Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed

March 2, 2008 (JUBA) — Former southern Sudanese rebels said on Sunday they had killed nearly 70 armed tribesman in an upsurge of fighting in a volatile north-south border area which they said risked reigniting a north-south civil war.

Edward Lino, a senior official with the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) which rules the semi-autonomous south, accused the northern ruling party of backing the Misseriya tribesmen.

He said similar attacks in the future by the tribe could reignite a civil war which ended with a 2005 peace deal.

“If the skirmishes continue it is going to spread and it is going to be a very dangerous thing,” he told reporters in Khartoum. Asked if this could take the north and south back to war, he said: “Possible … we don’t want war.”

Tensions have worsened in the border region over the failure of the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) in the north and the SPLM to reach a deal on the demarcation of the borders of Abyei, the source of much of Sudan’s energy reserves.

In December, dozens were killed in clashes between the cattle-herding Misseriya and the former rebels.

Abyei’s status was left unresolved in the peace agreement ending the 21-year war which killed 2 million people.

Hassan Mohamed Sabahi, a Misseriya leader, told Reuters 37 tribesmen were killed during Saturday’s clashes while around 62 were wounded. He said his tribe started the fighting in retaliation for an attack last week by the SPLM armed wing.

But Major General James Hoth, a senior southern commander, said 69 tribesmen were killed. He said six southern soldiers were killed and 26 were wounded.

The clashes took place in a village on the edge of the Northern Bahr El Ghazal state west of Abyei. “Abyei itself was not affected although the fighting happened in some areas that are supposed to be part of Abyei,” Lino said.


Lino said the NCP was using the Misseriya tribe in a tactic aimed at delaying the demarcation of the border between the north and south and a national census considered vital for the success of Sudan’s first democratic elections in 23 years.

The census is scheduled to begin on April 15 for two weeks.

“We conveyed this to them (the NCP),” Lino said. “They deny it but they know that they are the people behind it.”

NCP officials were not available for comment.

The Misseriya were among nomadic tribes armed by various northern governments during the civil war. Many were not disarmed after the peace deal.

The Misseriya says the SPLM are trespassing on their territory and should withdraw further south. Sabahi said as long as the SPLM remained “in our land” problems could continue.

“It is like someone moving in to my backyard and disputing my rights. What am I expected to do?” he said. “But we hope there won’t be more problems.”

Khaled Mansour, director of public information of the United Nations Mission in Sudan, said the world body was “very much concerned about the recent clashes and the lack of a solution in Abyei”.

“We are raising this issue at every opportunity with the parties … We think it is high time to focus on the need of the people,” he told Reuters.

The north-south civil war broadly pitted the Islamist Khartoum government against mainly Christian and animist rebels, complicated by issues of oil, ethnicity and ideology.



  • Bai-cheng Adut
    Bai-cheng Adut

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Please SPLA, retaliate this time such that the Arab Malitias learn good lesson don’t thinks twice provided that you are first attacked by them.

    National Congress Party (Matamar Al-watan) Your sons of Southern Sudan became mature. don’t threat them any more as children. if your acts are at your Nose it is the same with us.

  • Allaman Ikoilaman
    Allaman Ikoilaman

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    My fellow SPLA Forces,
    I thank you for that ”tit for tat” that you have portrayed. That is a very good example this nomads must learn from. The action of these Messeriya has a chain linked with the Government of Bashir in Khartoum, and these used Messerians should bear the consequence of their ignorance.
    Major General Hot,should show them dust and they thought that SPLA forces are joking .An eye for an eye and shall sit down and find out who started provocking the other.Be discipline but if some thugs misbehaved, you also dance with them because they would have eaten you by the time you want to come out to prepare.Long live SPLA.

    Kamalong Changar Abingmoi.

    Cairo Wing Observer.

  • Ahasakmoi

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Dear Brohers in SPLA, keep up the spirit and kill as many as you can , don’t you know that you are fighting the National Inlamic Front ? if not then you should know it from there. Deal with them accordingly, how can they claim to say they are just atribe fighting our goivernment, let them declear to us that we are NIF.

    I give you distinction for good work done, and let them wait, Abdel Wahid has opened an office in Israel they will get finish.
    SPLA oyeeeeeeeeeeeeee

    Cairo University

  • Maganydam

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Your Excellencies the eye of SPLA,keep the flame burning-for if your leg is sick you feel the pain even at the head,Abyei is a vital organ to Southern Sudan(like heart),we shed blood and tears for our late soldiers & ancestors-the original Abyei ihabitants who speak Dinka language.
    If God has a special court:Abyei case is beyond humans tatiful majesty of thoughts and analysed solutions.
    We the youths shall step into your shoes here-after and shall not be friendly to the fuckin Arabs community,I swear!

    May God keep you still,I pray.

  • James James
    James James

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    First my condolence goes to the bereaved families of those six (6) SPLA soldiers who forlorned their loves for the sacrifices they dearly offered to our nation, may almighty father, direct their souls to his kingdom! Amen.

    I also want to thank SPLA leadership and the gallantry army of South Sudan nation for their endless struggle to bring peace and prosperity to the marginalized people of south Sudan and Sudan at large, the service you people are providing touches each and everyone of us where ever we are, and it is very justifiable action taken as resort to defend our land from those proxical notorious enemies, and that should serve as prominent lession to invaders in order to learn that we are not going to offer any tentative opinion regarding our safety and existance.

    Kartoum should stop their hoaxs or they will keep on facing imminent humiliation at any angle. because this is the war that we are ready to fight with our women and children as Isrealis did. Barbaric bribed Misseriya tribe should refrain from playing with fire or be ready to bear impending consequences.

    God bless SPLA as whole.

    My prayers.

    God bless.

  • Bai-cheng Adut
    Bai-cheng Adut

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Pleae Missirya Nomads, if you don’t know your fate don’t attempt to cause barrise on our way to CPA. how foolish you are. join SPLM the peaceful party in Sudan who long for 21 Years of long and devastated civil war in Africa to free the marginalized people of Sudan not Southern Sudan in particular.

    You will finish ya Amir (Donkeys)

  • emadven

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    They need to be kicked like dog sthem Malitias from Messiria..

  • Bol Madut
    Bol Madut

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Unlike in the 80s and the 90s when the so-called Misseriya took advantage of the war and roams the South as they please, they must now realize this is a different era and if they don’t (which is very obvious) they must then dance to the tune of war.

    They must come to down their sense and realize that they’re being used by the NIF/NCP and it’s dangerous for their future well being since they will live side by side with the people of Abyei. Like many other dictatorship regimes, the NIF/NCP will go, but the Misseriya and people of Abyei will remain and it wise to work in bettering the relationship as neighbors than sewing seed the hatred.

  • Michael Arob Deng
    Michael Arob Deng

    Sudan nomads clash with ex-rebels, dozens killed
    Well that is great, Mr. Lino hit them back, and let them know that Abyie is unlike 40 years ago. They forgot one thing which few of them might know while other are blind of it, Newton’s first laws says ” for every reaction there is an equal opposit reaction to it in both direction and magnitude” now they are paying for their 50 years mistakes of not knowing who are NCP and why are they still use to this day?
    we gave them 2% of oil share but yet they are not satisfied , well that is how nice it would be when they would come to acknowledge their fate.

    General James Hoth please give these nomads nothing, but take away everything they have , by giving them free lectures on how to behave toward Abyie issue… SpLA Oheeeeeeeeee

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