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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad

May 11, 2008 (KHARTOUM) — Sudan broke off diplomatic relations with Chad on Saturday, blaming its neighbor for a foiled rebel attack against the Sudanese capital.

Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir
Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir
Sudanese President Omar Hassan Al-Bashir appeared on Sunday morning wearing his military uniform for the first time since his return late Saturday from Saudi Arabia after performing the pilgrimage.

In a 4 minute speech, Al-Bashir announced that diplomatic relations with Chad have been broken. He further said that he holds Chad responsible of the foiled attack by the Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) troops against the Sudanese capital.

Al-Bashir said that Sudan “reserves the right to respond to this attack”.

Separately Chadian Ambassador to Washington told Sudan Tribune by phone that Sudanese forces wearing “regular forces uniform” attacked the Embassy of Chad in Khartoum on Saturday evening.

“They broke into all the offices of the embassy including that of the ambassador and seized all the documents and computers” Mahmoud Adam Bechir said.

On April 14, 2006, following a first rebel attack against the Chadian capital Chad had severed diplomatic relations with Sudan.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    ha ha Sound funny to hear that Beshir is preparing to take action against Chad why dont you go to Chad and apologist for being sadist always,you beleive that because you have been praying for yourself in Holy Mosque of the Prophet Muhammad and now you think that your fresh in mind and all your tricks as a renewable man.In my Logic you have been performing your monk chemicals and now as you have returned,it’s time to spread them out and kill others as usually.sorry just do it because of your supporters Egypt,Libya and other Arabs countries,but should you act on your own as Beshir for sure you will regret with your monk beliefs of genocide.Even your city was attacked by your own people or rebel of your own country why do you intend to make revenge with Chad innocent country with some of Durfurian refugees.what are the clear evidences to show that those rebels were supported by Chad president,should you keep acting against those who are working with realy ambition of equality its a big shame on you.

  • Sam

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    Sorry! Bashir. It’s seem not one of your joyers day. Because those who you have been sipping their blood has only yield at you. which lated their blood you have been sipping flare your check like a ball. You have no right to look at chad as one orienting JEM. Because Chad was not the one who late Darfure rebelled against you. Anless you just want to motivate your war against Chad and just want to make it a veto to fabricate reality to the whole world as you usually do. I wish Chad has had hand on the attack of the capital, that would have been sign of manship I wish from people that have problem with you. However, it would be just may be hand of Chadian women and not men, If that have to be hand of Chadian from men, suppose Khartoum was overrun by JEM, I would have beleive you that there is Chad ‘s hand on the attack. But, now you should know that the attack is JEM’s power with no support from Chad.

  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Coward president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    Sorry to hear this behaviours and i beleive that those bloody black chamelone in KHARTOUM are the ones to fighting with their fellow African in Chad.


  • A2 4 forever
    A2 4 forever

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    I salute the courageous JEM for their attack on the terrorist capital, Khartopum!!

    As a true son of the greater southern Sudan and as the active member of SPLA/M, I would like to salute the JEM for their bold attack to the terrorist and the extremist capital, Khartoum.

    I believe all your brothers in south Sudan are with you in this painful time at which your brave sons of true Darfur are fighting fiercely with the evil army of the terrorist Arabs of North Sudan!!

    I salute your heroes who have taken the fight into the heart of the evil capital of the African enmy, long live JEM-SPLA and long live the unity of the Africans in Sudan or the Land of black!!

    We (true SPLAers) may not offer you a lot at this curtail time you need us badly, as we have no courageous leader who can take a decisive action and move the mass for your help, but I must assure you that we, the people of south Sudan, will soon get rid of those cowed and self-centred leaders, and will be fighting in the front lines with your brave sons of Darfur.

    On the other hand, I deeply condemn and thus denounce the Kiir’s false condemnation of the attack in the name of greater SPLA oh yeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!

    Please know that we are not with Kiir and thus don’t take his unorganised, ironic and self-centred statement seriously, because he did that to safeguard his position in the GoNU.

    That is to say, the uncoordinated statement issued by Kiir in Juba doesn’t represent the true feelings of southern Sudanese toward their Darfurian brothers, we are seeing the killing of Darfurian as our own during the days of struggle!!

    Kiir’s statement represents only his self-centred and corrupt GoSS!! Thus as a true son of Southern sudan, I would personally like to apologise on behave of that self-centred GoSS for their cowed condemnation of the heroic action (attack) by the heroic JEM!!!!!!!!!!!! LONG LIVE UNITY OF JEM AND SPLA/M. and long live the unity of the true sons of Sudan and struggle continue!!

    A2 United kingdom

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    well done,well attempt JEM, Keep up doing the same never give up the fight against the terroist regime in khartoum, you donkey Albashir stop crying against innocent Chadian Goverment. look your foolishness, you equiped Chadian rebel in El-Genena in febuary to overthrow Eddris Debi goverment as a deal to get rid of Durfur refugees and rebels in Chad, do you think that Chad goverment is stupid?
    Fucken Slave ArabS.

  • Sam

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    Oh No! Oh no! Omar Hassan Al-Bashir! You are so angry! Oh no may be your check is going to burst boooooooom like grenade! ha ha ha hahaha!I can see crease on your bare head! Oh no where is your turban today. Did JEM blew it off your head and leaving you with bare headed then set your eyes at striaght stairing in the air, shall Muohamad rasul hala late you see realities in the wind at that stairing. It would be great and you may pick your turban up and used it as simple of wisdom as those who worn it used it for. Today, I seen reality in your face. Those days you were happy and linding at your chair on your back and write four with your legs. Because children of other were one dying from bullet and suffocation from smoke of gunpowder, but, today I sow your face frowning angrily becaused simple dry mist on the street of Khartoum has cause accidents on the street. I am still wandering what it would be like to see soot smoke of fire on the necks of your house and your belove son leave laying down for his everlasting long sleep, It might be the day you would torn the muesque apart and late down muohamad rasul hala as devil prophet who could not help your son out of the dirt. However, it is okay for now because JEM will be urge to stop causing dry mist in the city, and if they would once again try it out, then they should late the whole Khartoum city be covered by soot smoke so that we whom you have taken away their children, parents, and relative can see sense of your eyes at that moment.

  • idris bashir

    Sudan president appears on TV, breaks off relations with Chad
    the cutting of diplomatic relationships is great hypocrcy because after elbashir directing the government troops to attack and ruthlessly vandalise the chad ambassy in khartoum what did he expect?

    otherwise congradulations and bravo for the JEM for such an attack may this merciless,racist and inhuman khartoum arabs test the bite of what they do to innocent darfurians long live southern sudan,
    i urge other southern rebel groups to join hands for justice and equality in sudan

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