Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Child abduction resumes in Sudan’s Bor

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 7, 2008 (MAKUACH, Jonglei) – Armed gunmen abducted two children and wounded another man at Aliang, in Jale Payam about 40 miles north of Bor town Friday, Bor county commissioner said Sunday April 6 at Makuach Boma, 20 miles east of Bor town. It is the fisrt occurance in four months.

Commissioner Abraham Jok Ariing, at his briefing to SPLM members, at county congress convection, said the two children’s abduction occurred in the middle week and the abductors over powered an attempt to recover them (children).

Mr. Ariing attributed the abduction to Murle tribesmen.

“They (Murle) have started the abduction,” he said stressing that it is time Bor community prepare to depend her territory. The commissioner cautioned Bor citizens on foreign land invasion which, he says, is uncultured.

Government of Southern Sudan (GoSS) minister of legal affairs, Justice Makuei Lueth – a born from Bor, blamed the GoSS of not following his advice. “I told them to restrains the notorious son and ask the discipline one to stop fighting,” Justice Makuei said referring to Bor and Murle clans as discipline and notorious sons respectively. Both leaders argued Bor citizens to remain calm as they push forward with GoSS disarmament speed.

Bor community lost thirty-seven (37) children in 2007 to cattle raiders, believed to be Murle tribesmen, and many more died in cattle raiding attacks, child abduction and ambushes launched by Murle, Bor community leaders revealed while briefing villagers at the congress. The leaders promised an end to Murle atrocities.

A child abducted in November 2007returned to his parents in January 2008. It is unclear whether state government or the South Sudan army trying disarmament in Pibor, Murle’s town, will return these children.

Insecurity curved when Lt. Gen. Kuol Manyang assented to the position of governorship in December 2007, after citizens criticized his processor Philip Thon Leek of inability to maintain peace in the state.

Disarmament process, spearheaded by governor request to GoSS President Salva Kiir started in December 2007 but Bor leaders say it is very slow or not virtually successful.



  • James James
    James James

    Child abduction resumes in Sudan’s Bor
    These are the stories I don’t like to answer or read sometimes because such kind of unverified rumors are normally destructive.

    How comes that, the children are safely recovered from gunmen without killing those particular gunmen themselves?

    I really want both Bor and Murle to bury hatred, false accusations and lies against each other. Both Murle and Bor should return to the negatiation table and resolve all those out standing issue. However, few days ago we received a report that, some Bor gunmen killed some SPLA Murle youth who were station at Paryak, I don’t know if this is triggered by that incident of last week. But there is no prove of that yet.

    Anyway, I hope things turn pretty.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    Child abduction resumes in Sudan’s Bor
    Mr. Peter Simeon

    I am still busy here trying to figure out the best way to help you in comprehension problem, but for now let me try to put it this way, I did not wish something bad to the girls who were victimized, what I was tryng to emphasize is the fact that, normally when the gunmen get hold of kids, the only way to get those children is eithr to kill the gunmen or at least engage with the gunmen with tough negatiation till they release the victims through some reasonable ground, but I am not quiet contended with the way those gunmen were defeated, children freed with harm as article cited and without apparent plea during the process.

    I want you to come clear and explain to me how did all these happen with zero causalties at the time of that confrontation. Please don’t just jump to the pool of conclusion without digesting the fact of the fact young cousin.

    I hope you do better next time.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    Child abduction resumes in Sudan’s Bor
    There we go again, Mr. Chol Nyok came out with sleepy face, listen “Borong cheen” I am a person who don’t defend criminals as you normally do, for sure if Murle criminal went to Bor and abduct somebody’s child, and in someway happen to be killed, I don’t think I could open my mouth and blame the father or cousin of the child who might have killed that criminal, in an attempt to protect his child. No Murle leader will blame Bor for that either.

    But Nyok there are many things which some of you don’t want to show fairness in it, last week, Murle youth who were in SPLA as national army have been killed by Bor gunmen includes immediate cousin to Pibor commissioner Mr. Akot Maze, and yet some of you still blame Murle despite that, the news concerning those victims of last week were not posted on the website because they are from Murle who are always guilty and deserve death. Secondly, some of you are calling for rapid disarmament against Murle, no one call disarmament against Bor, why is it so ? You know very well that, those Murle guys who were murdred last week were not killed through lethal inject, they were shot with guns heavily loaded with live bullets, when are you going to call government to collect those murder weapons?

    Dirty tricks like that are all what contribute choas and disarmament difficulties, I am sure the disarmament will not succeed till all of us put our hatred behind us and come clean as brothers and sisters by carrying out the disarmament compaign with open hearts for the interest of restoring peace, not tricks of hit and seek.

    Mr. Nyok please work hard to be honest like me for our communities to reach genuine and permanent peace than barking at the internet screens.

    I hope you copy.

    God bless.

  • James James
    James James

    Child abduction resumes in Sudan’s Bor
    Mr. Perfecto.

    As I said on my first article, I don’t feel good sometimes to concentrate and read such kind of shameful articles, so your comment is just a proof for what I had stated earlier.

    But let me say just one phrase, Murle and Bor stayed four months without any abduction or raiding of each other as article put it. Now what do you think is the cause of the problem this month after four months of smooth relationship?

    If you don’t know, the cause comes from the killing of those Murle SPLA soldiers who have been killed last week by Bor gunmen. that is the only cause that I know. Who is to be blame? honestly, not all Bor but those who killed those Murle men last week. Things like that must stop perfecto.

    Please let work together for real peace.

    God bless.

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