Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Sudan Tribune

Plural news and views on Sudan

Sudanese authorities ban a novel dealing with Darfur atrocities

June 23, 2008 (PARIS) — Sudanese authorities confiscated an Arabic novel dealing with Darfur atrocities under the pretext that the Canada based publisher had failed to obtain the appropriate permission

The Key Publishing House said in a statement issued yesterday that Sudanese security confiscated a novel (Desirable Glance) written by Yagoub Adam Saed Al-Nour because it failed to produce the appropriate documented permission for the book

The Desirable Glance narrates the frustration of the hero “Nour Al-Din” who tries to understand “the unimaginable horror that transformed his beloved country into the current political dilemma.”

“The crux of this eloquent novel explains the how, why, and what motives govern the decision making process in Nour Al-Din hopeless homeland and his hope for new beginnings.” The Key said in its statement.

The publisher refuted the claims of the Sudanese authorities saying its representative had obtained all the legal permissions for the book from the Censorship Department, Ministry of Culture, Youth, and Sports, The Federal Council for Literary and Artistic Work.

Despite constitutional guarantees for the respect of freedom of expression in accordance with the Interim National Constitution, Sudanese authorities continue to control the media and the content of printed publications.

Last Thursday, Ajras al-Huriya, an independent newspaper suspended work saying censorship by authorities had made it impossible to function. The deputy editor of the daily told Reuters that “the security elements are replacing the role of the editor-in-chief.”


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  • Gai Chol Paul
    Gai Chol Paul

    Sudanese authorities ban a novel dealing with Darfur atrocities
    What the hell of a government is basing in Khartuom?They are not even feel ashame about what is stipulated in CPA .CPA gives freedom of press to any citizen provided it does not have falsified statement.This confiscation of novel will not give you any good image in the world.Very soon the ICC will entangle you like chicken .you will face the music of your deeds.

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