Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan

June 7, 2008 (JUBA) — The Ugandan rebels killed 23 people including soldiers and several children in southern Sudan near the border with Congo, the southern Sudan army said today.

Joseph Kony
Joseph Kony
General Peter Parnyang, spokesman for the army, told AFP that the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) guerrillas had targetted the villages of Nabanga and Yamba, two kilometres (12 miles) apart, on Wednesday and Thursday.

“They killed six children and 14 soldiers” in Nabanga before also killing a local chief in Yamba, he said.

The LRA has for the past several years run bases in South Sudan and has also set up bases in northeast of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), from which it has mounted frequent incursions since September 2006.

Its chief Joseph Kony and three of his commanders have been gone into hiding to avoid arrest following warrants issued by the International Criminal Court (ICC) for war crimes and crimes against humanity.

The Ugandan army said on Thursday that Kampala has agreed with its neighbours Sudan and the DRC to attack the LRA rebels if Kony — who insists on the ICC charges being dropped — spurns peace talks.

“The LRA have started war,” south Sudan’s Information Minister Gabriel Changson Chang told Reuters in Juba. “Southern Sudan will not be the place where they can wage this war.”

Chang said his government would decide how to respond. “We do not yet have a definite position on this,” he said.

Kony failed to show up for the signing of a final accord with Kampala on April 10 in South Sudan.

Twenty years of fighting have left tens of thousands dead and displaced two million people, mainly in northern Uganda. Several thousand have also been killed in southern Sudan.


The LRA said still commitment to negotiated peace settlement, and are eager to get back to the negotiating table to resolve the conflict.

The former (LRA) negotiator David Nyekorach-Matsanga told Al-Jazeera TV English Service that he has spoke with the chairman of the rebel movement Joseph Kony who asked him to reassure the southern Sudanese authorities and Uganda of the seriousness and willingness of the LRA to resume peace talks.

He also said that Kong re-appointed him as chief negotiator and explained him the circumstances of the clashes with the SPLA.

Nyekorach-Matsanga said he is in contact with the Ugandan government and seeking to reach southern Sudan government vice-president Riek Machar.

The LRA say they riposted to attack by the Sudanese soldiers.



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    I don’t believe this in my view,in fact these are just a free zone of South were dinkas and LRA are considering it as their pit latrine for throwing waste products,why should we lose those 23 lives in South particularly in a secure and beautiful place like Western Equatoria.This is absolutely a union of LRA and dinkas,were dinkas begining from Uganda,Kenya borders while LRA are from DRC,CAR border and both will meet in Juba to occupy Equatoria.Imagine those of Kiir and Riek has attempt to show a little issue in concern to IDPs and LRA because their intention of supporting those LRA with money and supplying IDPs with guns are the silly secrets which they had planned.My question is if those dinkas were not supported by leaders,why should people like Kiir and Riek were not serious about the burning of Madi houses?and why are they ignoring this issue since Clement Wani has made the bill with those Bari who had lose their plots in Juba.

    Therefore i warn that unless Southern Sudan was design as a home for corruption,than those tribalism people will keep surviving across Sudan.Those people who are putting their eyes on money instead of civilians are the major supporters of all the troubles in our homeland.The capacity if ourselves being enemies to our own people is extremely out of hands,a lot of problems are coming and the number of problems are increasing just for the fact of having people like Kiir and Riek who does not co-operate in their mission.Can anyone imagine this really? LRA,IDPs,Abeyi,NO plates,,here,there,that and this.what are this Goss? where is the law of Southern Sudan parliament if we are independent country? i warn that under those two Goss ministers,nothing will be achieved in South.

    serious and hopefully

  • Majak-da

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    So there we are!

    It is South Sudan where the Ugandans want to use their field.

    I totally reject any coliation that allow Uganda People Defence Forces to hunt for LRA in Southern Sudan instead the GoSS should ask the LRA to go and operate within their territory. Kony wanted to liberate Acholi who are not in Southern Sudan and Uganda Forces defend their nation which is not Southern Sudan. Why should Oyai Deny Ajak aggree to allow UPDF to come and fight LRA in Sudan? Mr. Oyai, don’t you know that when elephants fight the grass suffers? Why not serving our brothers from being smash in Yamba and Nabanga by combined gears of Uganda troops? Those soldiers have no respect for their own people here in Kampala I tell you. If you wanted to know the most careless army, come to Kampala here and I will take you to UPDF barrack.

    Serve Southern Sudanese

  • Ben-Fu

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    Where is SPLA proper I heard so much about in Abyei and Equatoria? SPLA nothing?

    LRA and Abyei are they test for SPLM/A united after their 2nd convention 2008. Show us the real SPLA colors and give hope of the last for 25 years of hard struggle.

  • Gai Chol Paul

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    IT is realy the direction leading no where,SPLA defeated by Missiraya in Northern Bhar el Gazzle,defeated by SAF in Abyei,killed by LRA.where is what so called SPLA proper?it could have been better if the name change to SPLA Money instead. if the SPLA was so weak like this the struggle could have not been acheived.we defeated our enemy troops so many time that led to CPA.if we were coward like today, Bashir couldn’t have accepted peace.I don’t understand why our army is getting so weak while it is well equiped with modern weapons.Does it mean that we are enslaved by GOSS money.to come to the sense we are not doing what is expected of us.The leaders are not commanding soldiers,soldiers are not obeying commands because we have lost the direction.Let me advice the Army Generals,don’t over stay in Juba without supervising your duties.Let’s not strictly rellies on money,it is just pieces of paper.

