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Sudan Tribune

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SPLM slams NCP over possible adoption of Sudan elections law

March 1, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) has criticised its peace partner the national Congress Party (NCP)’s statements on the possible adoption of elections law without consensus to overcome current impasse on the percentage of proportional representation.

Atem Deng
Atem Deng
NCP member in the National Constitutional Review Commission, Ismail Al-Hajj Musa, said his party can resort to a vote in the commission to resolve the controversy over the electoral law reminding that his party has the majority.

Atem Garang, a SPLM leading member and deputy speaker of the National Assembly, criticized Musa’s statements saying that such move constitute a breach to the Comprehensive peace Agreement. He further said the constitution provisions are binding upon all political forces.

He said only the consensus can bring a solution that satisfies all the parties, warning that other solution could lead to grave consequences in the case of failure of elections.

The National Constitutional Review Commission had to meet on February 23 to discuss the draft of the elections law, but the meeting was postponed to allow the NCP and the SPLM to agree on the disputed articles.

The disputed articles in the project of law deal with proportional representation, women representation and the number of constituencies. The SPLM, backed by the opposition forces, tries to convince the NCP to accept a common position that it shares with the other political forces.

In its last meeting on February 9, the NCRC discussed the electoral system without going in the disputed articles on the proportional representation, articles 29 to 40 of the draft law.

The SPLM position is to distribute the constituencies 50% elected by proportional representation system and 50% of the seats are elected by majority election system. Women are to be represented by 50% of the proportional representation lists.

The NCP wants 60% for the majority election system and 40% for the proportional representation system. Regarding women, it proposes to establish separate lists on the state level and the list that obtains the highest votes will have all the seats.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    SPLM slams NCP over possible adoption of Sudan elections law
    SPLA must be tight and confidential in such matter of NCRC discussed the electoral system without going in the disputed articles on the proportional representation.if SPLA has to accept the idea of NCP surely nothing will be achieved.
    i support Atem,your right NCP is acting seriously aganist CPA rules its unfair that 60% for the majority election system and 40% for the proportional representation should be considered for the elections law.NCP are aginst woman to stand in de parliament,its a force if SPLA agree on this issue also SPLA are the loser if they convert themselves to NCP principles.

  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    SPLM slams NCP over possible adoption of Sudan elections law
    Best S, S there is nothing good is going to come out of that election am telling you the truth
    NCP party don’t know what election is the only thing NCP understand is they going to rule that country for ever no matter what the international body says or the internal party’s like SPLM OR OTHERS

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