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Sudan Tribune

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Sudan wants political payment from Europe for colonialism

March 10, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese Vice President, Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, asked European countries on Monday to make “a political payment” for the colonialism in the past.

Ali Osman Taha
Ali Osman Taha
Taha was speaking at the inauguration session of the Sudanese European Relations Forum. organised by the Sudanese Media center, a news service close to the Sudanese intelligence service.

“Europe has extended its hand to help solve some problems that faced us, but we must say with a loud voice we regret that it did not help Sudan solve its wounds that were in part not caused by Sudan, or help Sudan in the areas of peace and technology,” said the Sudanese vice president.

“We do not beg, but ask for a political payment because of what happened to us in some of the pages of history,” he said.

He said that the relationship between Sudan and Europe was shaped by colonialism, adding that there were new generations who tried to establish a new page.

The Vice President further said that Sudan looks forward to build a stable and lively Sudanese society that establish its future by the optimum utilization of the resources it possess, which can not be realized aloof from the world.

Taha pointed to horizons of establishment of balanced and just economic and development partnership between Sudan and Europe.

He also asked whether Sudan and Europe would succeed to achieve an equation that allows dialogue between civilizations and mutual respect for cultures and religions.


Some information for this report provided by Xinhua

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