  • Gai Chol Paul

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    IT is realy the direction leading no where,SPLA defeated by Missiraya in Northern Bhar el Gazzle,defeated by SAF in Abyei,killed by LRA.where is what so called SPLA proper?it could have been better if the name change to SPLA Money instead. if the SPLA was so weak like this the struggle could have not been acheived.we defeated our enemy troops so many time that led to CPA.if we were coward like today, Bashir couldn’t have accepted peace.I don’t understand why our army is getting so weak while it is well equiped with modern weapons.Does it mean that we are enslaved by GOSS money.to come to the sense we are not doing what is expected of us.The leaders are not commanding soldiers,soldiers are not obeying commands because we have lost the direction.Let me advice the Army Generals,don’t over stay in Juba without supervising your duties.Let’s not strictly rellies on money,it is just pieces of paper.

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    Let the Equatorians now defend themselves and Dinkas should not involve themselves because they say that they are able to defend themselves. I am very happy of this attack of LRA and the only thing I dislike is having killed innocent people who long for Dinkas to defend them instead. If LRA are brave rebels who can fight, why can’t they come to try Bor, who are experienced rebels instead of disturbing defenseless people like Equatorians? I personally don’t call it an attack but they wanted food which selfish equatorians refused them. Why do they dodge Nimule were there are many Dinkas if the fact is not that they despise Equatorians? Equatorians are badly behaving people full of hatred and that is why LRA has known their hatred.

    Why do you refuse a peace treaty of another country to be discussed in your region when others such as Kenyans welcomed sealing of Sudanese CPA in their country yet it is because of the peace that you are in Sudan after running from Arabs without turning your back?
    Equatorians should know that war (Equatorians’ vice) is not over that they should fit themselves as citizens of New Sudan. They should be prepared to run at any time.

    Riek is the particular person who is sitting on every thing. He will sell Sudan like Joseph Lagu who was bribed with a girl and money to decline in complaining rights of southerners. There is no need of saying Wani ,Wani, wqani… What will he do since he is an Equatorian?

    I feel out of senses to see LRA killing our people yet they are not rebelling against us. What do they want? Our leaders have to be series. We are not ready to hear some one dying of gun shoot while there is no war in Sudan. That is not how Equatorians should taste death of gun shoot. We shall use them in next time to defend us as their brothers but not to die for no good reason. Riek must stand warned!

  • 13012 boy
    13012 boy

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    My God! this is something incredible, I mean i cannot believe wether these are the real SPLA soldiers who were fighting the government troops.

    Recently they were defeated by Messeirya
    Again they lost the battle to the government troops in the same Abyei and now they lost 14 soldiers to these LRA.
    Screening must be executed so that the true SPLA of 1983-2003 is restored, the current SPLA Comprises all the people of southern Sudan something which i believe was not there during war.
    many people ran to Uganda and had just shortly returned and joined the army just because of money.
    SPLA should remain the SPLA

  • Gatnath

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    Dear my Southern Sudanese fellows!

    Let us know this, the failure of SPLA/M is the failure of all of us, as we are indeed the SPLA/M!

    Why are we trying to destroy the moral or self-confident of our armed forces?? Do we forget that it could be negatively exploited or used against them by their enemies or foes!!

    What kind of words do we say when watching our hero boxing or playing any tournament or competition against her/his opponent? do we say come on you can make it or ha ha ha you are being defeated, weak ????

    Please be realistic about the fact that SPLA/M is you, and her defeat and humiliation or victory is yours as well don’t you think so??
    Let all of us call for the militarization of our defense forces, let our GoSS recruit young and healthy ones, let the existing army be retrained, let them be fed, well equipped and well look after, as they are the lookout of our nation and her people!! let all of us stand behind our armed forces no matter what!!

    God bless Southern Sudan,

    Gatnath, London-UK.

  • Gatnath

    Ugandan rebels kill 23 people in southern Sudan
    Guys!! Why tribalism at this crucial time, when we are desperately in need of the unity of the efforts of our southern brothers and sisters than ever before, given to the current situation we are heading into, with northerners reflecting their muscles in South north boundaries and LRA trying to destabilize our region at the far south (Southern Sudan-Uganda border)!!

    If any one thinks that Equatorians are well- off without the people of Bhar Al-Gazal or Upper Nile Regions and vise versa, I will be stunned by that kind of ignorance, as I believe that there is no southern Sudan without Equatorians or people of greater Upper or Bhar Al-Gazal!! Together we make a stronger and flourish Southern Sudan!!

    I suppose those of you, who are calling for the disunity of our people are indeed none-southerners, who are just aiming to cause confusion amongst our one people!! I doubt the authenticity of those who are behaving like equatorians and try to discriminate themselves from South Sudan, and the same thing to those who are abusing Equatorians by pretending that they are from Dinka, Nuer, or murle among other tribes!

    I think those are not from our southern people, I suppose those elements are the enemies of the unity of Southern Sudanese, and I believe they are sent to cause confusion and hatred amongst our one people by the foes of our unity!!!

    Please don’t allow those to succeed in preaching hatred among you, our country needs the unity of its people, no one tribe’s efforts will ever liberate southern Sudan from the grip of the die-hard north, so, be united so that we can be strong enough to liberate ourselves if we get it wrong this time there is a great likelihood that we will never free ourselves from the grip of North as they she gets stronger everyday!! Chinese WEAPONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Keep a way from the tribal fire as it can burn!! let us think unity, as united we are stronger!!!

    Gatnath, London-UK

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