Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Jonglei’s Pibor County commissioner doubts child abduction by his men

By Philip Thon Aleu

April 30, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – Child abduction, that resumed in Bor county last month, is not by Murle tribesmen or if any; then there is no official reports, commissioner of Pibor County has said here Tuesday April 29. The commissioner however says he can not rule out an element of trust in the claims. Bor dismissed the denial.

Akot Maze Adikir (By P. Thon ST)
Akot Maze Adikir (By P. Thon ST)
“I can not deny the fact that child abduction might have started, but I do not have that information,” Commissioner Akot Maze Adikir told reporters at Diam-Diam hotel, (Bor town) when summoned to explain circumstances surrounding Murle tribesmen’s brutal behaviors in Jonglei state. Two trips of two children were drove out

Adikir however, says last year’s atrocities may resume should the Luo Nuer, who he said attempted cattle raiding there last month, fail to desist. “I do not rule out any resumption of atrocities this year, but my people will not start,” he said adding that Murle may respond in revenge if continuously attacked as Luo Nuer tried in March 2008.

Communities in Jonglei have been engaged in tribal conflicts since peace deal – commonly known as the compressive Peace Agreement (CPA) that ended South-North civil war was reached three years ago. But all neighbors of Murle community jointly said they (Murle) are responsibly for the insecurity. SPLM Jonglei state leaders, who converged here Tuesday failed to accuse one tribe as being in charge of the suffering as well as admitting the arms littering at the hands of cattle keepers as the cause.

As far disarmament, Mr. Adikir said the South Sudan army is very peaceful and would not achieve as such. “Disarmament by peace will not be successful,” he said. Adikir outlined culture and addiction to use of guns as some of the reasons his men may not hand over peacefully. He however, maintained that people have promised their commitment to realize peace and his government is working very hard for better results.

Pibor County has suffered as the result of it behaviors. Health, education facilities and food scarcity are surging high all day along. “Health is very poor. We have only 15 primary schools without qualified teachers and taught under trees,” the commissioner said when asked to tell the overview of Pibor town that is not connected to Jonglei capital Bor road or other formal network.

In a related development, at least two children have been identified by South Sudan army since they deployed in December 2007 non – Murle tribesmen’s offspring and thus returned to their parent(s), Akot Maze revealed the latest development there to reporter.


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