Friday, October 18, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport

June 10, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – The Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) said that a Sudan Airways plane crashed at the end of its flight number 109 from Amman via Damascus at Khartoum Airport.

A_Sudanese_airliner.jpgThe Airbus carried 203 passengers and 11 craw members, the CAA said on Tuesday evening.

The Sudanese authorities said they are unable to provide the exact number of the human causalities and a head counting operation is going on. However the CAA said in a statement that more than one hundred passengers are save.

It also published a list including the names of rescued passengers.

The Airbus landed normally but Front-wheel of the plane exploded and it veered off the runway and then burst into flames. The airplane’s fuel caused the explosion of the crashed plane, passengers said.

The crashed plane had already tried to land at Khartoum Airport but due to the rains and poor weather the Airbus landed at Port Sudan and then resumed its flight to Khartoum.

The plane was full of passengers who received medical treatment in the capital of Jordan Amman where Sudanese go for treatment. Many rescued passengers said elders and children remained in the plane because they were unable to move.

Around one hundred passengers were killed following the incident. However, there are conflicting reports about the exact figure of the causalities. The CAA said it would release later the exact number and names of the crash victims.

This is the second incident for the national carrier. On July 8, 2003 a Sudan Airways Boeing 737 crashed near Port Sudan killing 115 people after reporting technical problems, leaving a two-year-old boy as the sole survivor.

In recent years, there have been no major civil airline disasters in Sudan, but a number of military planes have crashed.

A sandstorm was blamed for an accident in April 2002 that killed 14 senior officers, including the deputy defense minister who directed the war against rebels in southern Sudan.

In Upper Nile State in February 1998, a military plane crash killed the first vice president, General al-Zubair Mohammed Saleh, and 25 other people. The accident occurred at the airport at Nassir, in the southern part of the state, when the plane missed an emergency landing.

In June 1999, 50 people, including six officers, died when a military plane crashed as a result of an unspecified technical problem in the eastern state of Kassala, near Ethiopia, the authorities said.

On July 30, 2005 a Ugandan presidential helicopter transporting the former First Vice-President John Garang crashed while he was on his way to southern Sudan from Uganda after paying a visit to President Yoweri Museveni.

On May 2, 2008, a Beech 1900 came down near Rumbek killing everyone on board including South Sudan army minister Dominic Dim Deng and Justin Yac Arop, GoSS presidential Adviser for Decentralization.



  • James James
    James James

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    Oh hell

    My condolences to the families of those who lost their lives in that horrible plane crash.

    For the sake of our holy land, Sudan government need to stop spending 80% of our national income on buying war-planes, governmet better begin to make Sudan sky safe by hiring well qualified engineers and inspectors.

    May almighty father take the souls of those who pass to his right hand side, Amin.

    God bless.

  • Moses Kur Akech
    Moses Kur Akech

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    On the basis of the past aviation incidents Sudan has the poorest aviation history in the continent of Africa if not the whole world. This doesn’t indicate that Sudan doesn’t have financial capacity to modernise its aviation industry but the truth of the matter is what James touched in his comment that Sudan has been spending a lot of its income in purchasing war planes from Russia and China. Truly, in the last two decades and half Sudan has been focusing on building military sector in order to withstand and succeed in the warfare with the Southern rebels (SPLA/M).

    However, Sudan is contemporarily pursuing the same notion of building military capacity the very apparent instances of this notion are the recent military corporations/deals signed by the regime with foreign countries (China, Iran and Russia) which are paradoxically under undemocratic rules.

    The question is will these growing tragic incidents change regime’s behaviour to invest a lot more on other sectors such as education, health, aviation and so forth? I answer no as long warfare continues in the country millions of dollars from public funds will still ineradicably pour into military sector. For this regime to retain its rule in the country they have to have robust military capacity to withstand attacks from those being oppressed by the tyrannical/dictatorial rule. It seems to me that the warring parties Darfur rebels and even the South will not give up until regime changes its illegitimate domination which has been raging for over five decades since the country declared its independence from Britain. These tragic incidents are reminding all Sudanese political parties such as SPLM to invest more on aviation to improve maintenance’s capability and to stop purchasing obsolete planes but the modern ones to avoid what Kiir called ‘dumping ground’. All of these will improve if Sudanese people unite and vote for the Democratic Party that would take reasonable care to avoid all kinds of foreseeable risks such as planes crash etcetera.

