Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Africa delegation visit Jonglei in a show of commitment

By Philip Thon Aleu

May 31, 2008 (BOR, Jonglei) — A South African fact finding committee make a brief visit to Jonglei capital Bor Thursday May 29 in what the chief of delegate described as “to show the commitment of our government to development of post war country of southern Sudan.”

The twelve South African officials – mainly from the Department of Foreign Affairs visited prisons, judiciary, schools and health centers to evaluate provision of services and check on Jonglei good governance in a four hour tour within Bor Town.

Earlier, Gabriel Setlhoke, the chief delegate asked Jonglei top officials – including Governor Kuol Manyang Juuk who gathered at the council of ministers’ hall to table the needs of the state and be allowed to interact with legal affairs.

“The idea is to identify some of the problems and engage ourselves in some solutions,” he said asking “what are the needs of the state?”

In response, the governor – who was a bit stuck to arrange needs in priorities said “the state needs a lot and I don’t know where to begin.” He however, managed to table the needs with arms and food insecurities at both extremes.

High unemployment rate among the youth, poor law enforcement due to low number of trained staff, lack of private sectors, lack of electricity, substandard roads, annual flooding that has deny good harvest for years and poor education system were among the prime needs tabled.

The governor did not forget to mention corruption as yet another main challenger.

“Some officials are not transparent and we are dealing with this issue (corruption) seriously,” he said.

Above all, Manyang Juuk warned state officials against hoping for any monetary assistant rather than corrective measures. “It is a matter of time but we shall overcome many of these problems,” he said adding that any correctives steps are welcome.

The governor went ahead to outline Jonglei’s un-used resources due to inadequate knowledge as; excess water, fertile-vast land, enormous cattle, and redundant human labor.

He (governor) calls on South Africa to continue with the usual support of training SPLM leaders and offering scholarship to students.


Having heard enough from the state officials, the South African delegates promised a long term solution.

“If you want to help a man to sustain his life, teach him how to fish,” one of the delegates said.

After a visit to prison, judiciary and other places, the delegates hailed Jonglei for better performance especially the freedom of media, hospitality accorded to them and well managed prisons.

“Jonglei is very unique and one has to appreciate this,” Gideon, a southern Sudan government representative accompanying the delegates told Sudan Tribune adding that “in Torit, they chased journalists away after a brief interaction but here we stay with you the whole day.”



  • Ayup Junup
    Ayup Junup

    South Africa delegation visit Jonglei in a show of commitment
    Thanks to the robust governor of Jonglei state to fully explain the needs of the state with out fear or favour disclosing that there is corruption which should be eliminated.

    Infact, Kuol is not like other governors such as that of central equatoria, Clement Wani who does not like to disclose happenings in his state for they are more irritating. He likes inter-tribal wars and raiding. Mundari are always raiding their neighbours such as Aliap and Bor yet he is quite. When will he show his interest for peace? Is it his last absence in SPLA that has made him to forget that wars are expensive and destructive?

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