Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Unfair SPLM Convention in Western Equatoria

By Charles B. Kisanga

May 2, 2008 — In Western Equatoria state where SPLM State convention was recently taking place starting from the 30th April 2008, the Governor and the SPLM representative to oversee the Convention were reported to have told assembled delegates that certain people were barred from going to the Convention and they should not be considered for nominations for any offices then.

In Juba some Western Equatoria SPLA commanders were told at the last minute that they could not be allowed to attend state Convention in Yambio unless they obtained special permission from the SPLA or the SPLA Commander in Chief. As such commanders such as Col Patrick Zamoi and also commanders such as Col Samuel Bati and Col Joseph Bakosoro who were recently contesting for the position of Governor for the Western Equatoria State found themselves barred from attending the State Assembly in Yambio. Of course the timing of the announcement and information meant that there was no way any single commander could get such permission when one is told at the last minute that you cannot board the plane for the Convention tomorrow unless you bring special permission.

Further it was reportedly told to the Western Equatoria State Convention delegates that participants from the Diaspora, meaning most of the intellectauls from abroad are not allowed to be part of the SPLM convection in the state. This means people are condemned from participating whether you were abroad for studies or have never found any means to return because of insecurity and other concerns. This means people like the writer who was preparing to return to Southern Sudan cannot even be considered since he is no longer part of the UK and could not participate in UK SPLM chapter Election since he was about to return also to Sudan where he was expecting to participate in the Convention at all levels. Is this not the same SPLM leaders who wanted to stop census from taking place because they claimed 2 million Southerners are still in the North? So why now that those from the Diaspora are said to be banned from being part of the political process in there homeland? Of course this contradicts the statement from SPLM Deputy chairman Dr. Riek Machar who earlier said that about 5% of delegates should come from the Diaspora for the SPLM. Convention

The same news seem to emerge also from some other states such as Bor whose unhappy commanders barred from participating in SPLM State Convention are said to have besieged Lt Gen Salva Kari’s office in Juba seeking explanation why some SPLM officers are being prevented from attending SPLM Convection. It is worth mentioning that there are very many officers in SPLA who are over the age of 70 but because of the issue of no clear demobilisation they are in SPLM symbolically and would rather be in politcial position. Also the case of people like Col Patrick Zamoi who previously been in political position as Governor is quiet unique since Army people who go into politics are not expected to be forced back into the Army and so the they should be free to participate in the political process.

The only thing one can say is that the SPLM Convention in certain states like Western Equatoria is being manipulated like the manipulation which usual means ringing the selection as much as can happen in an Election process. What is happening is that the system was being designed to prevent capable candidates from standing up against unpopular candidates so that they go unopposed. Such is a mockery of the democratic process and freedom and equality and inclusion policy of the SPLM . So the whole process in certain states like Western Equatoria was designed to undermine the democratic process and it can be seen by the kind of person sent to supervise the selection process in WES , in the form of Samson Kwaje. We should have followed the example of Eastern Equatoria where even the incumbent Governor Brigadier Aloisio Emor Ojetuk had been voted out of office in a fair selection process.

The prevention of potential candidates for SPLM Chairperson and other offices in Western Equatoria from going that direction and the prevention of any name from the Diaspora from participating have brought swift condemnation from some WES Intellectuals as well s WES SPLA officer and some have been to the SPLM offices in Juba to protest such unfair holding of state convention. WES intellectuals and SPLA officers ho have been undermined in the process are said to be appealing to the SPLM chairman Lt Gen General Salva Kiir to reconsider their cases for inclusion in the Convention Process.

Oyee to SPLM which is for justice, equality and freedom
Down with dictatorial polices and policies designed to undermine freedom in Western Equatoria state.
Long Live the Just struggle of the people of Western Equatoria state.

Eng Kisanga is Managing Director of Bibatech Limited, a South Sudanese ICT Service Provider Eng. Kisanga is also a former SPLM NLC member and is chairman of Western Equatoria Azande Community World-Wide Organisation. He can be reached [email protected]


  • Kur

    Unfair SPLM Convention in Western Equatoria
    It is good that the SPLM is starting to assert itself as a genuine political force that wants to establish its power base at the levels of Boma, Payam, County, and state. In addition, we must know that in order for the SPLM to reach a complete level of political maturity, there will always be some problems on the way as we travel through the tough road of political transformation. There will be some elements within the SPLM hierarchy who want to cling to power at all cost. Others will realise that it is time for democracy to flourish in our communities. Therefore, Mr. Kisanga let’s use wisdom here and see to it that this process goes on smoothly because it will be the only way we may be able to change political life in South Sudan to the better.

    These conventions are the first test of our ability to establish people’s power. It doesn’t mean that fairness will always be the rule of the game, but our hope in this process is that we have already started building democratic society where people speak and I hope there will be no return on the road to democracy in south sudan. Of course I understand that you have genuine concern about the way the convention delegates were selected in WES.One may not accept that some people are barred from running for an SPLM office. SPLM is a people’s party, built by people, and it stands for the people. Therefore, no member of the SPLM can be barred from running for a political position within the party.So, let’s get things right before we render our judgement because no one has the right to bar individuals from running for the political office in South Sudan other than the electorates.


  • aguer alaak
    aguer alaak

    Unfair SPLM Convention in Western Equatoria
    To this juncture,it,s real saying romours belong to those who knew nothing or less about the topic. As clear as the topic of the article stated,goes the article contrary and should it not be blamed on the intelectual as he call himself coz it make no different to him saying the SPLM and SPLA or maybe things work the way he think in UK,that soldiers in their full atire sit to discuss the country,s political affairs together with politicians. Taking people,s attention by lying is the greatest mistake the writer cease not. Please Mr. intellectual,don,t ever mention other people,s name when intending to lie…or else if you need more knowledge about what,s going on in Sudan or Southern Sudan in particular,please take plenty of time doing research before you rush so that even the tinest grain of truth may be found.

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