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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Minnawi welcomes FFC’s vision of Sudan’s political settlement

Minni Minnawi

Minni Minnawi speaks to the media on 6 Feb 2021

October 17, 2022 (KHARTOUM) – Minni Minnawi head of the Sudan Liberation Movement (SLM) on Monday welcomed the vision of Forces for Freedom and Change (FFC) calling for a political process that includes the forces of the revolution, peace groups and transition’s forces

On Monday, the FFC held a press conference to announce the release of its political vision for the restoration of the transitional civilian government in Sudan, based on the draft constitution proposed by the Sudanese Bar Association.

The leaders of the coalition told reporters that they would hold talks with the other forces on this vision, stressing they seek to reach a solution to the political crisis accepted by all the Sudanese stakeholders.

“The Forces for Freedom and Change will do not want a bilateral solution alone, but rather seek to build a broad agreement in which transitional arrangements are agreed upon by all,” said Khalid Youssif a leading member of the Sudanese Congress Party.

In a tweet posted after the press conference, Minnawi who is one of the groups that backed the October 25 coup welcomed the FFC vision and described it as a “rational approach”.

“For the first time in three years, I welcome the FFC’s vision as I see what is proposed is rational,” he emphasized.

He added that his reservation about the language related to the distribution of ministerial positions would not prevent him from praising the FFC vision as a contribution, like the other initiatives to settle the political stalemate.

“We need to reconcile positions as quickly as possible to form a government,” Minnawi stressed.

The FFC vision speaks about the formation of an inclusive civil authority consisting of a head of a lean Sovereign Council, a cabinet, and a legislative council.

According to the proposed text, the prime minister chairs the Security and Defence Council.

The FFC call for a technocratic cabinet where the ministers are nominated by the political groups. However, the peace groups reject the idea saying they want to appoint their members to the government

Also, the vision proposes to amend the Juba peace agreement; as many political forces say the armed groups should be disarmed and reintegrated before the election.

The military leaders announced their readiness to hand over the government to a civilian government.

However, they expect that a supreme council of the armed forces be acknowledged in the transitional constitution, giving them judicial immunity.
