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Sudan Tribune

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South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense

By James Gatdet Dak

June 26, 2008 (JUBA) — A senior military officer of the southern Sudan army defended the SPLA’s White Paper on Defense endorsed by Juba parliament this week saying it was a policy established in accordance with the provisions of the peace agreement, national and regional constitutions.

SPLA_soldiers_smoke-2.jpgMajor General Kuol Deim Kuol, Chairman of Sudan People’s Liberation Army (SPLA) White Paper on Defense Committee on Thursday, in a press conference at the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, said the SPLA had the constitutional right in all forms to transform from guerrilla fighters into a conventional army.

Kuol argued that the specific objective of the document is to guide the transformation of the SPLA into a regular, professional, non-partisan modern army that is appropriate, adequate, accountable, affordable and operationally effective.

The general explained that the document that took the SPLA more than a year to develop it to its final draft was exposed to a wide range of regional and international consultations during its development and that it covers the areas of mission, roles, command and control, training, logistics management, welfare, education and resource management in the army.

The main aims of the Defense White Paper are to “define the Government of Southern Sudan’s policy on defense; inform the Sudanese people, the partners of the Government of Southern Sudan, the neighbouring states and the international community about the defense intent of the SPLA,” the document reads.

The Defense policy document stipulates that the SPLA shall be organized into both active and reserve forces, and that the active forces shall consist of a Ground Force supported by Air and Riverine units.

The reserve component will consist of those reservists who will be called upon to serve along side their regular colleagues on operations in times of crisis.

The policy document, particularly on air force, prompted reactions of disapproval from the Ministry of National Defense in Khartoum.

The spokesperson for the Ministry reportedly told the daily Al-Ahdath that the SPLA was subjected to numerous limitations per the Comprehensive Peace Agreement (CPA) signed in 2005 between North and South.

“The SPLA is not allowed to carry out military operations or any other activities” SAF Lieutenant Colonel Al-Sawarami Saad said.

“The SPLA is only allowed to conduct training within the joint forces” he added.

The Chairman of the Security and Public Order Committee in the Southern Sudan Legislative Assembly, Deng Monydit, said the endorsement of the White Paper on Defense by the parliament marks the launching of the policy, adding that the document is not a military strategy but a public document.

He further pointed out that the document gives the SPLA a legal right and authority to go shopping for logistics any where in the world.

MP Monydit acknowledged the difficulties faced by the SPLA in paying the salaries to the forces despite the 40% allocation of the Southern Sudan annual budget to the army.

He blamed the situation on the Other Armed Groups (OAGs) that joined with the SPLA in accordance with the Juba Declaration of 2006, saying they joined the SPLA with ‘too big’ numbers that “overwhelmed” the mother SPLA.


The policy document also articulates that the mission of the SPLA shall be to defend the Interim Constitution of Southern Sudan; protect the people of Southern Sudan; secure the territorial integrity of Southern Sudan; and defend Southern Sudan against internal and external threats and aggression.

The roles and functions of the SPLA according to the document are to:

– a) serve as one of the Armed Forces for the Sudan;
– b) serve as the Armed Forces for the Government of Southern Sudan;
– c) protect the Comprehensive Peace Agreement;
– d) provide forces to the Joint Integrated Units (JIUs);
– e) participate in command and developing the Common Doctrine for Sudan National Armed Forces;
– f) provide assistance in maintaining law and order within the legal framework of Southern Sudan;
– g) at the direction of the Government of Southern Sudan, coordinate with regional militaries on security issues;
– h) participate in international security operations through the provision of peacekeeping forces;
– i) provide assistance in disaster management whenever directed by the Government of Southern Sudan; and
– j) Participate in the reconstruction of Southern Sudan infrastructure.



  • Deng Thiak Adut
    Deng Thiak Adut

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    The “white Paper” stipulates exactly what Southern Sudanese citizen been waiting for long time. The political force behind the “White Paper” is a political win situation. As Gatdet Dax mention, that SPLA the Southern Government had or has difficulties to purchases any military equipments anywhere…thus the “White Paper” is a passport to modern arms that now we can purchases them, with no restrictions. Thank You South Sudan Parliament for taking this opportunity to show that you care for your citizen welfare, peace and good government of the South. Further, other nations might approach the South Government to makes military deal just like Khartoum is doing with China.
    Legally, South Sudan has right to self-defence, and in terms of capability, we possess only Manpower and short of modernity. From the writer perspectives, Khartoum is concerned about South Government being able to approached any country in the world about defence aids and wont be denied because soon or later South will defect from Khartoum. The Oil and the water’s will constitute second war which might not be politically accessible but militarily achievable. This “White Paper” is a milestone for our Constitutional rights and Khartoum should respect that SPLA now has political back-up and backbone from the people of the South and the world at large.

  • Abuoi Jook
    Abuoi Jook

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    I am strongly aplauded by the strong comment and support of the SPLA spokeman Major Gen. Kuol Diem to the White Paper bill passage for creation of the SPLA Air Force. Southern legislators are coming to their senses and i rather encourage and support further steps to training of army pilots with the starting of owning some military jet fighters in order to fully eguipe SPLA with Modern military capability. well done GOSS , keep it up ! foreward ever, backward never!

  • Grader

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    Did SAF allowed SPLA to purchase tanks for herslef defense in the 80s? If no, then why wanting SPLA to go through you to get its airforce functioning when you go to Iran Russia & China and we keep our mouth shut?

  • Ajuong Ayany De puorgook
    Ajuong Ayany De puorgook

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    These war-mongers in Khartoum must stop shouting .What is wrong if SPLA decided to have Airforce .is it because it will encounter them? GOSS please continue ,leave them alone .

  • Henry Makuei
    Henry Makuei

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    ‘The cracking of the Frog cannot prevent animals to drink’, Northern army should not threat the proposal from southerbn army it is described as a popping of their nose into south affairs. Gen Kuol Dim is telling the truth and I believe this is the best way we can achieve peace in Sudan. during the war, SPLA and NIF used to build up their miliary defences without questioning the other side and why today? SPLA should look this extremist carefuly.

  • Mijocque

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    Never ever surrender to NCP/NIF

    Thank again SPLA for strong wording response to NCP criticism.They don’t want us to own some special Millitary depend they want to keep humiliating us and there is no room for such thing at this period,they don’t know whom they are dealing with otherwise lets keep playing the cat & mouse game till the end.
    My message to SPLM/A & GOSS is never look back keep going.

  • AramanaCaani junuba
    AramanaCaani junuba

    South Sudan army rejects criticism against White Paper on defense
    we will never cease to praise the good work done by our competent MPS and we shall never hesitate to severely condemn and criticize the vices they bring about in the society but for now we have to encourage and give spirit for them to deliver more good and satisfactory service to the citizens.
    the enemy NCP always jubilate when we are weak and defenseless, they can be ‘ARROGANT’at any moment of agreement knowingly we would do nothing if they resort to force .also we should choose wisely the site for the airbase so that it is strategically located and guarantee proper defence,internally and externally as well-highland places perhaps. thanks

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