Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

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Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis

June 11, 2008 (Beijing) — Chinese president urged today the Sudan to settle Darfur crisis by fulfilling its commitments with regard to the deployment of the hybrid peacekeeping force in Darfur and to accelerate the peace process with the rebels.

President Hu Jintao
President Hu Jintao
Hu Jintao made the remarks when he received the visiting Sudanese Vice-President Ali Osman Mohamed Taha who ended a three day trip to China on Wednesday.

Hu said the three parties — the Sudanese government, the African Union (AU) and the United Nations — should fully play their roles to deploy the hybrid UN-AU mission at an early date, the Chinese media reported.

He also said that the peace process is necessary for a lasting settlement of the five year conflict. Many UN and western officials say there is no peace to keep currently in Darfur. They also say the peacekeeping mission should stop the violence in the region in order to create conditions to engage the political process.

Sudan “should push forward the peacekeeping mission and political process in a balanced manner, quickly restore political negotiations and strive to ensure the talks achieve substantial progress”, he added.

China which a close all to Khartoum and often criticised for its support to the Sudanese government over Darfur, used to say that it is attached to the principle of non-intervention in the internal affairs of states.

The Chinese president also called upon the international community to offer assistance to the Darfur region, especially aid for development.

According to the UN estimations around 300.000 people were killed and more that 2.5 millions are displaced during the five years conflict in western Sudan region of Darfur.

Sudanese Vice president Taha expressed appreciation for the important role of China in pushing forward the resolution of the Darfur issue. He also thanked China for sending peacekeeping forces and offer of humanitarian assistance and aid for development in Darfur region.

He further pledged to cooperate with the UN and AU to deploy the hybrid peacekeeping mission and push forward the peace process in Darfur. He also vowed to work with China to enhance bilateral relationship and cooperation.

Yesterday China and Sudan signed eight economic agreements some of it deals with agricultural cooperation. Sudan hopes that China would provide a strategic support to increase its agriculture production by training Sudanese, supplying gears and building the infrastructure.



  • Ajuong

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis
    uuu! uuu!

    It is meaningless to air out your voice about the calming of the situation in Sudan in general not even Darfur for you have greater hand in the atrocities that are happening in Sudan. The trading mechanism you are doing on us is being looked upon by God. In fact your statement is the most useless thing that can make any Sudanese to vomit since it is totally empty and full of greediness over our natural resource(oil). We know you man and I would like to advise you that you better stop delivering such unwothy concern. I wish I were there near you, I would have bit you with my teeth if ever I don’t trust my hands either.

  • Uncle Louish

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis
    Dear Hu,
    Whereas your comments and pledges for a sustainable peace in the rampaged Darfur region meet international recommendations, we do not seem to forget the fact that China is, too, behind the scandals. Look, you are only urging and pledging for peace but not contributing to the realisation of peace and when it comes to the drilling of economic assets in Sudan, you are the first to invest! So, stop blindfolding the innocent Sudanese in Darfur to imagine that you are there for them when, in actual sense, you are for your own economic gains just like other Western nations! Let Bashir and the associates push on with the massacre of innocent Dafurians and when they are done, they will join Saddam Hussein in the army of notorious, the gods of themselves. Kiir, should remain aligned to GOSS and those aspiring for peaceful united Sudan where peace emanates from the inner most of souls.

  • Deng Ajok Deng
    Deng Ajok Deng

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis

    It is now wrong time for chinese to bring any change to the situation in Darfur. you mr.Hu, you better go back to Hongkong instead of waisting your time here. You chinese with your companies in khartuom, you are the main catalyst to this conflict in the whole of sudan. Otherwise, you are already cursed by the innocent people who lost their life because of their rights. We know that you came here to support bashir and you are now pretending that you are coming for peace. Your present is worse than your absent. you china, for you to come with an accurate mediation. Then, you need to change your dirty politic which is full of exploitation as the measure goal.
    Go back, your voice is nothing mr.hu.


  • kou panamel
    kou panamel

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis
    Deng Ajok or Deng Joooo!!!!

    Why can’t you understand the interest of the chinses in Sudan?

    Are you not like the fishermen along the Nile who recently mourned the death of late Dr John Garang in the 1/1/2008 as thier first time to have heard his death?

    Please shut up and admit the truth. you are too young in politics and media usage.


  • Gatnath

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis
    Chinese well with your samll eyes I don’t think you are seeing clear enough!! but I want you to pay attention on this message!! We Southern Sudanese and other black Africans of the republic of Sudan, are the owners of this country!! Arab that you seem to please are just only 30% of sudanese puplation and the oil that causes you to behave that way is accually orginating from the balck part of Sudan!! reassess your policy before it is too late!! i.e. if you suply north with weapons and we defeated them, then that will be your end in Sudan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, think twise

  • Gatnath

    Chinese president urges Sudan to settle Darfur crisis
    Chinese!! well with your samll eyes, I don’t think that you are seeing the matters clear enough!! but I want you to pay attention to this message!! We, the people of the Southern Sudan and other black Africans of the republic of Sudan, are in fact the owners of this country, Sudan!! Arab that you seem to please, are just only 30% of sudanese puplation, and the oil that causes you to behave that way is accually orginating from the black part of Sudan!! Please, reassess your policy before it is too late for you!! i.e. if you suply north with those heavy weapons and it happen that we defeat them, then that will be your end in Sudan !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so, please think twise about your policy that is always with North Sudan!

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