Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan’s First Vice-President condemns rebel attack on Khartoum, postpones SPLM convention

May 10, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — First Vice-President and President of Government of southern Sudan strongly condemned Darfur rebel Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) attack against the Sudanese capital, Khartoum, and announced the postponement of the Second SPLM Convention.

Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayardit
Salva Kiir Mayadrit in a speech broadcasted by the national media — TV and radios — from Juba said that this attack does not help to resolve the Darfur crisis. “Regretfully it deepens the wounds and does not help in resolving the issues.”

He further said the “Darfur issue is a political issue which should be resolved through dialogue” until a peace agreement that satisfies all the parties is achieved.

The First vice President, who is the acting Sudanese president due to the absence of President al-Bashir in Saudi Arabia, announced the postponement of the Second Convention of the Sudan people’s Liberation Movement scheduled to begin tomorrow in Juba.

He further said that the SPLM decided this temporary adjournment until the situation in the country returns to normal.

Salva Kiir indicated that he is in constant contact with the President al-Bashir and they agreed on measures and precautions to deal with the situation.

He, as chairman of the SPLM also pledged that his party will exert more efforts to reach a lasting solution to Darfur crisis.

He renewed the commitment of the SPLM and the Government of southern Sudan to the Comprehensive Peace Agreement and the protection of constitutional order.

“We should derive lessons from what happened and implement the CPA and to use it as model to solve Darfur crisis.” Salva Kiir said. He also stressed that the SPLM would continue to follow Darfur issue at the level of the presidency and the competent organs

At the end of his speech, he extended his condolences to those who lost a friend and hoped for the injured quick recovery.


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