Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Games brings no development but poverty

By Ngor Arol Garang

March 5, 2008 — As I always walks and rids around Juba city as part of
my daily duties and responsiblities, I see many young
men and ladies sitting under trees or at certain
verandahs at home playing either lideo if they are
young ladies or cards if they are young men from
morning to sun set without sparing time to go around
and see what is happening. They take time playing
even at time they go without food. I always find very
young and energetic people playing cards and lideos in
Juba city centre and along parliament and ministries
roads instead of going to try their luck for

Playing without bothering to look for what to do is
contributing to no development but encouragement of
poverty and hunger.

This is a wastage of time and it has to be stopped
soon if we are committed to fighting poverty in
southern Sudan.

Development in this region needs no time to spare for
games during work days. Let’s do some thing about it
now. Tommorrow never. Please look across the horizons
or climb some ladders if we are interested and
committed to bring change in this region.look at how
Khartoum is developing from resources in the south.
They spare no time for games unlike us here in the
south.While in Khartoum this month, i visited Dongola,
ten hours drive from Khartoum and Gezira which was not
far like Dongola from khartoum just to see myself how
far have these towns gone with their development
compare to our Juba, Malakal and Wau. In Dongola we
arrive late in the evening at ten thirty to find that
traffic was working actively just like in the morning
for our traffic in Juba.

The towns are developed to the standard that will Juba
ten years to reach because their sons and daughters
waste no time playing games for a complete day like we
do here in the south.

Every time i go to Khartoum, i see new thing than when
I return to Juba even if I spent more than a month
out. This is because people and the government there
don’t waste time unlike our government of southern
sudan where a senior government puts on chair his/her
official working cloth and get out only to return
after lunch or at five for closing signature .

Official letters takes three to four months to reach
the final office because there is no accountability
system.Workers comes and leaves the office as they
decide without having to worry of punctuality.
Is this something beneficial to our people? No, this
is just waste of time and resources.

We are thousands far from any developing world in
Africa and the world at large. our region needs more
manpower to produce our own than continuous to import
goods that we can produce like drinking water from
other countries.

Let’s stand aganist this, dependency ratio in our
southern communities has risen because we are all
accustomed to sharing things collectively which in
turn deny others from relying on their own. Being idle
won’t do us good thing in life than allowing us to
remain wearing thesame shoes and shirts throughout a
year. We have to contribute something individually
towards developing of our young nation as alternative
to fight poverty in Africa as a whole and South Sudan
in particular.

Playinng games for a complete day without doing any
beneficial thing to your people is also an increase
of responsiblities of our mothers and fathers who had
hoped we would be a relief to them than a burden

Games do not just contributes to poverty only but
are also sources of fights that we hear and witness
these days.

Wasting time playing games during working days is of
no good, better one pass time in libraries and other
learning institutions.

The author is based in Juba, southern sudan


  • Paul Yithak
    Paul Yithak

    Games brings no development but poverty
    Dear Mr. Grang,

    Thank you so much for bringing up this important article about time wastage in playing cards or Games in South Sudan. You are right; a nation that doesn’t take time seriously will never develop. I share the same opinion with you. I have been working with INGO for the last 23 years in various capacities. I have experienced how the developed community uses their official working hours. Every body is requested to sign in when he reports to the office, when going out for any reason, you have to take permission. Lunch break is only one hour. Everybody is paid according to his time card and performance during each month.
    I recently saw a report about Sudanese working habits, in a survey conducted by UNCEF in Khartoum in 2007. The results of this survey has shown a very amazing indicators, of actual time usage in (GoS) offices for productive work. The period of the survey was for one month. The finding was that the working hours are fixed by the Government of Sudan (GoS) to be 8 hours a day, 40 hours per working week of 5 days because Saturday is now a day off. The finding indicated that most officials reports to work one our late, one hour for breakfast, 2 hours for noon and afternoon prayer, 2 hours for social visits, in occasion when the boss loses a relative and so on. The conclusion was that Sudanese in Khartoum spends one hour daily for actual productive work, spends 6 hours per a month on a productive work. The changes you see in the North are achieved after the privatization policies of the Sudanese economy. All the construction work is done by private companies. The( GoSS) must hire a foreign firm,to recommend how our working policy should be, if we are unable to control our working habits. I remember in the 80s former Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda wept in public because Zambian were drinking too much alcohol ,that he is now being call the President of a drunken nation. We southerners need change a lot of things before 2011. I hope our President Salva Kiir, and all our (GoSS) leaders take a lead in seeing that time is being spent on productive work in South Sudan.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Games brings no development but poverty

    i may say yes to those who are wasting time on games than stealing,because our governemt has no proper process of introducing companies and factories so that our people can have chance of getting work also he lack fundamential theory of making deals about our region so that every individual whether illiterates can have to access of getting jobs,dont complain with games player talk to our government let him make positive attitude about SS.our country need a good leader who knows how to act confidential and logically.please point your fingers on the right person dont attack the innocent civilians.

  • Abu. Thon
    Abu. Thon

    Games brings no development but poverty
    Hi Ngor thank you very much for your article is really true. We the humen being we have to creat jobs mainly here in southern sudan. for example soil, trees,grass and other artificial like Bicycles repairing and so on. you have to cook your mine so that you survive but not just to play. Play with comma is better. I am telling you, make use of your hand nows aday.

    UN, when we were refugees teach as some thing Bad but let change now.

    What I will tell the Government we have some people to start their Business so that they can employ their brothers and sisters to reduce the issue of poverty and stealing but with no good roads with well drainage areas is a problem.

    Hi our government come up with the issue of road, you can not cook food with out fire and water as roads and well drainage areas act like that.

    Bor Baidit

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