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Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

33 SPLA wounded in Jonglei following truck accident

By Phillip Thon Aleu

May 28, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) – At least 33 SPLA soldiers are severely wounded in a motor accident at Pakuaw 3 miles east of Bor Town centre Wednesday May 28 at 2pm. Four (4) soldiers are said by health workers to be in critical conditions.

trunk_turnover_200805281.jpgThe commanding officer blames driver for the accident.

“It is the driver. He started driving poorly from the start,” Major general James Yil Biet told reporters at Bor Civil hospital. Jonglei Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk expressed his sorrow at the scene and at the hospital. “I’m sorry,” he said. The governor, who was speechless, remained with the survivors for three hours.

Soldiers interviewed by Sudan Tribune say the driver had wrong motives. “Jumped out of the car before it capsizes,” a soldier bearing wounds over his arm said at Pakuaw.

While at the scene, in Pakuaw, many soldiers – with minor injuries were being attended to by the United Nation Mission in Sudan (UNIMS) forces. The accident occurred 200 meters from their UNMIS base. The number of soldiers with at least a cut is over sixty.

The convoy of six trucks was heading to Duk County to quell insecurity reports from that end. “They (soldiers) were going to assist in maintaining security at the border of Duk and Wuror Communities,” General Biet added. He said the journey has been cancelled following the inferno.


Meanwhile the coordinator of Duk County has accused Lou Nuer of mobilizing young for new clashes. “Nuer from Akobo, Wuror and Nyirol Counties have gathered at Yuai preparing to attack greater Bor County of Duk,” David Dau Kuany told reporters here (Bor Town) today.

The two communities (Nuer Lou and Duk Padiet) were engaged in fierce exchange of fire on May 17 were over thirty people are said to have perished. Minor attacks then followed over the last twelve days. The situation is said to be worsening day-by-day.

However, the situation is expected to normalize. Commissioner of Nyirol is due to fly to Yuai in an effort to ease the tension.



  • Kim Deng
    Kim Deng

    33 SPLA wounded in Jonglei following truck accident
    The so called disarmament was carried across Greater Upper Nile in 2005 by SPLA. As a result, over 500 from “Jech-in-Bor” and 300 from SPLA side lost their lives including Mr. Wutnyang/Wurnyang Gatkek. Thereafter, the situation was back to normal.

    The big question still ramains,where do these civilians get their weapons while they were disarmed back in 2005? Who to blame for all these mess at the movement?

    SPLA must take action as soon as possible before it is too late for them to bring the hot fire under control.

  • Yuot@nhial

    33 SPLA wounded in Jonglei following truck accident
    What a throbbing episode; I’m sorry for you cherished brothers what you experienced is destructive.

  • Manyieldit

    33 SPLA wounded in Jonglei following truck accident
    I’m sorry to hear that the Convoy who is taking the SPLA troop to Duk county overturn and killed some soldiers and left 33 soldiers wounded, this is a big traggedy, But I have a question whom no one will give me a clear answer, I’m refering this back to 19991 when Dr. Riak has defected from the SPLA and attacked SPLA forces and entire Bor Community living almost 500000 people displaced and 200000 died. when the SPLA sent the reinforcement from Kapoeta to rescue people in Bor, the similar event like this happen, 2 truck overturn killling almost 50 soldiersand one tank was driven in sream by the driver. is this some thing cook or accident? I have a big doubt in this latest inccident, and asking the Governor and Army Cdr to investigate the inccident.

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