Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan’s SPLM-GOSS is politically handicap

By Koang Tut Jing

April 18, 2008 — Perhaps, I exulting previous SPLM political strength under the late leader, Garang de Mabior Atem, or maybe, I see unfolding events through the wrong lens. However, in my humble opinion as a mere layman I believe the SPLM/ (GOSS in this matter) is politically disabled. Since 2005 up to date, the SPLM led GOSS never swing any political battle their way against NCP/NIF. This short period of Southern Sudan’s Government existence, the south and her people have been experiencing endless political defeats in the hand of NIF/NCP. Wrangling over the ministry of mining and energy which the SPLM/GOSS gave up, the Abyei issue, the correction of borders which the NCP did little about, they got no idea about the oil income. The SPLM/GOSS withdrawn its ministers from the GONU last year but went back to work without their demands met. More importantly this census row has severely wounded the SPLM/GOSS politically. I won’t want to bog down myself talking these over but would only say something about the danger of inconsistency in life.

I may not fully aware how exactly the administration is running our affairs back home but what I read in the media if not twisted by reporters then we must all be concerned. I observe that the GOSS leadership does not do what they say in broad day light. I observed that the lack of consistency in the GOSS system is now the number one enemy against the South and the people of Southern Sudan. Kiir say this today and tomorrow implements what he said earlier did not want to do. We call this flip-flop type politician and a person lacking stable decision.

As a result we now have to carry on our backs the shame depicted through a leader who do not keep his words. Our President agrees with his cabinets in Juba, the South Sudan capital and when he arrives at the airport in Khartoum he dismantle all he supposes to be saying to Omar Beshir and Taha. Kamal Obeid, the NIF Minister for information described the people’s movement in his latest assault that the “SPLM has no consideration for its leader Salva Kiir Mayardit or respect for his commitment during last week meeting of the Sudanese Presidency.” I fundamentally disagree with the statement because if the SPLM do not consider Kiir or previous leadership the movement would have not reached where it is today. But Obeid has a point because the behaviour of our President is out of normal norms for running a viable system. I obviously suspect him of disregarding his advisors advises.

The attitudes our President displaying to the World and Sudan in particular since he took over cast doubt on SPLM institution. There should be persistent and connected set of rules that prescribe behavioural roles, constraint activity and shape expectations. This is done by strong adherence to institutions but the President’s inconsistency behaviour absolutely accommodates the NIF/NCP Information Minister’s comment when he described the Southern Group as he said “GOSS attitude demonstrates the lack of institutionalisation in the SPLM.” Yes, the lack of institutionalisation and respect for it makes Kiir disregards what he and his cabinets agreed upon and create his own version. The Khartoum gangs called this a commitment to the Sudanese Presidency. But I call it politically handicap and the south is surely heading for hard landing.

After the GOSS lost the fight over the census’ row they shamelessly resorted to reserving the right to have an opinion “determining the ethnic, religious, cultural, social and economic diversity of the Sudan. Confirm and/or adjust the power and wealth sharing arrangements as stipulated in the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA).” They have no objection to go ahead with census and yet they want to have a right to determine the important issues they failed to fight for in the first place? This is a calculated math by NIF but GOSS dangerously led us down. Now census will take place, what will determination of those issues help us after census? Kiir already said the fifth national census will began on April 22nd in the whole country urging the necessary mobilisation to ensure it success. The SPLM/GOSS is mortally wounded and it is a matter of time when the current carries it away. When a government is filled up by short-sighted individuals its life span remain short as well.

Kamal Obeid is right when he pointed out the gap between the Southern President and his cabinets. He said the “reserves expressed by the Southern Sudan cabinet shows the size of the internal divisions within the Sudan People’s Liberation Movement.” The cabinet wants to look after people but the President wants to impress Taha and Omar Beshir. This is a real division. My solution for such is that the President must respect what he and his cabinet agreed upon and not break it when face by Taha and Omar.

Koang is a Sudanese living in Pacific. Reach him at [email protected]


  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Sudan’s SPLM-GOSS is politically handicap
    I agree fully with Mr Koang Tut Jing we are indeed heeding to the darkness
    Silver kirr is selfish leader his playing the game of individual not knowing that game of cow boy
    Is going to destroy his own nation of southern Sudan this is not the time to play cow boy
    This is the time to do what southerners in general saying about the political situation in the country particularly census border abyei situation and development in the south counting will bring more problem to the south and of course our oil money is going directly to the evil party of omer albeshirr

  • Paul

    Sudan’s SPLM-GOSS is politically handicap

  • James Okuk Solomon
    James Okuk Solomon

    Sudan’s SPLM-GOSS is politically handicap
    The GoSS President, His Excellency Salva Kiir Mayardit has the right to reject whatever decision comes from GoSS Cabinet that is against the spirit of the CPA and its implementation process. So let Koang Tut note this well so that next time he doesn’t write on what he does not understand. Let him also know that he is not loyal to Southern Sudan because he is still hiding in the diaspora when he is needed in the South to be counted in the Fifth census. He and many Southerners like him who are still abroad by this time are the one betraying Southern Sudan interest, and not our Joshua Salva Kiir.

  • Kuachthoor

    Sudan’s SPLM-GOSS is politically handicap
    I am in total agreement with the above observation made by a keen South Sudanese. It is actually heart-breaking for any disagreement between SPLM and NCP to always be resolved in favor of the later. This, in my view, makes the leaders of SPLM a bunch of undecided folks, which is an unfortunate senario to us, the common people. What the heck does the NCP leadership say that convinces our leaders so soon? And the drama about the whole thing is that once the differences between these parties are resolved, the public is always left asking themselves, how were the demands addressed? As a South Sudanese in diaspora, am just tired of that dramatic system and i am growing pessimistic about our future as Sudanese in general and South Sudanese in particular. What am asking is, can our leaders, i am an SPLM member by birth by the way, attach some seriousness to the demands they make so that they aren’t nullified easily.

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