Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army to boost defences against Ugandan rebels

June 9, 2008 (JUBA) — South Sudan will send more soldiers to the region bordering Democratic Republic of Congo to guard against further attacks by fugitive Lord’s Resistance Army rebels, officials said on Monday.

The SPLA already has 3,000 troops in Western Equatoria State, where LRA fighters killed 23 people including 14 southern Sudanese soldiers in a raid last week that underlined the collapse of two years of peace talks hosted by the south.

“Instructions have been given to the headquarters of the SPLA to increase their presence,” southern Interior Minister Paul Mayom told Reuters. “The LRA have proved to be a danger.”

Mayom said the extra deployment was aimed at protecting civilians in the area who have often fallen victim of the LRA, which is notorious for mutilating its victims and abducting thousands of children as fighters, porters and sex slaves.

He said SPLA forces would not leave southern Sudan.

“We are ensuring they do not come into our country,” Mayom said. “The war is in Uganda. They are supposed to be in Uganda.”

Uganda’s two-decade war uprooted 2 million people and also destabilised neighbouring parts of oil-producing southern Sudan and mineral-rich eastern Democratic Republic of Congo.

But most of the LRA’s forces now operate out of hidden camps deep in the thick Garamba Forest of northeastern Congo.

Their elusive leader Joseph Kony, who is wanted for war crimes by the International Criminal Court, failed to appear on the DRC-Congo border in April to sign a final peace deal.

Uganda, Sudan and the DRC have agreed to launch a joint military offensive against the rebels if Kony does not return to talks. But analysts believe such an attack would carry big risks for the forces involved, and would be likely to fail.

Mayom said the difficult terrain in the region — which is one of Africa’s most inaccessible corners — made it hard to keep track of LRA fighters who move quickly on foot through the bush and are hardened from their long guerrilla campaign.

“You would be lying if you said you were absolutely sure there were none in southern Sudan,” he said. “Any number can easily penetrate.”



  • Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy
    Mr Famous Big_Logic_Boy

    South Sudan army to boost defences against Ugandan rebels
    Good to hear this unity of UPDF,SPLA and FARDC to chase bloody Konyi from disturing our people,let him go and join his partner NCP in northern Sudan not bullshiting in our beautifull nation of Southern Sudan.But one is that,SPLA,UPDF and FARDC must be careful when intending to take action against LRA in fact this will bring a big mystery to our local civilian perticularly Equatorians.And i recommand that,there is no need for giving Riek money to supply with his LRA who are turning against Southerners.Those LRA and IDPs are the worst people on the earth i ever seen in life and soon nor later,i think that their prevention is easy and simple.Keep the Spirit SPLA.Our region is ours No parasite who are causing a great damage to our environment and people.

  • Justin Chicago opiny
    Justin Chicago opiny

    South Sudan army to boost defences against Ugandan rebels
    Opportunity knocks once at every man.s door.Kony was given that chance of bringing a lasting peace in nothern Uganda and he blew it after Mr. Machar tried his very best untill the eleveth hour that Kony did not appear for the signing of the vital document that was more than Penicillin as far as the war in northrn uganda is concerned that also spread to other neibouring Countries.

    This time kony should not be given a chance The Spla should also put enough soldies in eastern Equatoria along the lobone and Owiny ki Bul corridor and also in CES to block them from crossing the Nile.If it means taking his head to Museveni that would be of a blessing to the entire region.The trio,s Armed Forces should comb Garamba park to the grass root.Peace negotiations is the only way out for you to come out of the bush.Come out of the bush it is not the best place to be.We need peace, and peace alone in the region.

  • ngwerajak

    South Sudan army to boost defences against Ugandan rebels
    Hallo everyone.
    Mr Logic, what you should know first between the LRA and IDP are the route and what are they issues behind the IDP. First Equatorial belong to south Sudan and that is why sons and fathers of those in the IDP given their live to died in your region, their struggle is what brought CPA and without them some people like you could not have a fair to claim the region. Your words are always division and you should watch out for spreading destruction you are making. Because you do not know the history of IDP, it came as resulted of Bor massacres in 1991 when the enemies of the South Sudan Dr. Riak and Lam stabled the movement at the back that force the people to came to SPLA strong hold after it was liberated by the Dinkas you always talks about. Please stop misusing the web and enjoyed the freedom brought to you by Dinkas and Nuer who belong to Gen. James Holz, so that you live the way you are living. Otherwise LRA belong to Uganda and you better join the Arm force or arming your community to fight them.
    Coming to Konyi, I think the LRA leader is more cleaver than Dr. Riak and Lam, who signed the fools Agreement with Khartoum in 1991. The agreement initiated by fool produce no fruit and if it does than that is death. Riak gave money to his friend Konyi, is that an agreement or personal support for his long term friend. The Agreement Riak initiated does describe how that LEADER Konyi should position and his own protection before he agree to sign and if he was like his friend Riak who Signed fools agreement without questioning the contents, he could have sign it and I credited Konyi of being wise than Riak and that will teach Riak on how to evaluate the agreements before signing them. Ngwerajak

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