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Sudan Tribune

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Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights

April 6, 2008 (GADARIF, eastern Sudan) — Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha, asked the government of southern Sudan to take the necessary measures to ensure the protection of religious rights for Muslims in the south.

Ali Osman Taha
Ali Osman Taha
In a speech delivered at the opening session of the second conference of the National Congress Party in Gadarif State, Taha said that freedom of belief and religious practices of Muslims in southern Sudan are breached in spite of the fact that the respect for freedom of faith is clearly stipulated the texts of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement.

“Muslims in South Sudan are subjected to many practices which contravene Shari’a, contravene the Constitution, and contravene the Peace Agreement, in addition to violating the people’s right to belief and to practice religious rites.”

Khartoum press reported, during the last weeks, some cases of Muslims mistreating in Juba. Also it said that the governor of Lakes State had prevented Muslims from constructing a mosque.

Taha said that non-Muslims in the north enjoy fully of their religious rights. He emphasized that since the CPA signing, freedom of belief and the practice of religious rites for non-Muslims have found more respect and bigger guarantees.

President Omer al-Bashir with approval of the First Vice-President Salva Kiir Mayardit appointed Joshua Dao, as chairman of the Commission on the rights of non-Muslims in the national capital, on February 8, 2007.

During the celebration of the second anniversary of the CPA in Juba in January 2007, Salva Kiir expressed concern over the non-respect of the religious rights of the non-Muslim in Khartoum.

This came after an attack against the All Saints Cathedral in Khartoum by the police at the end of 2006.



  • mayom mabuong
    mayom mabuong

    Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights
    that is not the case for the movement mr Taha, if people pratice their religion without string attached to it[ iam meaning politics]. then things are ok.and if religion is hook and potential of let us do this people will go hand in hand


  • Jakok Loakloak
    Jakok Loakloak

    Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights
    Mr Taha,
    Welcome to our world of agony and disgust. You think Southern Sudanese are realy bad in dealing with their fellow muslim brothers in the south, wait until you see how the Southern Sudanese christians are puting up with the true Satan in white unifrom. Sir, its a killer. Over there in the North you folks are no less than the evil of Sodom and Gamora. The ones you may not know are the same whom if we the christians meet them in buses they claim the first seat. In streets they make us shine their Murkubs. They never let us enjoy a free moment with nature without a loud speaker in our hears. Open the National TV and you are asking for heart failure. leave alone the parliament and hight educational institutions. How about our private worship sites? oops they know only one thing private.. blocking roads to display faith before mankind like your excellency. This is what you term as fair treatment of non-muslims in the North. Leave alone preashing the good news. It costed some of us their lives..Are you kidding??


  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights
    ….Is there any time a mosque is surrounded by any Southern authorities like it happen in Khartoum ….ask this one who call himself Taha. Iam fed up of childish behaviour of this clan…They can smell our soil on our roads with mosque dotting every roadside but we donn,t say anything…as if that one is not enough,they hang several loudspeakers high-up the mosques which are the only tall features seen in the whole Southern capital and noises everywhere come each hour. They can lay mats and sit in the middle of the road as seen in Juba at hai Atalabara and several other places blocking every passerby or else order to pass behind them….. also our mouths remained tied ….but what do they think of us….. Iam fed up…….Taha should do sammary before I come with the second comment………

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights
    mr.Taha We are sorry the south belong to black african with traditional belief and christianity is the dominant religion in the is really very shame for you to claim the right of muslim in the south while you are treating christian like Pagan in the north. In this era we need to exercise our religion freely without see an Evil Uniform (Jalabia)again in our land.
    If not satisfactory camp and take them to north, mohamed his land.

  • kur

    Vice President Taha asks South Sudan to protect Muslims rights
    Why on the earth is it so painfull to you Arabs when your Islamic is touch, do you think all the religious are not the same don’t you remember when the police bomb the All St. Cathederal in Khartoum with tear gas during Christmas night. Let me remind you that you foregot that sharia is not applying in South Sudan let it rot in North and not extending to South. For well being of peace don’t mix it up with the sharia which cause the civil war. Your moslem are lucky to be praying even in South instate the should not make noise to us every day, cause we have a right not to be disturb by their voices.

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