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Sudan Tribune

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France hails Sudan – Chad agreement

March 14, 2008 (PARIS) — French government hailed the signing of a non-aggression deal between Chad and Sudan on Thursday in the Senegalese capital of Dakar, expressing hope it would lead to “stabilize the region.”

Idriss_Deby_Omar_al-Beshir.jpg“We welcome the signing of this agreement which is aimed at stabilizing the region,” said the French foreign affairs spokeswoman Mrs Pascale Andreani. Friday

“There can never be lasting stability in Chad, nor a political settlement of the Darfur crisis without the normalization of relations between Sudan and Chad,” she said.

Anderani further urged the swift implementation of the agreement to restore confidence and monitor the shared border.

“It is important that the mechanism of consultation required by the agreement to be implemented quickly in order to permit the installation of a lasting trust between the two countries and oversee the border.” She said.

The presidents of Sudan and Chad have signed a new non-aggression pact, vowing to end support and funding for rebel movements active on both sides of the border with conflict-wracked Darfur.

Bashir and Deby had signed two agreements in Tripoli, Libya in February 2006 and in Riyadh, Saud Arabia in May 2007.

The innovation in Dakar agreement is the creation of a contact group consisting of five African nations including Libya, Congo, Senegal, Gabon, Eritrea and officials from regional bodies who will meet monthly to ensure the deal — known as the Dakar agreement — is implemented in good faith.


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