Thursday, September 26, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Khartoum and the one million tactics!

By Dr. Justin Ambago Ramba, MD.

“Let me tell you that for the past 22 years we have been fighting with the Khartoum government but not Kony,” Yoweri Museveni said on Monday.

After having travelled wide, I feel that I really have say what I will be saying now in regardless of those whose interests may get threatened. We the people of south Sudan have had the unique experience of being passed on several occasions from one colonial master to the other. We did experience the French and the Belgium misrule in the Lado Enclave (today’s Great Equatoria), Fashoda, and the Great Bahr el Ghazal. This was subsequently followed by the proxy Albanian colonialisms and enslavement with the Northern Sudanese Arabs and their as usual counterparts, the Egyptian throne as it was , and they both carried out the day to day facilitation missions in what history has shamefully refused to accurately record as part of our long struggle against the forces evil. Then, came the Anglo – Egyptians, a coalition to dominate the Great Lakes and the African Giant, which is the Nile. When the Arabs of the Sudan fell off with Britain, then Egypt, the obvious was for them to claim the position of the New Masters over the people of south Sudan. But history alone if ever properly documented would have told everyone without exceptions that , south Sudan’s rapid change of colonial masters was actually due to the fact each and every colonizer found it extremely difficult if not impossible to maintain a centrally controlled grip of the people on the ground…….. These are people whose free will comes first and far first before whosoever claims to be in controlled. In other words they are always what they are and that is the way it is going to be, if you don’t know.

Our history has taught us that since period immemorial, several nations have conspired against us. We were sold in the world market either in mass deals or at retail prices. And nobody ever had the slightest remorse of all these dirty policies which were practised in south Sudan. But today we are different. As the saying goes “not all those born in the gutter will remain in the gutter, nor are all those living in the gutter were actually born in the gutter “. If it is today that brother Musseveni has come to acknowledge that it was the Arabs who are fighting Uganda by proxy through the infamous Lord’s Resistance Army, and he should equally appreciated that it is the gallant people of south Sudan who have all through stood as a shield against the southwards propagation of the Arab influence , thus saving the East African region in particular and the Black continent at large of much of the ills which naturally follow the Arab expansionism, be it socially or politically.

Let us now look at the so called the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and what it has in its records. I am really obliged by my south Sudanese nationalism and at this particular point in time to totally agree with all those who think that these people are no more than ruthless and merciless savages who should not only be persecuted by the International Criminal Tribunal, but should indeed be made to pay for all the non human atrocities that they have committed against their fellow Ugandans, and now the south Sudanese. After having lost grounds amongst the Luo groups of northern Uganda whom they claim to represent, now they have moved to the once very peaceful State of Western Equatoria in south Sudan. Reports say that they remain as notorious and brutal as ever. Under any Laws they are not meant to be carrying guns once in the Sudan if our governments are really serious.

In as far as the regional politics is concerned, the Arab regime illegally installed in Khartoum on 31 June 1989, has amongst its many agendas, the arabicization and Islamization of Africa, of which Uganda is meant to the springing board. The have a century war of Arab resistance being fought in south Sudan is a war of dignity which is being fought by the people of south Sudan on behalf of all the indigenous peoples of the African continent. But at the same time we well know that the enemy continues to use all kinds of tactics and manoeuvres in order to set the whole continent into a state of confusion and chaos, and thereafter plan to exploit the arising situation to its benefits. These are well understood, but unfortunately only by south Sudanese and otherwise until recently even our fellow black Africans would easily prefer not to discuss whatsoever was happening in south Sudan and especially its struggle for justice and equality. And as Khartoum is currently fighting another war in Darfur, whose population is almost, 100 % practising Muslims, the black African fraction there remains always alienated, marginalized and segregated.

Now as Africans and especially at the level of their leaderships are now able to discern the Arab expansionist policies in the continent, then I can say that we are just about to start the pan African emancipation. It is not only the Europeans, but others also participated in making us into disadvantage nations, but as times goes many are being revealed and there will come a day when all the cards will be put on the table and the nasty deals will come to an end with the birth of the nation of south Sudan. But of course Khartoum will always try to keep the candle of instability burning in the south. Now what do you make of the LRA’s relocation to Western Equatoria? This move is quite strategic for the survival of the LRA as their proximity to the Central African Republic will easily enable them to be accessible by their suppliers in the government of Khartoum, Sudan. This is of immediate danger to the SPLA/M government of south Sudan as LRA can be used by Khartoum to an extend of toppling the government in Juba through a well coordinated coup detat or an open over run.

President Museivenni should then take this whole issue very seriously even if it means moving the Uganda army into the interior of the jungles of Western Equatoria, in Southern Sudan to totally eradication these monsters. And SPLA/M government of Juba should be made to know that , this very LRA whom they are trying to engage with, so as to bring about peace in northern Uganda and the rest of south Sudan are no less dangerous from the Messeiriya nomadic Arab tribesmen of Southern Kordofan, and both are stooges of the Islamic government of Khartoum. The rest is common sense, and neither LRA nor any other Arab stooge for that matter should be tolerated at the expense of the poor citizens of south Sudan whom after a complete half of a century of utter suffering , should at last be entitled to a decent and peaceful life with their own country.

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