Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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UNAMID says upholding zero tolerance against troops misconduct in Darfur

April 18, 2008 (NYALA, South Darfur) — The deputy head of Darfur joint peacekeeping mission stressed that the UNAMID does not tolerate any misconduct form its troops deployed in the war-wracked Darfur region.

DJSR-Nyala-17Apri.jpgUNAMID Deputy Joint Special Representative (DJSR), Henry Anyidoho, met, Thursday, in Nyala with senior state officials, including Deputy Governor, Abdel-Raheim Abul Risha and Minister of State Affairs, Omer Abdel-Jabbar.

Anyidoho reiterated that UNAMID upholds a zero-tolerance policy as regards misconduct. He said, “We will not condone any wrong-doing. If proved guilty, the Mission will take strict action according to the rules and regulations of the United Nations.”

An officer serving with the hybrid mission in Nyala, capital of South Darfur state was detained by local authorities on 13 April 2008 on the grounds of alleged misconduct inside a house in the quarter of Nyala airport.

Anyidoho pressed upon Nyala state officials that the case of the UMAMID officer charged by the state authorities with misconduct must be handled on the basis of the Status of Forces Agreement (SOFA).

The peacekeeping mission official noted that medical tests undertaken at the request of local police, proved negative. A statement by UNAMID underlined.

The National Congress Party in the state of South Darfur “condemned immoral practices perpetrated by the peacekeeping troops,” and organised a protest against the peacekeeping forces in the region.

Ali Mahmoud, the Governor South Darfur, also asked the UNAMID to vacate rented houses within the city by some members of its troops in order to avoid “occurrence of such outrageous acts.”

During the course of the visit, the DJSR and the accompanying delegation visited UNAMID sites and followed-up on progress made in the construction of Nyala Super Camp.

He met with UNAMID staff in South Darfur, representing the military, police and civilian components. Addressing staff, he stressed, “Challenges should not discourage us from meeting our responsibilities. UNAMID is determined to make a difference on the ground and you are the agents of this process.”

He called upon UNAMID personnel to pursue their duties with dedication, despite challenges, placing the interest of the people of Darfur as priority.

He also emphasized the need to respect the customs and traditions of the people of Sudan and to follow the highest standard of conduct at all times.


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