  • Kideopo Boy
    Kideopo Boy

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    This is really shocking news to all the Sudanese. On July/08/2003, Sudan Airways Boeing 737 crashed after it took off from Port Sudan Airport killing all passengers on board accept the young infant. At that time I heard our government over the media blaming the USA government because of luck of spare parts to be purchase from the US due to the sanctions. Now the same thing has repeated. Who is to be blame this time? The USA,Pilot or the Tower Controller?. Who authorized the Pilot to take OFF from Port Sudan Aiport to Khartoum since it was still raining heavily in the capital? It will be better for the GOS to sign contracts with Countries to import Spare Parts than signing contracts with Countires importing arms. May God rest their Souls in Eternal Peace and heal the wounds of the injured.Amen.

  • Majak-da

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport

    The relatives to the victims need to take heart because plane crash has become part of our life in Sudan.

    President Omar came to the power after killing hundreds. During first 13 years, he was engaged in killing true sons of the Sudan- the black people mostly in the south. Now it is time another death roll increase beacause our president is a bad luck.

    Sorry for having death loving leader!

  • The Wiseman
    The Wiseman

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    Sory to have lost our fellow citiens of Sudan in the plane crash. It is bad that dying in a plane crash is advancing to civillians. The first vice president Zubair died in a plane crash in 1998, another first vice president died in 2005 while ministers I can not count also died. if these is a tragic that wants Sudanese leaders, why cann’t Omar also die of plane crash since most of the old planes used are through him except the Ugandan helicopter which killed Dr. Garang. People who are potential to the whole Sudan are dying while the person who is the sole engineer of conflicts in Sudan does not come in to only contact with the soil, not far reaching death, what a hell with Omar? a leader who has killed many Sudanese directly or indirectly!

  • Tim Kilimo
    Tim Kilimo

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    Hope that Omar el Bashir was in that plane so that he feel and taste death. He has been murdering many Sudanese and he is always alive. there are many air, bus and rails crushes in Sudan due to old planes being use for transportation because the country can not afford to buy new and efficient planes because Omar el Bashir is using public money to fund his genocides and wars cross the greatest large country in Africa which is suppose to be the pride of Africa. But due to Bashir murdering policy, Sudan is a death valley. If an innocent Sudanese escape death from the bullet, he would be assured that the next death awaiting him is either air, road or rail accident due to poor transportation system. But God is great one day Bashir will soon meet his death and Sudanese will be free. It is sad that the evil ones dont die but the Good ones are the ones who always perish, what a shame!!!Bashir is worse than Saddaam Hussein because of his crimes he has committed against his own brothers across the great land of Sudan.A rich nation in resources like Sudan should by this time be giving countries like UK, France and even the US a competition in all aspect of the Economy, but one man has been an obstacle and refused to grant the great Sudanese people that previledge of enjoying their resources and decided that instead of letting them enjoy their good life in their country he is going to turn them against each other so that he is the only one to benefit from his own sponsored wars and genocides. If God hears prayers and if Allah hears prayers, Omar el Bashir will meet something else to deal with him. The pain beared by the young ones is unbearable and the pain beared by helpless old ones is also unbearable. I hope soon Omar will be gone and the public funds will be use in improving transportation, development and and schools and health etc.

  • youngdinka

    Sudan Airway Airbus crashes at Khartoum airport
    al bashir man can’t you like ever think to stop of buying weapons and air planes to kill southerners istead of buying model planes for the public,

    well keep on buying the model weaponarys and air forces and navies
    for sudan natives people SPLA/M,SLA/M,JEM AND EASTERN SUDAN MOVEMENTS to whip/overthrow your ass and your people (arabs and muslimists) with the new weapons and air wars you boought from China and other arabs countries to SPLA uses against arab.

    one day on time you / your terrorists generation will be no longer from sudan. drink and re-drink the oil before it the right time to get rid and get overthrow (arabs and ncp) by SPLA/M,JEM,SLA/M AND EASTERN SUDAN or before you get murder by the native of sudan SPLA/M OYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEEEE.

    dears the victim of plane crashed sorry you have lose your lives of following wrong greedy porns dumb leader albeshir.

    may god save your souls all. but you muslimist dont believe in god.

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