, we can be decieved to deal with the shadow and leave the real perpetrator of these evil actions and their agents

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