Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

South Sudan urges focus on security and humanitarian situation not mediators

South Sudan's Acting Foreign Affairs minister. Deng Dau Malek (City Review photo)

South Sudan's Acting Foreign Affairs minister. Deng Dau Malek (City Review photo)

June 20, 2023 (JUBA) – South Sudan has thrown its support behind a peace proposal advocating direct talks between the rival leaders of Sudan, proposed by the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD).

In an interview with Sudan Tribune on Tuesday, the Acting Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of South Sudan emphasised that his country is not concerned about who should mediate the talks but rather with addressing the security and humanitarian situation in Khartoum and other war-affected regions since the conflict erupted in April 2023.

“The urgent question now is not about who should mediate. The critical question now is for the security situation to stabilize so people can resume their normal economic activities. This is our stance as a country and as leaders. The primary concern is for peace and stability to be restored in Sudan,” said Deng Dau Deng Malek.

Minister Malek participated in the virtual meeting of the IGAD Quartet Group on June 19, 2023, during which they agreed to implement a roadmap endorsed by the 14th summit of the IGAD heads of state and government.

The roadmap provides to bring the two rival military leaders to participate in a meeting with the leaders of the quartet group, Djibouti, Ethiopia, Kenya and South Sudan, to end the fighting. Afterwards, they would facilitate an inclusive intra-Sudanese process to reach a political solution.

Khartoum’s military-led government rejected the IGAD quartet’s Kenyan leadership, threatening the whole process, but Nairobi seems resolved to ignore the Sudanese veto.

The participants in the quartet meeting said they agreed to work collectively and adopted a step-by-step approach to resolving the conflict in Sudan.

They further agreed to prioritize the realization of a face-to-face meeting to address key issues such as the cessation of hostilities and the delivery of humanitarian aid.

A communiqué issued after the meeting also welcomed the Jeddah process and the recent 72-hour ceasefire agreement facilitated by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United States of America.

The meeting endorsed the launch of an all-inclusive political process hosted by the Republic of Kenya in mid-July or the first week of August 2023.

The process aims to achieve sustainable peace and a peaceful transition to democracy and civilian rule.

Furthermore, The meeting also approved the appointment of an IGAD Special Envoy for the Republic of Sudan, as presented by the IGAD Executive Secretary and approved by the IGAD Council of Ministers, to coordinate and lead mediation efforts.
