Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

The SPLM will emerge stronger following the convention – Arman

May 9, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — The Sudan People’s Liberation Movement (SPLM) is not divided and will emerge stronger than ever following its convention, the deputy Secretary general for northern Sudan said.

SPLM Second Convention will begin in the city of Juba on Sunday, May 11 under the slogan «No to war, yes to the New Sudan». 1520 delegates from the 26 states of Sudan will take part in the convention, women will constitute 25% of the participation, the 13 states of the northern sector is represented by more than 500 members, besides representatives of Bleu Nile and Nuba mountains.

Yasser Arman reaffirmed the unity of the SPLM saying that it will emerge more stronger at the end of the second convention, saying the SPLM can not be bypassed in the upcoming general elections. He further invited political forces wishing to rule the country to ally his movement.

“Those who want to govern have to join the movement” he said adding “No one can rule the Sudan without the SPLM.”

He said that the period of armed struggle is behind the party and the political action is main tool of the SPLM.

Speaking at a press conference held on Thursday in the Khartoum’s suburb of Soba where life many displaced persons from southern Sudan and Darfur Arman said that the conference preceded a meeting of the Parliament of the South.

The Second SPLM Convention should reduce the membership of the Political Bureau to 21 and the National Liberation Council (NLC) to 250 members.

In southern Sudan, each of the 10 state elected 68 representatives to the National Convention.

Delegates to the Convention shall in turn elect two hundred and fifty (250) representatives to the National Liberation Council (NLC).

Then the newly would-be elected members of the National Liberation Council shall in turn elect twenty-one (21) persons to the SPLM High Political Bureau that shall include the executive and its secretariat.

Besides the elected chairman of the movement, one deputy chairman should be elected, putting an end to the existing several deputies.

The elected leadership has to discuss SPLM Manifesto as well as the movement’s constitution.

Yasir Arman said that the candidateship for the chairmanship of the party is open to all. However, he announced his support for the election of Salva Kiir Mayadrit for the SPLM leadership saying that Mayadrit derives his legitimacy from the fact that he is the only remaining founder of the movement; also he proved his political savoir-faire and led the SPLM successfully after the death of Dr John Garang.

As for the movement’s candidate for the presidency of the Republic in the forthcoming elections and the map of political alliances, he said these issues will be discussed within the SPLM bodies.


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