Thursday, December 19, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan is the worst enemy to itself

By Koang Tut Jing

April 14, 2008 — Millions of Sudanese from all walks wonder as to why the GOSS suspended the long awaited census which they agreed on earlier. Did the SPLM led Government in the South not aware of implications of census where questions of Ethnicity and Religions are omitted? Or did they think they can resolve the issue before the census day? Whichever the case, no one knows for sure. Although this late decision blocked the slap on the faces for many marginalised Sudanese the fact that the GOSS was out thought by NIF remains apparent. Giving their blessing to census where religion and ethnicity are left out from the census questionnaire form shows the lacks farsighted critical judgement.

This is a clear demonstration of how this current administration is totally ignorant on the issues that are of important to the people. Surely, “soldiers in World War One did not dig trenches out of perversity in order to be cold, wet, rat-infested, and lice-ridden. They dug them in order to survive.” Likewise, Garang assured the nation that the SPLA would never betray the Sudanese people by negotiating with their oppressors. As Garang fended off the Nimeiri’s attempts of limited the Sudanese issue as southern Sudan problem. The current census crisis is not about southern Sudanese but the whole nation case. It is unfortunate the GOSS sees it as such. Our survival is in stake and the NIF is on course to taking advantages of our weaknesses. Garang knew the Junta and the few in the centre who took over the Government from May Regime were to become oppressors following Nimeiri’s foot-step. Religions and ethnicity being asked in the census questionnaire is important for the Sudan as a whole. The GOSS considers this as Southern Sudan issue. Why not fight for the whole country census to be universal? We have a right to know the number of African people in the north and Arabs and likewise with religions.

Today, it is crystal clear the visionary leader has gone. This is why the impact of not including religion on census was not realised earlier on. This is a country falsely pride itself of 70% Muslim population, why in the world can it be determined through census? Sudan is baselessly known as Muslim nation by fabrication and lies, is this not a right time when we can know for sure it is indeed Islamic Country? By including the religion question is another means of clearing the doubt that our country is indeed a multi-religion nation. Today, the NIF didn’t want to give us that chance because they believe in darkness iron fist as a mean of destroying the light. If the religion question still applicable even today in secular countries like New Zealand, Australia, Canada and the US, why not Sudan where religions are more popular than in the west?

NIF/NCP engineered census forms intentionally left the ethnicity question out as way of covering redefining the Sudanese people historical back-ground. This is of course against their interest because the ethnicity question places the Sudan and its people back to their right place. People of Sudan have been misled, and forcefully annexed to Arab World ignoring the fact everyone knows that most of us are not Arabs. The NIF wants to conceal this defining moment to continue its manipulation in the dark. Unfortunately, the SPLM which fought the war for 21 years as the genuine voice of marginalised first blessed the move. Ethnicity is what make up Sudan and should be included in the census questionnaire form. The SPLM failure to make this happen would render them irrelevant in the eyes of marginalised Sudanese. Another big obstacle they should have got rid of first was the correction of borders between south and north if they want accurate census carried out.

The SPLM and GOSS are clearly the losers in this. If the census could indeed define wealth sharing then the movement and the Government they lead are heading to hard landing. Up to date the demarcation of borders has not taken place and it is obvious many southern Sudanese are living in the north. Why the GOSS did accept this calculated math in the first place? They shouldn’t have done so, to avoid the embarrassing decision they made. Kiir and GOSS should know in a volatile situation as that of Sudan you do not allow your opponent pick the battle site.

Kiir and his Government crew better fight for something than live for nothing. If he will establish something for the sake of mankind in the Sudan, he must relentlessly fight for it. Fighting for equality is uphill battle but the GOSS can do it given how SPLM/A endured the 21 years liberation struggle path. Nowadays, what matter is the survival of marginalised Sudanese with SPLM and GOSS as their voices and shields against the oppressors. But the lack of critical analysis and sound judgements remain the GOSS worst enemy. So long as this government continues to exist in this form our save crossing is in doubt. However, I appreciate this late decision to suspend census even though it is late and helpless, it is a message.

Koang is a Sudanese living in Pacific. Reach him at [email protected]


  • Ladu

    South Sudan is the worst enemy to itself
    Jakor and your group,
    First use that term that SouthSudan is the worst enemy to itself within your backyard.
    You can not bring anything good to the SouthSudanese when you are not in good order yourself.

    SouthSudan has been an enemy to itself since 1990s but that did not overturn the NewSudan Vision.
    The problem of SouthSudan always comes from your backyard as a result of overreaction like the way you title your article.
    That title is wrong and it was irresponsible for you to use because not all Southerners are to blame for the census case.
    It is only the administration of SouthSudan particularly the chair not all the administration.
    As you know many decisions are made soley by the leader and therefore we must use a title of the article that direct itself to the president not Southerners.

    Anyway your article is good but be careful next time how you choose your word.
    You sometime seem to be hypocrite in your politics because you alway jump into your background defend.
    That does not show your being a trustworthy future leader.
    Salva Kiir appear to be weak politically but he is better than that rubbish bin behind him.
    The minute he falter and the fellow behind replace him would be the time the GOSS would end.
    Better a piece of something than that empty ghost lurking behind president Salva Kiir.

    God Bless.
    Ladu Omolo.

  • Kur

    South Sudan is the worst enemy to itself
    Sir, You have said it all. This question of religion and ethnicity should have been resolved before setting the date for the census.So, now what, is it going teo be includied after the delay? But I have no idea why those who have beeb killing innocent people in the name of religion now do not want it on the census forms. This is cheating at best.

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