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Sudan Tribune

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Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash

May 7, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudanese investigators have completed the gruesome task of sifting through the wreckage of the Beech 1900 that crashed last week and started preparing their technical report.

Salva_Kiir_Mayardit_R_.jpgDue to technical failure a plane of South Sudan Air Connection came down on Friday May 2, 375 kilometers from Juba, killing everyone on broad including South Sudan army minister Dominic Dim Deng and Justin Yac Arop, GoSS presidential Adviser for Decentralization.

The deputy director of the Sudan Civil Aviation Authority and member of the technical investigation team, Mohamed Saleh al-Kenani said the investigators had visited the site of the accident, 15 km east of Rumbek, and returned to Khartoum carrying the black box, which should explain why the Beechcraft crashed.

He further said that the black box will be sent to the nearest examination centre outside Sudan by the competent authorities very soon.

Following the crash, the civilian aviation authority disclosed that it had blamed GoSS minister of transport for authorising private foreign companies to operate in south Sudan without examining their planes by its competent service.

South Sudanese officials said following the accident that the plane’s captain reported engine trouble and requested an emergency landing in Rumbek airstrip. But the plan crashed before reaching the airport.

Gabriel Changson Chan, southern Sudan’s information minister, told the Sudanese TV last Friday that most of the planes operating in South Sudan are ancient and not technically controlled.



  • Toposa Boy southerner
    Toposa Boy southerner

    Sudanese investigators end preliminary investigation on plane crash
    Khartoum the terrorist city is to take care of the black box
    Southerners are finish

  • young paul
    young paul

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    You got it right is time Toposa Boy Southern, although most of the time I don’t agree with you, but that is the pattern of live. Can you tell me why H.E Kiir , is crying and H.E Machar is not, has it to do with tribalism emotional control or Twic community heart breaking . This picture need to by analyst by UN experts so we don’t waste our time dreaming for a fail country.

  • Ben-Fu

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    Although no one can predict what is a head of us, I can see failure from our leaders.

    If our leaders just sit and talk big days and nights nothing can happen automatically.

    Building Southern Sudan need unity, toughs’ actions and commitment with high security for our citizens to work and move freely.

    GOSS receive almost a billion $$ a year from oil and our high-ranking official still renting19 century old stagnant engine planes.

    Since GOSS has not taken measures on national security, insecurity can always rise higher and we can always talks about security after disastrous tragic like this one.

    We can always talks about disbarments after one tribe attacks others fiercely.
    No attacks, forget the disarmament and insecurity.
    What is GOSS doing?

    1.Tribal disputes are ignored saying they can do nothing about it, the same lame excuse use by Khartoum on Darfur.

    2. Our leaders are looking for more oil well everywhere in southern Sudan to sell to foreigners. Yes, GOSS is doing their best delivering service to the citizens!

    3. They enjoy lives in big cities, e.g. Juba and Khartoum, others Southern major town? Forget it, no fresh fruit, because no agricultural agenda on the land.

    They are building roads but no bulldozers though, so let foreign businessmen buy and do the development.

    Old planes are painted to look new and we are poor, population wouldn’t know.
    Only Khartoum can take care of the black box, GOSS has no budget and knowledge to take care of such high-tech incident.

    Ha ha ha soon we will become “Laughing Stock”!

  • Dhieu Dok
    Dhieu Dok

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    Young Paul

    It does not mean that everyone should cry when the president is crying. Salva Kiir didn’t even cry when Dr. Garang’s plane crashed if my memory is still sharp. You may correct me on that point.

    This is a lost not only to South Sudan in general but a big blow in his own backyard. There is no point of questioning why Riek is not crying. It is up to him to cry or not depending on how he is haunted by the lost. Suppose the plane that crahsed carried people from Leer in Unity State, you would have seen Riek crying the same way.

    In a nutshell, my own analysis is that Salva Kiir is haunted by the big lost from his own backyard of Twic Mayardit. And I sympathized with him because those guys were very important to him.

    Let’s look at the flip side of it. Will crying help? How long will black boxes be taken to foreign land for interpretation? The last black box from Garang’s plane was taken to Russia. The current one is being analyzed by our enemies. How do we expect the people in Khartoum to be objective in the investigation? Let’s think about that for time being.


  • sudanson

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    As long as southerners failed to build their institutions like aviation, medical, educational, their will be no way out, presently there have been failure fromt he top to train their own pilots and their on engineers even after the leader of splm Garang crached in the helicopter, authorities have failed to purchase good planes for top commanders and ministers, plane will cost less than $20-30 million for one good plane or helicopter, see how much money south have from oil is almost about $1.6 billion, from this money why the GOSS leader cannot take just $50-100 million and use buy new plane and train pilots na dengineers for south sudan?, this would be able to save the lifes of remaining commanders and top officials.
    If GOSS acted early this people who died would not have died.
    As long as south government and president do not do the right work at the right time more people will continue to die and the enemy will continue to count the dead & analyse the black boxes for them.

  • young paul
    young paul

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    For Justin Wani

    Justin Wani, from your name I can tell that you come from those backward primitive tribes that marry their women with chickens. I posted a genuine question to enlighten your crispy brain that Southern Sudan are wired mental in this chronicle disease call tribalism .For sure Dhieu Dok, answered my question and explained it further that if that plane had crushed carry some people from” leer” Nuer community Dr Machar would have fainted crying. So for a moron like you to think that my posting make no sense, raises my doubt that probably you need a physistirc reevaluation to bring you to the capacity of my mental thinking. Have a good day Wani my Juba little boy. I pity no fools and watch out I can go hard on you.

  • Afonso

    Sudanese investigators complete preliminary probe on plane crash
    I am a non Sudanese and has always been supporting the liberation of South Sudan, but after a visit to South Sudan few months back, I was shocked at what I saw. I am now convinced that all the years poor southerners spent fighting has just gone in vain due to the following points
    1.The GOSS bosses are always busy with ladies and beer at the hotels in JUba
    2.Almost the GoSS bosses have their families and expensive houses outside Sudan (Kampala, Nairobi, Addis etc)
    3. GoSS Ministers are busy dating and spending high amount of money on foreign girls in Juba whilst neglecting their legal wives in poor houses in Juba
    4. There are no good or standard houses in Juba
    5. Only 2 good roads for the whole of Juba
    6. Poor communication network only an illrgal mobile phone system “Gemtel” operates in Juba and part of the South
    7 Its expensive travelling around as there are no roads only by air
    8 There is no power supply, since December 2007, all NGO and homes depend on generators
    9 THere is no pipeborne water supply 10 Indian hotel owners are importing labourers and workers and even tractor drivers from India at the detriment of young umemployed Sudanese youths
    With all these probelms was there any need to fight
    Presently almost all the GoSS bosses are owning the latest and most expensive cars, driving uselessly all over Juba and doing little or no work at all
    To see how effective many of these GoSS bosses are just visit hotel and bars and you would see that they dominate the entire place and some bluff of their weapons in the open
    What angers me most is that almost all the GoSS bosses live for months in these hotels and I ask myself why cant they go and live in their homes and thus develop the standards rather than live in these hotels paying over $100 daily on rooms not to talk about food and drinks. This reminds me of a book I read “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell. If the poor people knew this was going to be the outcome of their struggle, I am sure they would have refused to allow to be used for this useless fight.The only way forward is to force these GoSS buffoons out of their unnecessary expensive lifestyles and work for a better South Sudan

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