Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Happy 25th SPLM/A Anniversary

By Sabrino Majok Majok*

May 16, 2008 — Twenty-five years ago on May 16, 1983, the founding Fathers of SPLM/A heralded the birth of people’s Movement that would quickly galvanize the entire nation, the Sudan, one person, one village, one state, and one region at a time or simultaneously. The Fathers of SPLM, comrades Dr. John Garang de Mabior, Kerubino Kuanyin Bol, William Nyuon Bany, Salva Kiir Mayardit, and Arok Thon Arok—just to mention the first five, critically assessed and examined the lingering problem of the country called the republic of the Sudan. Upon extensive examinations and assessments, the Fathers finally arrived at a correct diagnosis of the chronic and disabling cancer of the state contrary to erroneous and misleading concept of the so-called “the problem of the South Sudan.” According to them, the problem was not “the problem of the South Sudan,” instead it was “a problem of entire country engineered by a few from the North.” With this assessment and revelation in mind, it’s safe to say that Sudan’s problem has been a problem of the North since it was manufactured and enforced from there.

In effect, the “problem of Sudan ” was and still is a problem of marginalization of the majority by the minority successive ruling cliques in Khartoum, hence multi-wars beginning in 1955 until today. Albeit with relative peace after Addis Ababa and Naivasha Peace Agreements respectively in 1972 and 2005, Sudan is still at war within itself and lots of innocent lives are being lost daily, be they from Dar Fur or a long North-South border. Because of marginalization and continued oppression by successive, minority regimes in Khartoum, SPLM/A was incepted as a voice for voiceless. Since then, Sudanese masses responding positively all over the country, particularly amongst the most marginalized and oppressed communities such as South Sudan, Nuba Mountains, Blue Nile, Western, and Eastern Sudan. The struggle against marginalization, oppression, slavery and genocide continued, in large part, until CPA was signed on January 9th, 2005.

Unfortunately, the key architect for CPA, Dr. John Garang de Mabior was prematurely killed in a chopper crash en route to South Sudan’s New Site on July 30, 2005, only three weeks after he was sworn in as First Vice President of the republic and President of GOSS. After him, the helm was entrusted to his right hand man, the only surviving co-founder of SPLM/A, current First Vice President of the republic, President of Goss, Chairman and C-in-C of SPLM/A, 1st Lt-General comrade Salva Kiir Mayardit. Despite his taking over the leadership during crisis, General Salva stood his ground and has effectively succeeded to lead his people, readily bringing on board former foes of the Movement and in-discriminatory assigning them key and junior positions irrespective of their tribes, religions, or regions. At his tenure, the democratic exercise has favourably been tested by the members and friends from Bomas, Payams, Counties, States, national, and international levels. As such, nation-wide congresses that were held were clear, solid and living examples of what one would expect from SPLM Second National Convention currently taking place in Juba: Democratization through fair and orderly elections.

As Second National Convention progresses to its final days this weekend, it’s imperative that every member abides by SPLM basic rules and regulations and also its national constitution. Indeed, SPLM membership should always be reminded that nobody is above the law. Of course when it comes to elections of SPLM leadership this week, contenders should also be made aware that not all post seekers will be elected. This is part and parcel of true democracy. Yes, some will succeed and others will definitely suffer defeat. Therefore, all members of SPLM leadership must be prepared for both, successes or failures, without any quibbles or resorting to tribalism, sectionalism, or regionalism!

Happy May 16th, 25th Birthday!!

*Sabrino Majok Majok is a member of NBEG State Liberation Council; reach him via [email protected]

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