Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports

By Wasil Ali

June 22, 2008 (WASHINGTON) – Sudan’s senior presidential assistant Minni Arcua Minnawi arrived in Ndjamena after a week-long disappearance that led to speculation that he defected from the government of national unity.

Minnawi1.jpgA source speaking to Sudan Tribune by phone from Ndjamena on condition of anonymity said that he met with Minnawi who was expressed anger “in very harsh language” at the ruling National Congress Party (NCP) for not implementing the Darfur Peace Agreement (DPA).

“Minnawi said he managed to slip into Chad despite refusal by Khartoum to let him visit” the source said.

But Sudan News Agency (SUNA) quoted the general Secretariat of Darfur Transitional Authority headed by Minnawi that he is in Darfur and did not visit Chad.

Minnawi has gone missing for 45 days but it was believed he was in Darfur.

Sudan broke off diplomatic relations with Chad Last month, blaming its neighbor for a foiled rebel attack by Justice and Equality Movement (JEM) against the Sudanese capital.

Minnawi was supposed to travel to Ndjamena last January but had to cancel it after Chadian rebels staged an attack against the capital to oust President Idriss Deby.

Exactly two years ago the Sudanese government has signed the DPA with the Sudan Liberation Army (SLA) faction led by Minnawi who was appointed as the senior assistant of the Sudanese president in August of the same year.

However, Minnawi’s faction persistently accused the NCP of ignoring the implementation of the DPA.

The source said Minnawi declined to confirm whether he defected or what his next step is, but that he felt that “he [Minnawi] is there to stay”

Earlier today Sudan Tribune contacted a number of Minnawi’s aides who were unable to confirm his whereabouts. Some said that he was in Abu-Gamar in North Darfur.



  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    BREAKING NEWS: Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports
    It is a great shame on Minnawi,have you not agree with what the JEM leaders are complaining about?It is realy true this Bashir government is a government by lies.If Minnawi is realy human being,why did he signed fool agreement with Bashir activists?.Pliz Minnawi don’t isolate yourself from your fellows Darfuris due to shame you brought to them.pliz get repented and you will be forgiven.Fight for the right of your tribe.

  • factual guy
    factual guy

    BREAKING NEWS: Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports
    Minnawa, I did not know that you can think like an idiot.
    Why do you leave your country on which you have all powers to stay? If it is because the agreement (DPA) is not implemented by the NCP, why don’t you follow diplomatic ways of solving problems rather than running to Chad?
    Will you remain in Ndjamena or you will come back to Sudan which you had left?

    I know you are the kind of people whom women have taken over powers at home.
    You are not a real Sudanese and let me sensitize the Darfurians to forget of Mr. Minnawi as a key liberator as far bringing peace to marginalized people of Darfur.

    Shame on you should you come back to the left Sudan.
    Weak hearted people like you should not have been born to patriotic citizens of Sudan. I advice you to remain in Ndjamena, otherwise coming back to Sudan may betray our names to those women (Arabs) of no historical background in Sudan.

  • Deng

    BREAKING NEWS: Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports
    Mini Minawi is the Dr.Riek of Darfur. They all signed the Fools Agreements. They all knew that their agreements would be ignored but the fools do not understand the easy way.

  • Wilson Kur Lual
    Wilson Kur Lual

    BREAKING NEWS: Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports
    Every decision associated with selfishness,fear and foolishness always bring shame.

    Manawi’s DPA agreement brought shame on him and now going astray like dog. he don’t know what to do even where to go becuase he lose’s dignity and popularity as a freedom fihgter for the right of Darfur people.

    Now MR. Manawi change your mind early and joint JEM like DR. Riek Machar who rejoint the SPLM/A and simple was forgived like house wife who committe adultery.


  • Henry Makuei
    Henry Makuei

    Darfur peace partner arrives in Chad amid defection reports
    Any way stitch in time saves nine Minawi must be encouraged to joint his mate or comrades in Darfur peacefully and solve Darfur issue peacefully with Sudan government instead of attacking Khartoum a gain. it is clear this time all the Sudanese people knows that our government of NCP is myopic to peace and democracy in the country and I supported the SPLM/A idea of no going for war instead to defeat this government by ballot boxes not because they are strong military but due to their matual ignorance to suffering of innocent civilance on the ground. so, I call upon the marginalised Sudanese to see the NCP not the Arabs or Muselims as their enemies. I believe this fundamental strategy will help us out of this mess.

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