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Sudan Tribune

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UN urges funds as health crisis hits 4 million displaced in Sudan

A crowded ward at a hospital in El Fasher in Sudan's North Darfur region, April 19, 2023 (AFP photo)

A crowded ward at a hospital in El Fasher in Sudan's North Darfur region, April 19, 2023 (AFP photo)

UN Urges Funding Amid Health Crisis for Over Four Million Displaced by Sudan Conflict

August 8, 2023 (KHARTOUM) – The United Nations issued an urgent plea on Tuesday for increased funding to address a growing health crisis affecting over four million Sudanese individuals who have been forcibly displaced due to the ongoing conflict in Sudan.

The UN’s call comes as health conditions deteriorate in refugee camps, border entry points, and transit centres within Sudan and neighbouring countries.

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) is deeply worried about health conditions in Sudan’s refugee camps, stressing the need for immediate action. Resources are stretched thin, especially in White Nile state, where essential supplies are lacking and health services are strained.

Displaced families, dealing with food and medicine shortages, face rising malnutrition and disease outbreaks. Tragically, over 300 deaths, mostly children under five, have occurred due to measles and malnutrition between May and July. Without timely funding, this toll could rise further.

Shortages of healthcare staff and attacks on medical workers have impacted care quality. White Nile’s analysis shows a startling ratio of 70 patients per clinician per day, well above recommendations. Disrupted supply chains worsen medicine scarcity.

Cholera and malaria risks escalate due to rains and inadequate sanitation. Neighbouring nations are also grappling with similar healthcare challenges. In South Sudan, insufficient funding led to 57 child deaths, with 15 in the past week. Chad’s medical response is strained.

UNHCR and partners are scaling up efforts, deploying staff, distributing medical kits, and increasing vaccinations. Relocation aims to prevent overcrowding. However, immediate donor support is vital.

Over four million Sudanese are displaced within Sudan and neighbouring nations. Funds are urgently needed; only 29% of the required $566 million for the Regional Refugee Response Plan (RRRP) has been received. The inter-agency response in Sudan is only 24% funded.