Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

13 Somali journalists flee to Ethiopia

By Tesfa-alem Tekle

May19, 2008 (ADDIS ABABA) — Some 13 journalist serving in government and private media in Somalia crossed border to Ethiopia fleeing intimidations and persecutions of Al-Shabab, who are the military wing o f the Islamic Courts Union (ICU).

The journalists who entered the country told WIC yesterday that Al-Shabab has currently been murdering journalists working with concerned bodies striving to bring peace and order in that country.

The terrorist group does not want activities of the Somali Transitional Government, African Union (AU) troops and other institutions working to bring peace and stability in that country to be reported in a balanced and fair manner.

Mohamed Nor Mo’alim, a journalists serving in the government radio station stated that he was repeatedly threatened to death for reporting the efforts of the Transitional Government towards ensuring peace in Somalia.

Kadar Shardi Ahmed, from Radio Somali Weyn on his part expressed that his father and brother were murdered by Al-Shabab group for producing programs of immense importance for the country’s peace and stability.

Fardowsa Mohammed, Universal Television journalist, who left Somalia along with her four children on her part stated that she lost her brother and repeatedly threatened by the terrorist group as she became famous for producing programs featuring the reality on the ground.

The journalists indicated that Al-Shabab threatens even their families through telephone, postal and other means.

The terrorist group has reportedly been harassing pro-government Somali nationals, they said further appealing for the international community to halt its ill acts.

The journalists from state owned media, Horn Afrik, Darban Radio, Banadir Radio, Afrikada Bari, Universal TV, GBC, among others made request for political asylum, it was learnt.


1 Comment

  • Ruai Malual Jal

    13 Somali journalists flee to Ethiopia
    Dear African countries,
    The journalists are the voice of the community every where in the world. It will be nice that you can respect them whereever they are.

    murdering the journalists is not good. please somali do not murder the journalists.

    country without journalists is like dark house.
    IF you will keeping murdering the journalists your country will be in dark forever.

    The journalists are helping the govermnet to disseminate the information.

    I know Somali goverment and Khartoum goverment in Sudan are not respecting the international laws.Please the world is watching at you.
    Ruai Malual Jal
    Leer county, Unity state, Southern sudan.

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