Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Sudan to ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebels

June 10, 2008 (KHARTOUM) – Sudanese Justice minister announced that he will ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebel leaders accused of involvement in the foiled attack on the capital last month.

JEM_Khalil_Ibrahim.jpgIn 2006, the Sudanese government had already asked the Interpol help to arrest some Darfur rebel leaders: Khalil Ibrahim, Ahmed Ibrahim Darij, Sherif Abdallah Harir, Adam Ali Shuqar, Abdallah Bandah Abkar, and Adam Bekhit Abdel Rahman. All these names are included in the list of the wanted persons in the Interpol website.

“The government began procedures to retrieve 20 of the leaders of the Justice and Equality Movement through Interpol,” Justice Minister Abdel Basit Sabdarat told the parliament on Monday.

Sabdarat named JEM leader Khalil Ibrahim as well as JEM chief negotiator Ahmed Tugod, spokesman Ahmed Hussein Adem and deputy chief of staff Suleiman Sandal as some of those sought for the May 10 attack on Khartoum’s twin city of Omdurman.

He also said that preparations are going on to open special courts next week to try an unspecified number of people accused of taking part in the JEM attack,

The Minister of Justice said the prosecutor had received more than 57 defendants among 197 defendants, and will be brought to three courts of the total five courts where each court to prosecute a number of them.

Following the attack, Khartoum said it would seek to put the rebel group in the list of terrorist organisations of the United Nations. Sudan says the rebels killed 34 civilians during the attack.

He further said they had collected 83 documents listing the names of people involved in the attack and details of “sleeping cells.

There is no international consensus on the definition of terrorism. However the UN and the USA and other countries have their list of terrorist individuals or organizations.



  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    Sudan to ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebels
    Bible says ,don’t leave the log in your eyes and say to your brother, let me remove the pick from your eye.You are hypocrite ,remove the log in your eye first ,then you will see more better.It sound hypocritcal when the Sudan minister for justice order the Interpol to arrest JEM leaders.the JEM are better then the Khartuomers themselves.Mr.Abdel, it is too far of you to release this word ,you are moreless better than them.I don’t understand why you are called minister for Justice while there is no justice in you.Khartuom ,you better learn from the world of wisdom.what I heard from the Republic President calling ICC terrorists organization.Is Ali Osman Taha not number six in hierachy of al_Qaeda laedership?.pliz let’s not critize those who are better than us,instead of giving thank to them.Shame on Bashir and his allies.

  • Kur

    Sudan to ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebels
    I think the man who called himself Justice Minister of Sudan knows very well that who is supposed to be arrested. Haroun must first go to jail if there is justice in the Sudan. You cannnot arrest the victims while leaving the real criminals at large. That is not justice. No body will arrest Khalil. You must know this.


  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    Sudan to ask Interpol to arrest 20 Darfur rebels
    Your request for arrest of Darfur rebels is quiete a stupid ideaology compared to current political violence in region of Darfur. Attack of Khartoum by JEM rebels is completely minor compared to Genocide committed by Sudan goverment in the region.

    For your information dear minister of INJUSTICE’ mind very well that INTERPOL is not foolish security organization to look for innocent Freedom fighters like Dr. Khalil Ibrahim and the rest.

    FIST of all hand Mr. Mohamed Haroun and Kashab to ICC otherwise, your request is nothing.

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