Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Papal Ambassador ordains three Deacons in Archdiocese of Juba

By Isaac Vuni

April 13, 2008 (JUBA) — The Apostolic Nuncio to Sudan, His Grace Leo Boccardi has, today in Juba, at St Theresan’s cathedral Kator ordained three Seminarians to the order of Deacons in the Archdiocese of Juba.

Seminarians promoted to the order of deacon were Angelo Loku Ware, Peter Longoro Adelio and Teter Mawa Wilfred.

Proceeding over the ceremony, His Grace Boccardi said the message of the Holy See send to the Government of Southern Sudan was very clear and very strong and that he was happy to note the progress on the social, economical and political aspect which is of great concern to peace loving people of the world. Pro-nuncio Boccardi said Southern Sudanese have the right to live in peace because peace is a precious human right’s gift to all mankind that must be shared.

Pro-nuncio Boccardi urged people of Southern Sudan to embrace unity, love and to cooperate in working together for reconstructing and developing the war torn Southern Sudan.

He finally suggested that the 19th April 2009 anniversary of Pope Benedict xvi would be celebrated in Juba the capital of the government of Southern Sudan in solidarity with the downtrodden people of Southern Sudan.

His grace said the celebration will kick off with music and art competition involving all Archdiocesan choirs in Juba and promised to pay the sum of Sudanese pounds two thousands for the first winner, one thousand Sudanese pounds for the second and five hundreds Sudanese pounds for the third winner respectively.

His grace Archbishop Paolino Lukudu Loro thanked the people of Juba for praying for him while he was in South African undergoing medical treatment of high blood pressure that has now return back to normal.

The representative of the government of southern Sudan, Alfred Lado Gore hailed the positive support and contribution of the Catholic Church during the bitter liberation struggle that left million of people dead. He said “despite oppressive and forced conversion” imposed on southern Sudanese by National Islamic led government in Khartoum, the church in southern Sudan remain united and strong voice of the voiceless till the comprehensive peace agreement was signed on 9th January 2005.

Commander Lado Gore said the insecurity in Juba town are caused by individuals criminal and promised to weed them out soon. Meanwhile Lado Gores warned those “male who are plating their hair, pinching ears and dancing necked in various night clubs in Juba to watch out, time is running out for them. Any foreign destructive cultures are not wanted in southern Sudan and the promoter of such culture will be severally be punished with hard labour,” he warned.

The governor of central Equatoria state Clement Wani said the government of southern Sudan have decided to postpone the fifth Sudan Population and Housing Census to be held in southern Sudan due to insecurity in most part of southern Sudan, lack of border demarcation and exclusion of ethnicity and religion from the questionnaires which are serious issues that let the people of south to pick up arm struggle for more than thirty years.

He appeal to all people whose land have been grabbed to immediately report to his office so that arrangement are made to reclaim them back to the rightful owners

Earlier the laity representatives of the Catholic Archdiocese of Juba, Dr. Alex Sule, appealed to the papal ambassador to support Southern Sudan Christians to setup Catholic universities, Hospitals, secondary and technical schools in southern Sudan including expansion of churches in all part of southern Sudan.

The colorful deaconate ordination was witnessed by Bishop Johnson Akio of Torit Diocese, Erkolano Lado of Yei diocese and Archbishop elect of the Episcopal church of the Sudan, His grace Daniel Deng among hundreds of thousands congregation from all walk of lives.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Papal Ambassador ordains three Deacons in Archdiocese of Juba
    Good Job
    Lado Gore and Clement Wani i would like to appreciatem you in this short opinion.keep the spirit Mr Clement please our land is our future be strong and stand powerful with other Equatorians leaders to ensure that we are enjoying the fruit of peace like everyone else in Southern Sudan.those who are intending to stand on others will face the consqueneces in the nearest future seriously and hopefully.Mamur must be realsed from detention under this triblism and corrupt SPLA of mr president.

    loving brother LOGIC is back

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